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CSAP’s Western Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.

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Presentation on theme: "CSAP’s Western Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSAP’s Western Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies Funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention

2 What is a “CSAP’s CAPT”? The Centers for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) are CSAP funded projects since 1997. Five regional centers - CSAP’s Western CAPT now serves the border region along with 17 states and territories.

3 Goals of the CAPT CSAP’s CAPTs assist in bridging the gap between research and practice in the field of substance abuse prevention. Visit to visit CSAP’s National CAPT web site (products and links to each regional web site)


5 CSAP’s Western CAPT Products Web site on “Building a Successful Prevention Program” “Best Practices and Promising Practices” Booklet “Tip of the CAPT” “Prevention Talk” “Talking to Your Kids about Alcohol”

6 More Products “Developing Healthy Communities” “College Courses for Substance Abuse Prevention” “Community Readiness” “How to Make Prevention More Powerful” “Smoke-Free Work Sites” Research-Based Literature Reviews

7 CSAP’s Western CAPT Trainings Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training Summer Institute for Addiction and Prevention Studies Service to Science Academies Substance Abuse Prevention – Community of Learners (On-line)

8 National CAPT Products & Trainings Under Development National CAPT Briefs Coalition Building Evaluation Fidelity and Adaptation Evidence-based Prevention Sustainability

9 For More Information on our Products and Trainings Download free copies of our products!

10 For On-line Course Information

11 To Subscribe to our Listserve, Visit Click on “Products” This is the best way to find out what we’re up to!

12 CSAP’s Western CAPT “Building a Successful Prevention Program” web site This web site provides tools and information on program planning Click on “Planning and Best Practices”

13 Seven Steps to Building A Successful Prevention Program 1.Increase the readiness of the community 2.Assess the levels of risk factors and protective factors in the community 3.Translate data into priorities 4.Examine the resources in the community that are reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors

14 Seven Steps to Building A Successful Prevention Program (continued) 5.Focus efforts 6Use “best practices” and “guiding principles” 7.Evaluate

15 SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework 1.Profile needs, resources, and readiness 2.Mobilize and build capacity 3.Develop a comprehensive strategic plan 4.Implement evidence-based prevention programs and develop infrastructure 5.Monitor, evaluate, sustain and improve

16 Strategic Prevention Framework Tool: SAMHSA’s Prevention Platform

17 Contact Information Denise Grothaus 775.465.9661 I enjoy hearing from you!

18 Questions?

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