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Ouer intervieuw about the European Union.. We intervieuwd adults and children.

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Presentation on theme: "Ouer intervieuw about the European Union.. We intervieuwd adults and children."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ouer intervieuw about the European Union.

2 We intervieuwd adults and children.

3 Questions for children at the age of 11,12 yaers old: 1.Do you know what Europe is? It’s a part of the world with lots of countrys. It’s a part of the world and we are living in it. It’s a continent.

4 Questions for children at the age of 11,12 yaers old: 2. Do you know a couple of European countries? Russia, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Spain, etc. The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Belgium, etc. Poland, United Kingdom, etc.

5 Questions for children at the age of 11,12 yaers old: 3. How many countries counts the Europe? About 30. About 11. About 40.

6 Questions for children at the age of 11,12 yaers old: 4. Do you know how tha European flag look like? It’s blue with yellow stars in a cirkel.

7 Lots of countries, lots of flags.

8 Questions for adults: 1.What is the meaning of the EU? It’s a coöperative nation to get a better economy. It’s an agreement for trade partners in Europe. EU is European Union.

9 Questions for adults: 2. How many countries counts the European Union? 35 52

10 Questions for adults: 3. Since when are The Netherlands a democracy? I’ll think about 1900. I believe that it started in the beginning of the 20th century. It must be in the 19th century.

11 Questions for adults: 4. Since when are The Netherlands a member of the EU? From the beginning. The Netherlands participate from the beginning. From the biginning, after the second world war.

12 Questions for adults: 5. How do you think about the EU? It have got good things and bad things. It is good because it will stabelize the economy whitin it. It’s good because goverment leaders talk together in stead of fighting.

13 Questions for adults: 6. What do you think about the European constitution? Yes Yes I agree with the constitution because of the cooperation between coutries.

14 House of parlement.

15 Questions for a special group, our teachers: 1.What is the meaning of the EU? A organisation from countries. 2. How many countries counts the European Union? 20 3. Since when are The Netherlands a democracy? Very long. 4. Since when are The Netherlands a member of the EU? From the beginning, after the war from 1960. 5. How do you think about the EU? Perfect. 6. What do you think about the European constitution? Yes, because a country as The Netherlands is to small to stand alone.

16 Questions for a special group, our teachers: 1.What is the meaning of the EU? European Union. 2. How many countries counts the European Union? 36 3. Since when are The Netherlands a democracy? 1646. 4. Since when are The Netherlands a member of the EU? From the beginning 1960. 5. How do you think about the EU? Good. 6. What do you think about the European constitution? No.

17 Intervieuwers: Djoeke, Florian, Chaima, Olga.

18 This presentation was made by: Djoeke Dekker. Florian Zuiderveld.

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