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Learning the ABC’s and some words that start with them! By: Alyssa Duchon Introduction Lessons Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning the ABC’s and some words that start with them! By: Alyssa Duchon Introduction Lessons Quiz."— Presentation transcript:


2 Learning the ABC’s and some words that start with them! By: Alyssa Duchon Introduction Lessons Quiz

3 Introduction This lesson is for English Language Arts for a Pre-K class Standards: Demonstrate a beginning understanding of links between letters and sounds. Students will go through the lesson seeing letters of the alphabet and then pictures of objects that start with that letter. Then they will take a quiz matching pictures with the letters they start with.

4 Lesson This lesson will teach students the alphabet and some objects that start with the letters they learn! Then they will take the quiz to see if they can match the proper objects and their letters! The Objective of this lesson is to successfully match all objects with the proper first letter!

5 Directions After clicking the arrow on this slide sit back and watch and listen as the slides run through the alphabet! No need to click the next arrows, unless you are in a hurry!

6 Aa

7 Bb

8 Cc

9 Dd

10 Ee

11 Ff

12 Gg

13 Hh

14 Ii

15 Jj

16 Kk

17 Ll

18 Mm

19 Nn

20 Oo

21 Pp

22 Qq

23 Rr

24 Ss

25 Tt

26 Uu

27 Vv

28 Ww

29 Xx

30 Yy

31 Zz

32 Good Job! You finished the lesson now you can go back and do the lesson again, or take the quiz! Here are two more websites for extra alphabet practice! efault.htm efault.htm http://www.fisher- Quizlesson

33 Quiz You will see pictures and click which letter that object starts with! Good Luck!

34 1. Aa 2. Hh 3. Ww 4. Jj

35 Incorrect That’s not the right letter! Try again Back to the Question

36 Correct! Watermelon does start with Ww Next Question

37 1. Bb 2. Kk 3.Pp1. Bb 2. Kk 3.Pp 4. Ee4. Ee

38 Incorrect That’s not the right letter! Try again Back to the Question

39 Correct! Elephant does start with Ee Next Question

40 1.Dd1.Dd 2.Gg 3.Uu 4.Oo2.Gg3.Uu4.Oo

41 Incorrect That’s not the right letter Try again Back to the Question

42 Correct Dog does start with Dd All Done!

43 Thank you for completing the lesson and quiz Now you can go back to the home page Or visit the Citation page Citations

44 Citation All of my pictures are from the PowerPoint clip art The voice used for each letter and word was the voice of Abigail Oyster Games: efault.htm efault.htm http://www.fisher-

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