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VOCABULARY CASTE - VEDAS - UNTOUCHABLES - HINDUISM - REINCARNATION - KARMA - An inherited social class. Religion developed in Ancient India. Inferior people.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY CASTE - VEDAS - UNTOUCHABLES - HINDUISM - REINCARNATION - KARMA - An inherited social class. Religion developed in Ancient India. Inferior people."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOCABULARY CASTE - VEDAS - UNTOUCHABLES - HINDUISM - REINCARNATION - KARMA - An inherited social class. Religion developed in Ancient India. Inferior people outside the caste system that are shunned by society. Hymns written in the book of knowledge that is the basis of Hinduism. Idea that after death a person’s soul is born into a different body. Idea that a person’s actions determine what happens after death.


3 The Indian caste system has been in use for many years. Still today the values of the caste system are held strongly. It has kept a sense of order, and peace among the people. Indian people all have their own place among each other and accept that it is the way to keep society from disintegrating to chaos.

4 BRAHMINS (TEACHERS, scholars, and priests) KSHATRIYAS (kings and warriors) VAISHYAS (merchants and landowners) SHUDRAS (agriculturists, service providers, and some artisan groups) DALIT "untouchables"

5 The Brahmin The Brahmin are the highest caste, in earlier times they were priests. They have special symbols, such as a white rope and a special haircut. As priests, they can communicate with gods. They mustn't be touched by members of other castes and cannot eat meat because it is produced from violence.

6 Brahmin


8 The Kshatriya The Kshatriya are the second caste, they were warriors and kings. Unlike the Brahmins, or priests, they can eat meat because as protectors they need strength. Today members of this caste are lawyers and politicians. Gandhi was a member of this caste.


10 The Vaishaya The Vaishaya are the third caste and still today the most of them are merchants and landowners.

11 Landowners

12 Fruit Merchant.

13 The Shudra The Shudra are the fourth caste, they were workers and carpenters so they worked for the others.

14 Carpenter Within the caste of Shudra there are many different groups. Duties range from making furniture to building houses. The carpenter shown above is shaping a board to become a piece of furniture.

15 Gardener These men are gardeners and are a part of the Shudras. In this photo, two members of the fourth caste are mowing the lawn with the help of a bull.

16 Washermen are part of the Shudra, or laborer caste. They wash the clothing for all the different caste levels.

17 Potter Potters are a part of the Shudra caste. The potter shown above is making roof tiles.

18 Herdsmen Herdsmen are a very important part of the Shudra caste. The role that they play is respected because they deal with the cows which are considered sacred.

19 The Dalit The Dalit are so low that they are outside of the caste system (outcastes, or untouchables). They have to do dirty jobs, such as cleaning human feces from latrines and sweeping the streets of all kinds of dirt. The outcastes or untouchables, are considered polluted and therefore may never have social contact with other castes or they will pollute the purity of the upper castes. They are extremely poor and have to live in slums and squatter settlements.

20 Untouchable Girls These girls are making dung patties. The dung from cows are taken and made into patties and set out to dry. These patties are then used to be burned as fuel or for heat.

21 Musicians In India musicians are part of the lowest caste, or untouchables. Though their music is enjoyed by many, the act of playing some of these instruments is considered to be unclean because of the saliva blown into the horns.





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