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John Chiappone Classical Greek Art. PERIODS Archaic: 1,700 - 500 BCE Classical: 500 - 323 BCE Hellenistic: 323 - 146 BCE.

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Presentation on theme: "John Chiappone Classical Greek Art. PERIODS Archaic: 1,700 - 500 BCE Classical: 500 - 323 BCE Hellenistic: 323 - 146 BCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Chiappone Classical Greek Art

2 PERIODS Archaic: 1,700 - 500 BCE Classical: 500 - 323 BCE Hellenistic: 323 - 146 BCE

3 ARCHAIC PERIOD (1700 - 500 BCE)


5 Horsemen 545 BCE






11 Greek Warrior - 490 BC

12 Classical Period (500 – 323 BCE) Kritian Boy

13 K r i t i o s Tyrannicides

14 Myron 480-440 BCE Minotaur

15 Early Classical: Fallen Warrior, Temple of Aphaia, Aegina

16 Myron – Discus Thrower

17 Roman Copy

18 Alkamenes – Discus Thrower

19 Polyclitus - Riace Bronze


21 Zeus

22 Youth of Anticythera - 340 BCE

23 Praxiteles - Marathon Boy

24 Praxiteles (400-330 BCE) Lycian Apollo Intro to Hellenistic Period

25 Hellenistic Period 323 - 146 BCE Polydorus: Laocoön and His Sons Priest Laocoön’s Sons Antiphantes and Thymbraeus being strangled.

26 VENUS DE MILO VENUS DE MILO Alexandros of Antioch

27 Barberini Faun

28 D y i n g G a u l

29 Ludovisi Gaul Killing Himself and His Wife


31 Anadyomene - Aphrodite

32 Boy Jockey and Horse

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