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Explore Locally, Excel Digitally: Laurel J. Felt, MA PhD Candidate, USC Annenberg NCA Panel: Celebrating COMMunity through Media Literacies 1 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Explore Locally, Excel Digitally: Laurel J. Felt, MA PhD Candidate, USC Annenberg NCA Panel: Celebrating COMMunity through Media Literacies 1 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explore Locally, Excel Digitally: Laurel J. Felt, MA PhD Candidate, USC Annenberg NCA Panel: Celebrating COMMunity through Media Literacies 1 November 17, 2012 A Participatory learning-oriented after-school program

2 Los Angeles Unified School District Discover. Learn. Teach. http://cdn2- yles/large/hash/d1/1a/d11a18e71de 6a70d54f1b949594b7f87.jpg ent_floor_lockers.jpg ONLY 56% GRADUATE

3 Inadequacies Discover. Learn. Teach. Content Time Participation The participation gap refers to “the unequal access to the opportunities, experiences, skills, and knowledge that will prepare youth for full participation in the world of tomorrow” (Jenkins, Purushotma, Clinton, Weigel, & Robison, 2006, p. 3).

4 Participatory Culture Discover. Learn. Teach.

5 4C s

6 New Media Literacies Discover. Learn. Teach. Play Performance Networking Collective Intelligence Appropriation Judgment Distributed Cognition Multitasking Transmedia Navigation Simulation Visualization Negotiation


8 Research Questions Discover. Learn. Teach. RQ1. What is the impact of an after-school program on high school students’ levels of: a. digital literacy skills? b. new media literacies (NML) proficiency? c. social and emotional learning (SEL) competence? RQ2. How can an after-school program for high school students facilitate a culture of “participatory learning”? RQ3. How have participants accepted or transformed our learning goals for this educational program?

9 Explore Locally, Excel Digitally Discover. Learn. Teach.

10 Site Discover. Learn. Teach. 915476575_s640x427.jpg?73b8e21685896c3f2859310aaa5adb253919b641

11 Participants Discover. Learn. Teach.

12 Pedagogy Discover. Learn. Teach.

13 Design Discover. Learn. Teach.

14 RQ1a. Digital literacy skills Discover. Learn. Teach.

15 RQ1b. NML skills Discover. Learn. Teach. Play Negotiation Visualization

16 RQ1c. SEL skills Discover. Learn. Teach.

17 RQ2. Reflection skills Discover. Learn. Teach.

18 RQ3. Hard vs. soft skills Discover. Learn. Teach.

19 Limitations Discover. Learn. Teach. Assessment challenges Outsiders Attendance

20 Future Research Discover. Learn. Teach.

21 Acknowledgements Discover. Learn. Teach. Henry Jenkins Erin Reilly Vanessa Vartabedian Ioana Literat Ritesh Mehta Akifa Khan Kirsten Carthew Jane Kagon Erickson Raif Rich Wu ELED participants RFK Community Schools RFK-LA USC Annenberg Innovation Lab USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism USC Annenberg Fellowship Program Project New Media Literacies

22 Discover. Learn. Teach. Questions? Comments! Laurel Felt

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