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Attention to Detail L.O. – To be able to involve a reader by using a lot of imaginative detail.

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Presentation on theme: "Attention to Detail L.O. – To be able to involve a reader by using a lot of imaginative detail."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attention to Detail L.O. – To be able to involve a reader by using a lot of imaginative detail.

2 Nightmares and dreams Draw a visual representation of a nightmare or dream you have had.

3 ‘The Nightmare’ by Henry Fuseli

4 Level 3Level 4Level 5 Level 6 Use some adjectives to add interest Try to entertain your reader and use the same narrator throughout Use at least three Gothic features Write clear, simple sentences, begun with capital letters and ended with full stops Use adverbs and adjectives to add detail Establish a clear viewpoint (e.g. a narrator) and sense of purpose in your story Use Gothic features Control sentences Develop details using similes or metaphors Maintain a viewpoint and clear sense of purpose throughout the writing Use unusual ways of interesting the reader Maintain a Gothic ‘flavour’ Vary sentences for effect Use some original and very engaging ideas Express and explain opinions, attitudes or feelings in detail Adopt an original viewpoint ‘Grip’ the reader Vary the Gothic form to be original Use varied and complex sentences, sometimes starting with subordinate clauses

5 Level 5 Develop details using similes or metaphors Maintain a viewpoint and clear sense of purpose throughout the writing Use unusual ways of interesting the reader Maintain a Gothic ‘flavour’ Vary sentences for effect Student 1 – Level 5 As I entered the room the moon came out from behind the clouds and flooded the room with a pale, white light. Sarah was lying on the table. She was stretched out, wearing a long, white robe. My heart thumped because she looked dead. Her head was hanging over the edge of the table and one arm was dangling down to the floor.

6 What level would you give this example? Make sure you are using the mark scheme. Student 2 I knew I was too late. In the moonlight coming from the open window, Jane was draped over the bed in the centre of the room. Robed in a beautiful white gown, her head and arm hung peacefully over the table’s edge, but blood had soaked into her outer robe. Her face and neck had a corpse-like paleness. On her body sat a mean and triumphant demon, his grinning shadow printed grimly on the red curtains behind.

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