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With a partner, or in a small group, develop one or more geographic questions from each of the following images. Each question should be both geographic.

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Presentation on theme: "With a partner, or in a small group, develop one or more geographic questions from each of the following images. Each question should be both geographic."— Presentation transcript:

1 With a partner, or in a small group, develop one or more geographic questions from each of the following images. Each question should be both geographic and health related, and should be able to be the basis of a health geography research project. Chapter 1 Exercise An Introduction to the Geography of Health

2 2 Anthamatten and Hazen Photo by Heike Alberts, 2006 Chapter 1 Exercise Women collecting water, Morocco

3 3 An Introduction to the Geography of HealthAnthamatten and Hazen Photo by Heike Alberts, 2005 Chapter 1 Exercise Vaccination campaign, Bolivia

4 4 An Introduction to the Geography of HealthAnthamatten and Hazen Photo by Helen Hazen Chapter 1 Exercise Pharmacy window at a cruise ship dock, Belize City, Belize

5 5 An Introduction to the Geography of HealthAnthamatten and Hazen Photo by Peter Anthamatten, 2000 Chapter 1 Exercise Nutrition survey, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

6 6 An Introduction to the Geography of HealthAnthamatten and Hazen Photo by CDC, date unknown Chapter 1 Exercise Malaria control program, Vietnam

7 7 An Introduction to the Geography of HealthAnthamatten and HazenChapter 1 Exercise Witchcraft market, La Paz, Bolivia Photo by Heike Alberts, 2006

8 8 An Introduction to the Geography of HealthAnthamatten and HazenChapter 1 Exercise Communal bathing tank, Bangladesh Photo by CDC / Michael Schwarz, 1975

9 9 An Introduction to the Geography of HealthAnthamatten and HazenChapter 1 Exercise Mineral Lake, Yellowstone National Park, USA Photo by Helen Hazen

10 10 An Introduction to the Geography of HealthAnthamatten and HazenChapter 1 Exercise Shanty settlements, Costa Rica Photo by Peter Anthamatten

11 11 An Introduction to the Geography of HealthAnthamatten and HazenChapter 1 Exercise Photo by Heike Alberts, 2006 Tanning industry, Morocco

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