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 You will pick a time period that we have studied this year and fill in the information the following ways.  Must include 3 events from each of the.

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2  You will pick a time period that we have studied this year and fill in the information the following ways.  Must include 3 events from each of the following categories:  Political, Economic, Social, Artistic, Religious.

3  You must have at least 15 events.  Events may include: wars, legislation, people groups, Leaders coming/leaving power, books written..etc.  Write the date/events and a summary/significance of each.  Put the events in chronological order.

4  Draw a picture that accurately depicts 10 events.  Include fashions and food of the times. Ex. Neolithic Era- meat  On Friday we will turn in our projects and have a Culture/ERA tasting with the foods you bring from your time period.  NO TWO TIMELINES SHOULD BE ALIKE!!!!!

5  Needs to be colorful and on half a poster board  You will have some time to work in class and some out of class. Make sure you are using your time wisely

6  Due Date: Friday May 20, 2011  (NO timelines will be accepted after due date!) MONDAY: pick ERA, pick 15 dates & start research. TURN IN TO BARKSDALE TUESDAY: continue to research WEDNESDAY: have pictures drawn and info being put on poster board THURSDAY: finish up FRIDAY: TURN IN & CULTURE/ERA DAY

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