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VRML virtual reality modeling language. what is it? standardised (sort of) notation for virtual reality over the web text file (use normal text editor)

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Presentation on theme: "VRML virtual reality modeling language. what is it? standardised (sort of) notation for virtual reality over the web text file (use normal text editor)"— Presentation transcript:

1 VRML virtual reality modeling language

2 what is it? standardised (sort of) notation for virtual reality over the web text file (use normal text editor) bit like a programming language also special world building software

3 how do you use it? you need a VRML viewer –Netscape/IE plug-in –stand alone VRML viewer and a world –find one on the net –write your own!

4 interactivity over the web??? 'world' is downloaded interaction is local –moving within the world links to the web? –can be linked to from web pages –active objects link back

5 versions VRML 1.0 first version 'static' worlds - only viewpoint changes VRML 2.0 animated objects in world tidying up etc. N.B. VRML browsers highly inconsistent

6 VRML file format filename (URL) ends ".wrl” –c.f..html,.gif,.jpg etc. VRML 1.0 first line: #vrml 1.0 ascii VRML 2.0 first line: #vrml 2.0 utf8 can have binary versions too

7 contents of VRML file one or more nodes –general format DEF object objecttype { fieldname value... } –or simply: objecttype { fieldname value... }

8 types of nodes objects that appear in the world –e.g. sphere, cone, cube etc. nodes that alter subsequent objects –e.g. texture, color, transformations nodes that group other nodes –also limit the effect of transformations etc.

9 Examples When you are looking at a virtual world in Netscape you can use: View Menu - Page Source and similar commands in other browsers.

10 sphere #VRML V1.0 ascii Sphere { radius 1 }

11 add colour #VRML V1.0 ascii Separator { # groups things together Material { diffuseColor 1.0 0 0 # red green blue } Sphere { radius 1 }

12 or texture map an image #VRML V1.0 ascii Separator { Texture2 { filename "big_alan.jpg" } Sphere { radius 1 }

13 a cone #VRML V1.0 ascii Separator { Material { diffuseColor 0 0 1 # bright blue } Cone { height 3 }

14 put them together... #VRML V1.0 ascii Separator { Separator { # for sphere Texture2 { filename "big_alan.jpg" } Sphere { radius 1 } } Separator { # for cone Material { diffuseColor 0 0 1 # bright blue } Cone { height 3 } }

15 transform... … Sphere { radius 1 }... Transform { translation 4 2 0 # 4 to the right and 2 up } … Cone { height 3 } …

16 putting bits together simply several cuboids texture mapped with wood grain and with a photo.

17 again and again WWWAnchor { name "" description "Alan's home page" WWWInline { name "alan.wrl” } } include other VRML files add hyperlinks

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