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Cooperative Energy Projects Number of projects in cooperation with international and local institutions Introduction of Photovoltaic systems (JICA).

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5 Cooperative Energy Projects Number of projects in cooperation with international and local institutions Introduction of Photovoltaic systems (JICA). Module manufacturing (CEL/INDIA). Assistance in rural electrification (UNDP). Training course for engineers for 13 Arab countries (ESCWA). Training course for engineers in Yemen republic. Integrated Design for Energy Conservation Using Photovoltaic (Aleppo Unv./SSRC)




9 Integrated Design for Energy Conservation Using Photovoltaic Solar radiant & the PV Room Fan Fresh air Sun Light

10 الغرفة المراد تدفئتها المروحة و غرفة المزج الإشعاع الشمسي الشكل النهائي للاقط الكهرشمسي ذ


12 Bio-mechanical Projects Stresses distribution around various dental implant models “Analytical Study” Stress Distribution On Various Dental Implants Models "Analytical Study The Metallic Coronary Stents: Design and Technological Property





17 Innovation Projects to addressing food security 1)Improved seeds: including those derived through biotechnology, have the potential to make a major contribution to increasing crop yields, Drought- tolerant crop varieties 2)Integrated pest management: produce quality crop yields with techniques that minimize environmental impacts. Pest outbreaks can thus be prevented or limited, by developing and using green mechanical, biological, chemical and other controls. 3) Judicious fertilizer use, Biofortification and biofertilisation 4)Improved water management 5)Leveraging information technology (IT) for agriculture development 6) Soil Conservation 7)Enzyme applications in food production (Bioprocesses)


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