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IS restaurant Ivan Mudronček Bernard Badó Petr Vévoda.

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Presentation on theme: "IS restaurant Ivan Mudronček Bernard Badó Petr Vévoda."— Presentation transcript:

1 IS restaurant Ivan Mudronček Bernard Badó Petr Vévoda

2 Basic goals 1/3  We would like to keep a record of dishes ordered by customers and compare ingredients consumption with their estimated amount for each dish, also punish employees according to company rules when there is undeniable difference during their shift.

3 Basic goals 2/3  So the restaurant decided to start customer loyalty program. This program should work on giving a restaurant card to a customer who, had already eaten in the restaurant. With that card, customer can eat food in the restaurant with 10% sale. He can also collect points when he eat at the restaurant.

4 Basic goals 3/3  We also care about our customers so when there is something that concerns you, you can leave note at our web page or in designated mailbox in our restaurant and our skilled staff will soon consider your complaint or idea of improvement.


6 ER diagram

7 Customer record – structured english  IF customer NOT IN customer info THEN INSERT customer INTO customer info  IF customer = customer.order processing THEN UPDATE customer info (points++)  INSERT rating INTO ratings  IF customer IN customer info THEN RETURN customer.customer info

8 Customer record – flow chart

9 Customer record – decision table

10 Use case

11 Class diagram


13 Scenario for Customer registration  Use case purpose: This use case provides the ability to register customer into IS restaurant to gain benefits.  Actor: Customer

14 Scenario for Customer registration  Optimistic flow:  A. Actor request registration.  B. System sends appropriate form.  C. Actor fills form with his name, password, address, e-mail and sends it.  D. System creates new record for customer in customer database with zero customer points.  E. System sends notification about successful registration.

15 Scenario for Customer registration  Pragmatic flows:  Conditions triggering alternate flow:  Condition 1: Incorrectly filled registration form.  D1. System sends notification about incorrectly filled fields in registration form.  D2. System prompts actor to correct it.  D3. Actor fills form correctly and sends it.  D4. If form is filled correctly, perform step D.  D5. Else, perform step D1.

16 Scenario for Customer registration  Condition 2: Customer name and address already exists in customer database.  D1. System sends notification about already existing name and address.  D2. System prompts actor to change name or address.  D3. Actor change name or address and sends it.  D4. If form is filled correctly, perform step D.  D5. Else, perform step D1.

17 Thanks for your attention

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