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 The Academic Support Programme for Engineering in Cape Town  Reduced load, increased contact time  Time to slow down, address “gaps”, do “enrichment”

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Presentation on theme: " The Academic Support Programme for Engineering in Cape Town  Reduced load, increased contact time  Time to slow down, address “gaps”, do “enrichment”"— Presentation transcript:


2  The Academic Support Programme for Engineering in Cape Town  Reduced load, increased contact time  Time to slow down, address “gaps”, do “enrichment”  Small class sizes (up to 90 students)  The ideal space for a bridging course?

3  Despite support, students still fail – preparedness, work load, money, housing, etc  Bridging course for at-risk students – 1 st semester – standard course to begin in July  Content: school revision, calculus, vector geometry, problem solving  Not run in 2010: weak indicators, small class, overlap with existing ASPECT maths

4  into a standard ASPECT or into the bridging course  How can we identify those students who would benefit from a bridging program?  Quantitative Research › Better suited to our research question › as a quick positive result would mean possible implementation › Initial phase of research and exploratory in nature  Suite of diagnostic tools

5  Before entry › University entrance points › Grade 12 Maths result › Grade 12 Maths Paper 3 › National Benchmark Tests  Orientation week › Algebra skills test › Approaches to Study Inventory  First 3 weeks › Geometry problem solving › Continuity tests: trigonometry and curve sketching › Class Test 1 (Diagnostic testing in mathematics: Cox, 2001; Lee et al, 2008; Gillard et al, 2010)

6  University entrance points – low correlation  Grade 12 maths – low correlation  Presence Paper 3 – low (no?) correlation  NBT (all three) – low correlation  Algebra skills test – low correlation  ASI – no correlation  Geometry problem-solving – low (no?) corr. (Algebra: Paul, 2005; Manning & Dix, 2007; Geometry: Lesh & Zawojewski, 2007; Laborde et al, 2006; ASI: Entwistle et al, 2002; Entwistle and Ramsden, 1983)




10  Class Test 1 – new work on permutations, combinations, Binomial Theorem – higher correlation  “Continuity” tests – trigonometry and basic curves – higher correlation



13  ASPECT › N = 35 to 54 › A variety of data › Poor correlations  Mainstream › N = 695, data on ~half the class › Very little variety of data › Stronger correlations

14  75% chance of failing

15  The purpose of ASPECT is to provide academic support to students who need it, students who would stand a good chance of failing if they entered mainstream. The lack of correlation between all diagnostic measures and lack of success at maths suggests that this support is working.  A bridging course in ASPECT is not indicated  Possibly a bridging course in mainstream is indicated? (run by AD staff?)

16  Need more and better diagnostic tools, which then need to be piloted  Further analyses of existing data  Debate bridging course versus greater support in mainstream course  Debate bridging course versus more students in ASPECT  Wider system debate: ASPECT model adopted by mainstream (5 years) with accelerated stream (4 years)

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