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SSWH1 The student will analyze the origins, structures, and interactions of complex societies in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500.

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Presentation on theme: "SSWH1 The student will analyze the origins, structures, and interactions of complex societies in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSWH1 The student will analyze the origins, structures, and interactions of complex societies in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500 BCE.

2 DO NOW: If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? Explain your reasons for wanting to visit this place. What types of things do you want to see/do while there? Be prepared to share!

3 WHAT IS A CIVILIZATION? A complex culture with 5 characteristics: 1. advanced cities 2. specialized workers 3. complex institutions 4. record keeping 5. advanced technology

4 WHY DID CIVILIZATIONS FORM? Humans were originally nomads with a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Humans eventually learned to farm, no longer needing to roam in search of food; began to settle in permanent villages -Neolithic Revolution: humans began to domesticate plants & animals

5 CULUTRAL DIFFUSION: Spreading ideas, customs, and technology from one people to another through migration, trade, and warfare


7 FIRST CIVILIZATIONS: The first humans settled near river valleys for several different reasons: 1. Seasonal flooding leaves rich soil for agriculture 2. Irrigation provided continuous water, even in dry seasons 3. Some river systems are great for transportation

8 TIGRIS-EUPHRATES RIVER VALLEY: Located in: the Fertile Crescent (Mediterranean Sea & Persian Gulf) in an area known as Mesopotamia. Civilization is called Sumer; found on the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers Present-day Iraq

9 SUMERIAN LIFE: GOVERNMENT: City-states: city & its surrounding lands & villages Each city-state had a ruler, responsible for keeping citizens safe Enforced laws, collected taxes, kept records SOCIETY STRUCTURE: City-states had a hierarchy 1. High: ruling family, officials,priests 2. Middle: Priests, merchants,artisans 3. Low (biggest): peasant farmers Had slaves Women had no legal rights

10 SUMERIAN LIFE: RELIGION: Polytheistic: belief in many gods Gods control every aspect of life Theocracy: religious leader & political leader are the same person Afterlife: everyone lived in the underworld with no release WRITING: Cuneiform: earliest form of writing Pictures drawn into clay tablets to record economic exchanges, myths, prayers, and laws

11 FIRST EMPIRE IN MESOPOTAMIA: Empire: political unit in which a number of peoples orcountries are controlled by one ruler. Hammurabi, King of Babylon (Sumerian city-state) brought Mesopotamia under his rule Created Hammurabi’s Code (first set of laws enforced & written done)


13 NILE RIVER VALLEY Egypt Trade up and down Nile easily River flooded regularly Egyptians live here

14 EGYPTIAN LIFE: GOVERNMENT: Theocracy (Pharaohs) Pharaohs viewed as gods/humans Pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs SOCIETY STRUCTURE: 1. Pharaohs 2. Aristocrats (Nobles) 3. Middle Class (Merchants) 4. Lower Class (Peasants/Farmers) Able to conquer land due to bronze weapons and chariots; stimulates cultural diffusion



17 EGYPTIAN LIFE RELIGION: Polytheistic Believed in positive afterlife Mummification WRITING: Hieroglyphics: pictures represent objects, sounds, or concepts Difficult to decipher until founding of Rosetta Stone (1799)

18 INDUS RIVER VALLEY: Located on the subcontinent of India Present day: India, Pakistan, & Bangladesh Harappans lived here

19 HARAPPAN LIFE: GOVERNMENT: Found well-organized cities with plumbing, sewer systems, system of weights and measures, that informs historians that a government existed Possibly a theocracy SOCIAL STRUCTURE: Most people were farmers Merchants, traders

20 HARAPPAN LIFE: RELIGION: Clues from statues & images, it is speculated that the Harappans were polytheistic Animals seen as sacred (buffalo & bull) WRITING: Cannot decipher writing so little is known of the Harappans

21 HUANG HE RIVER VALLEY: Also known as the “Yellow River Valley” Located in present day China Oldest civilization in the world.

22 CHINESE LIFE: GOVERNMENT: Kings controlled small areas of land Loyal princes & nobles governed the land for the King Zhou Dynasty ruled with the Mandate of Heaven (divine right to rule) Dynastic cycle SOCIAL STRUCTURE: Royal family & noble warriors Artisans & merchants Majority of people were peasants

23 CHINESE LIFE: RELIGION: Polytheistic King seen as a link between people and gods Confucianism & Daoism created WRITING: Oracle bones (animal bones/turtle shells) Includes characters (written symbols) with each representing a whole word or idea Helped create calligraphy

24 PHOENICIANS Sea traders on the Mediterranean Sea Traded all around continent of Africa Alphabet -needed a way to record transactions -used & adopted by those traded with them(cultural diffusion) Alphabet was phonetic -each symbol represents a sound


26 MONOTHEISM DEVELOPS: Monotheism: belief in one god Originated in Israel Created by the Israelites (Hebrews) with the creation of Judaism

27 JUDAISM: Belief in one god: Yahweh God is present everywhere History & faith are interconnected Torah: most sacred text Recorded events & laws in Torah First 5 books (same as Bible); contains 24 books totaL

28 JUDAISM: Abraham: father of the Israelites Center of religion: covenant (personal relationship with God) Patriarchal Society: *Men head of household *Held all legal and moral authority *Women had few legal rights

29 JUDAISM: 10 Commandments: set of laws that Jews believe God gave through Moses Sabbath: holy day for rest and worship Goal: to get to Heaven after death

30 ZOROASTERIANISM: Zoroaster: Persian thinker Believed in one god, Ahura Mazda Ahura Mazda was constantly fighting the prince of lies and evil Earth viewed as a battleground between good and evil, had to choose sides People would be judged based on their actions when fighting for good


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