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Theology Revision Lesson __th May 2010. The Theology Exam Your Theology exam will take place in the time you usually have your Theology lesson. It will.

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1 Theology Revision Lesson __th May 2010

2 The Theology Exam Your Theology exam will take place in the time you usually have your Theology lesson. It will last 45minutes. You will be expected to revise all that you have learnt this year. You will be tested on: Christology Theology - The Nature of God Pneumatology -The Study of the Holy Spirit The Life and Works of Paul

3 Words and definitions 1.A message from God 2.People who give such a message 3.Existing forever 4.Statement of belief 5.Christ or Anointed One 6.God Choose from: creedMessiah divineprophets prophecy eternal

4 More words and definitions 7. A shadow or promise of the Messiah to come 8. Christ appears 9. God appears 10. Right belief 11. People without right beliefs Choose from: christophanytheophany hereticstypeorthodox

5 Who was it? a)The priest who was excommunicated for claiming that there had been a time when Jesus did not exist. b)The man who “struggled with God” and lived. c)The man who met a man with a sword before the battle at Jericho. d)The king who saw four men walking in a fire. e)The man who was going to sacrifice his son. f)The creature whose blood was on the door frames of the Israelites’ houses in Egypt.

6 Finding Jesus in the Old Testament Each of these pictures recalls something in Psalm 22 which then happens on the cross. What is it? How do you explain this? Give at least TWO explanations.

7 The nature of Jesus – human or divine? List 5 ways in which the Gospels say he was human. List five ways in which the Gospels say he was divine.

8 Titles of Jesus Which title is it? e.g. a. Messiah a.Jesus: anointed to rule over God’s people. b.Jesus has the attributes of God. c.Jesus is human. d.One of the earliest Christian confessions of faith. It was used of God in the Old Testament and of the Roman Emperor. e.Jesus saves people from sin f.It is either true or it is blasphemous.

9 Keywords (1) Theology- The ___1____ of God LORD When LORD is written in capital letters in the Bible it shows that the __2_ of God is being used. Analogy A form of reasoning in which one thing is inferred to be ____3____ to another thing in a certain respect even though they are different. Samuel, son of ____4_____. As a young boy he was sent to live and work with the Priest Eli. God used him as a ____5_____.

10 Keywords (2) TabernacleA __ 6_ _ that was used to house the Ark of the Covenant in the time before the __ 7 ___ was built. ShilohThe place where the Tabernacle was when _8__ was priest. JobA good man that endured great ___ 9 ____. ProdigalA person who is ____ 10 ____.

11 Keywords (3) Ark of the Covenant A gold covered __ 11 __that represented God’s presence in a special way. It contained the two __ 12___ on which were written the Ten _____ 13 ________.

12 What do we know about God … from analogies in the Old Testament –e.g. “The Lord is my Shepherd” from the story of Samuel –e.g. God answers prayers – because … from the story of Job –e.g. God allows people to be tested – because … from the story of the Prodigal Son

13 The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament The Holy Spirit came upon individuals: –Bezalel was given _________. –Samson was given ________. –Gideon was given ___________. –Isaiah became a ____________.

14 The promise of the Holy Spirit How did what happened on the day of Pentecost fulfil the prophecy of Joel?

15 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Can you think of an example from the Bible of the following gifts? Wisdom Word of knowledge Faith Healing Miracles Prophecy Discernment of spirits Speaking in tongues

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