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History in the Social Studies Curriculum. Life is lived forward, but it is understood backward Soren Kierkegaard.

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Presentation on theme: "History in the Social Studies Curriculum. Life is lived forward, but it is understood backward Soren Kierkegaard."— Presentation transcript:

1 History in the Social Studies Curriculum

2 Life is lived forward, but it is understood backward Soren Kierkegaard

3 Without an understanding of the past, citizens cannot make decisions regarding, political, moral or social issues wisely. The past does not remain behind us as we create the travels along as a guide to direct our behavior, decisions, and lives.

4 What is History?

5 a narrative of significant events from the past in the order in which they occurred, along with an interpretation of their causes and effects.

6 a systematic course of action to interpret evidence to compose narratives of the past.

7 subjective, told from a point of view, involving personal selection and interpretation

8 Why is History Important? Children’s interest Self-recognition through understanding past (sharing a common memory) Civic responsibility as adults (NCSS, 1994; NCSS, 1998)

9 We study history to……. Make sense of the past. (Historical Understandings) See through the eyes of those who were there. (Perspective) Study historians interpretations (Historical Thinking)

10 What Should Students Know or Be Able to Do? Historical thinking is central to teaching and learning. Students should become more competent as historical thinkers as they progress through elementary school

11 Includes: Chronological Thinking –before, after, sooner, later, early, yesterday, tomorrow, etc. –Sequence of events –Timelines Historical Thinking Sense of Time

12 Historical Comprehension –Recalling information organize, understand, and remember important details. –Summarizing what they hear or read –Interpret main idea –Predict outcomes –Cause and effect –Inference skills

13 Historical Analysis and Interpretation –Read historical narratives Distinguish fact from opinion Purpose for writing (inform, persuade, entertain) Judge a source –trustworthy –Source an expert –Info up-to-date –Source impartial

14 Historical Research Capabilities –Examine primary and secondary sources Written Images Artifacts –Special collections –Living museums –Photos/paintings –Newspapers/Journals Oral Testimony –Guest speakers

15 Historical Issue Analysis and Decision Making –Review dilemmas of individuals from the past –Decision making activities (role-playing) –What would you do if…..

16 To Summarize

17 Children should be able to.. Use the inquiry process to ask questions, observe, analyze, examine, and reach conclusions Understand concepts over time Appreciate history through stories Understand the lives of people from the past

18 What does the Curriculum Look Like?

19 Includes… Holiday Curriculum Theme Based Trade Books Biographies Historical Fiction Non-Ficition

20 Holiday Curriculum Common for schools to be decorated for holidays

21 Theme-Based Early Colonies Independence Famous Americans Historical Sites Native Americans

22 Trade Books Biographies/Autobiographies –Lives of real people Historical Fiction –Gives insight into the way of life in our culture

23 Non-Fiction –Put yourself into event

24 Resources http://www.teach- om-washington-to-obama-in-4-minutes.html om-washington-to-obama-in-4-minutes.html

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