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Equity Release Options for Vulnerable Homeowners Research Project Doug Wright -November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Equity Release Options for Vulnerable Homeowners Research Project Doug Wright -November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equity Release Options for Vulnerable Homeowners Research Project Doug Wright -November 2007

2 Aims and Objectives Aim: maximise number of homes occupied by vulnerable people that are made decent Objectives – To stretch limited public sector capital resources by recycling more back into the loan fund – To lever in private finance to supplement public resources – To make use of the equity in people’s homes – To be able to offer affordable products that vulnerable people will want to take up – To investigate delivery options – To ensure good quality advice

3 Products Examined Capital and interest repayment loan Interest only loan Equity share loan, e.g. property appreciation loan (PAL) Discounted PAL Interest rolled up loan

4 Regulation Financial Services Authority regulates all first charge mortgages Consumer Credit Act governs other lending Two levels of FSA approval; information and advice LAs and RSLs exempt from regulation Concerns about miss-selling loans

5 Delivery Options RSL subsidiary model, e.g. ART Homes Intermediary agency model, e.g. Houseproud Community Development Finance Initiative model, e.g. Wessex Reinvestment Trust RSL model Equity Swap, e.g. London Rebuilding Society

6 Private Finance No commercial lender wishes to lend to vulnerable individuals Only option is for public funds to be ring fenced into a loan fund and for private finance to be levered in Max ratio public to private is 70:30 Only two agencies in partnership with private sector; ART Homes, WRT Private lender require significant volumes of loans

7 Recommendations - 1 Suite of loan products should be introduced External organisation should deliver loans and lever in private finance Organisation should be FSA regulated up to ‘advice’ standard RSL subsidiary delivery model should be adopted Should engage with GLA to establish sub- regional or regional loans delivery agency

8 Recommendations - 2 Boroughs to adopt a loans first, grants second policy and aim for common policies Aim for implementation of recommendations by March 2009 Interim pilot scheme to trial PAL in one or more borough

9 Questions for Workshop Do we agree with the recommendations? How should we take them forward?

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