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Formulating Arguments and Improving Speaking Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Formulating Arguments and Improving Speaking Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formulating Arguments and Improving Speaking Skills
Logic and Debate Formulating Arguments and Improving Speaking Skills

2 What is Logic? Merriam Webster: “the science that studies the formal processes used in thinking and reasoning” Key Words Science, studies Formal Thinking, reasoning

3 Informal Logic Used to assess and analyze arguments Process:
Identify claim/argument Analyze support and evidence Identify logical fallacies: break downs and incorrect structuring of arguments and beliefs

4 Fact vs. Opinion Facts are more trustworthy than opinions
Facts can be checked Use facts to support arguments Opinions are not trustworthy Avoid using opinions in arguments Everyone has different opinions

5 Fact vs. Opinion Activity:

6 Sequence of Events If sequence is not logical, it can cause confusion and inaccuracies Chronological order Use transitions Examples? At first, then, suddenly, next, after

7 Sequence of Events Activity

8 Cause and Effect Shows relationships between events
This happened because this happened Use transitions Examples? Due to, because, therefore, consequently, so, since, because of, but

9 Cause and Effect Activity:

10 Preparing for a Debate Topic Take a stand Research
Sources to support your argument Sources should be credible and reliable (facts not opinions) Structure your argument

11 Structure of Argument Claim/Argument Reason Reason Reason Evidence

12 Speaking Skills Make note-cards Look at the audience
highlight key words for emphasis Look at the audience Speak loudly, slowly, and clearly Avoid mispronunciations and stutters Shows lack of confidence, lack of vocabulary knowledge Be aware of body movements Distracting, shows nervousness or lack of focus

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