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Feedback Controllers Chapter 7.

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1 Feedback Controllers Chapter 7

2 Chapter 7 On-off Controllers Examples Simple Cheap
Used In residential heating and domestic refrigerators Limited use in process control due to continuous cycling of controlled variable  excessive wear on control valve. Examples Batch process control (PLC = programmable logic controller) Solenoid in home heating unit Sprinkler systems Cruise control? Chapter 7

3 On-Off Controllers Chapter 7 Synonyms:
“two-position” or “bang-bang” controllers. e = error = set point – measured variable Chapter 7 Controller output has two possible values.

4 Chapter 7 Practical case (dead band) δ = tolerance
system never reaches steady-state

5 Chapter 7

6 Chapter 7 Three Mode (PID) Controller Proportional Integral Derivative
Proportional Control Define an error signal, e, by e = Ysp – Ym where Ysp = set point Ym = measured value of the controlled variable (or equivalent signal from transmitter) Chapter 7

7 Chapter 7 Since signals are time varying, e(t) = Ysp(t) - Ym (t)
n.b. Watch units!! For proportional control: where, p(t) = controller output = bias value (adjustable) Kc = controller gain (dimensionless, adjustable) Chapter 7

8 Chapter 7 Standards (ISO/ISA) 3 – 15 psi ma 0 – 10 VDC

9 Chapter 7 Proportional Band, PB Reverse or Direct Acting Controller
Kc can be made positive or negative Recall for proportional FB control: or Direct-Acting (Kc < 0) “output increases as input increases" p(t) Ym(t) Reverse-Acting (Kc > 0) “output increases as input decreases" Chapter 7

10 Chapter 7 Example 2: Flow Control Loop
Assume FT is direct-acting. Select sign of Kc so that KcKv > 0 1.) Air-to-open (fail close) valve ==> ? 2.) Air-to-close (fail open) valve ==> ? Consequences of wrong controller action??

11 Chapter 7 Transfer Function for Proportional Control: Let
Then controller input/output relation can written as Take Laplace transform of each side, or INTEGRAL CONTROL ACTION Synonyms: "reset", "floating control" I  reset time (or integral time) - adjustable Chapter 7

12 Chapter 7 Proportional-Integral (PI) Control
integral provides memory of e most popular controller Response to unit step change in e: Chapter 7

13 Chapter 7 Integral action eliminates steady-state error
(i.e., offset) Why??? e  0  p is changing with time until e = 0, where p reaches steady state. Transfer function for PI control Chapter 7

14 Chapter 7 ("repeats per minute") instead of I . For PI controllers,
Some controllers are calibrated in 1/I ("repeats per minute") instead of I . For PI controllers, is not adjustable. Derivative Control Action Ideal derivative action Used to improve dynamic response of the controlled variable Derivative kick (use -dym/dt ) Use alone? Chapter 7

15 Chapter 7

16 Chapter 7 Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Control
Now we consider the combination of the proportional, integral, and derivative control modes as a PID controller. Many variations of PID control are used in practice. Next, we consider the three most common forms. Chapter 7 Parallel Form of PID Control The parallel form of the PID control algorithm (without a derivative filter) is given by

17 Chapter 7 The corresponding transfer function is:
Series Form of PID Control Historically, it was convenient to construct early analog controllers (both electronic and pneumatic) so that a PI element and a PD element operated in series. Commercial versions of the series-form controller have a derivative filter that is applied to either the derivative term, as in Eq. 8-12, or to the PD term, as in Eq. 8-15: Chapter 7

18 Features of PID Controllers
Expanded Form of PID Control In addition to the well-known series and parallel forms, the expanded form of PID control in Eq is sometimes used: Features of PID Controllers Chapter 7 Elimination of Derivative and Proportional Kick One disadvantage of the previous PID controllers is that a sudden change in set point (and hence the error, e) will cause the derivative term momentarily to become very large and thus provide a derivative kick to the final control element.

19 Chapter 7

20 Chapter 7 Automatic and Manual Control Modes Automatic Mode
Controller output, p(t), depends on e(t), controller constants, and type of controller used. ( PI vs. PID etc.) Manual Mode Controller output, p(t), is adjusted manually. Manual Mode is very useful when unusual conditions exist: plant start-up plant shut-down emergencies Percentage of controllers "on manual” ?? (30% in 2001, Honeywell survey) Chapter 7

21 Chapter 7 Digital PID Controller finite difference approximation
where, = the sampling period (the time between successive samples of the controlled variable) = controller output at the nth sampling instant, n=1,2,… = error at the nth sampling unit velocity form - see Equation (8-19) (pn)- incremental change Chapter 7

22 Chapter 7

23 Chapter 7 Typical Response of Feedback Control Systems
Consider response of a controlled system after a sustained disturbance occurs (e.g., step change in disturbance variable); y > 0 is off-spec. Chapter 7

24 Chapter 7

25 Chapter 7 integral action ~


27 Summary of the Characteristics of the Most Commonly Used Controller Modes
1. Two Position: Inexpensive. Extremely simple. 2. Proportional: Simple. Inherently stable when properly tuned. Easy to tune. Experiences offset at steady state. (OK for level control) 3. Proportional plus integral: No offset. Better dynamic response than reset alone. Possibilities exist for instability due to lag introduced. Chapter 7

28 Chapter 7 4. Proportional plus derivative: Stable.
Less offset than proportional alone (use of higher gain possible). Reduces lags, i.e., more rapid response. 5. Proportional plus integral plus derivative: Most complex Rapid response No offset. Best control if properly tuned. Chapter 7

29 Chapter 7 Example 3: Liquid Level Control
Control valves are air-to-open Level transmitters are direct acting Chapter 7

30 Chapter 7 Question: 1. Type of controller action? Select Kc so that
air-to-open valve: sign of Kv? sign of process gain? Chapter 7

31 Chapter 7 Previous chapter Next chapter

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