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Published byAndra Daniels Modified over 9 years ago
Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner1 Elena Wildner, CERN, For WP4 1 2010-06-04
2 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 2 The EUROnu scenarii B = ~6 T, C = ~6900 m, L ss = ~2500 m = 100 BASELINE
2010-06-04 3 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner EUROnu “news” 3 We can now produce enough18Ne ! Low-Q option feasible now, if experimentally confirmed (planned) Enough antineutrino emitters (6He and 8Li ) can be produced EUROnu proposal for production 8Li/8B very difficult Indirect kinematics gas jet target not (yet) a possible option Modifications in 8Li/8B production scenario Direct kinematics case with liquid 3He investigated Not same acceleration scheme as EURISOL FP6 Not fully stripped ions at ECR exit efficiencies lower & RFQs to redo SPS RF has to be investigated Decay Ring re-design (collective effects, optimization for higher nu-rates) 5-10 times more useful neutrinos needed for high-Q isotopes Important work on collective effects (redesign of decay ring…) Impedances “scaled” from existing machines Stability at limit, remedies investigated Radiation (may not scale, but certainly > 3 times) Cocktail approach (WP6) SPS may have difficulties (instabilities)
Milestones 2010-06-04 4 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 4.1Baseline Beta-Beam scenario412 Documentation reviewed 4.2Design of collection device415 Drawings qualified by external expert 4.3Lattice frozen for production ring418 Optics qualified by external expert 4.4New decay ring optics for 8 Li and 8 B421 Optics qualified by external expert 6He and 18Ne, new DR design, new RFQs, parameters have not changed significantly Collection device is designed and assembled, test on collected yields ongoing Basic lattice exists, 6D simulations tool in place, cooling simulations will tune the lattice Deacy ring optics done also for B and Li. Needs adjustments to lower eta (collective effects) We have in addition a new decay ring design giving some extra 10% in neutrino flux. WP Month 4.5 Interim report on reaction channels, collimation and magnet protection 424Report reviewd For 8Li reaction channels are studied, report on EUROnu site. Magnet protection partly studied (report on web) collimation still not studied.
Milestones (contd & Deliverables) 2010-06-045 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 6.3Scenarios for the B and Li Beta Beams6,424 Report reviewed 6.4 Physics performance of all facilities with update of fluxes 6,5,424Report reviewed Results from the barrier bucket study, (B and Li) with very high intensities in the decay ring that we (WP4) have not yet confirmed by calculations (ongoing). For He and Ne we stay with the original basic parameters. New: cocktail approach! Scenarios developed with WP6: RF studies and and collective effects, need to check all machines D8 Collection device construction4 15 Prototype D12 Report on the experimental validation of the collection device for Li-8 4 15 Prototype D13Bunching performance evaluation47Report Device constructed. Reorganization of work, beam extraction only for 2011 Report imminent
2010-06-04 6 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner New associated Partners 6 GSI, Darmstadt (O. Boine-Frankenheim, C. Dimopoulou) Cooling and Internal Gas Targets for production ring STFC (S.Chattopadhyay, G. Burt) Decay ring RF considerations and hardware feasibility Technical University of Aachen, Aachen (A.Stahl) Production Ring lattice. Target simulations for production and cooling Weizmann Institue of Science, Revohot (M. Hass) Isotope production (essentially 6He and 8Li )
Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner Isotope production 2010-06-04 7 TypeAcceleratorBeamI beam mA E beam MeV P beam kW TargetIsotopeFlux S -1 Ok? ISOL & n-converter SPLp0.072 10 3 135W/BeO6He5 10 13 ISOL & n-converter Saraf/GANILd1740680C/BeO6He5 10 13 ISOLLinac 4p616096023Na 19F Molten NaF loop 18Ne1 10 13 ISOLCyclo/Linacp156090023Na 19F Molten NaF loop 18Ne1 10 13 ISOLLinacX13He85211800MgO 80 cm disk 18Ne1 10 13 P-RingLinacX2d0.1602547Li8Li3 10 13 P-RingLinacX23He0.1602546Li8B8 10 11 Experimentally OK On paper, may be OK Not OK yet T. Stora, P Valko, E. Benedetto, E. Wildner… Planned experiments Targets below MWatt is aimed !!! Aim: 2.0 10 13 for low-Q More is possible
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 8 We need Ion Cocktails(1) Less collective effects Collective effects important 8Li and 8B difficult to produce Courtesy WP6
2010-06-04 9 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner The PR, Simulations and experiments 9 Basic lattice and 6D tracking ok, tuning for beta function at target Charge exchange injection to be designed Direct kinematics could give good production efficiencies RF feasable (10 MHz, 300 kV), ACOL cavities Experiment/simulations at ERIT, FFAG solution (larger aperture) Case analysed: For the time being on ice (investments necessary) Using TSR as test bench, analysis ongoing Gas Jet target proposed in FP7: too high density Vacuum problems NEW: Try Direct Production (D. Neuffer) Aachen Univ., GSI, CERN
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 10 8Li X-sections and distributions Comparison between the experimental peak energy at different lab angles and the values (curves) expected from two- body kinematics and different excited states of 8 Li. INFN, Legnaro
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 11 X-sections, Energies and Angles, Li and B INFN, Legnaro
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 12 Challenge: collection device Device commissioned, measurement equipment on line Analysis of collected 8Li, restart of measurements in April Direct kinematics should be discussed Setup and measurements for 8B production and collection ongoing Experiments with 8B in Sept. CRC, Louvain la Neuve
2010-06-04 13 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner The collection device setup 13 7 Li(d,p) 8 Li and 6 Li( 3 He,n) 8 B 7 Li(10-25 MeV) and 6 Li(4-15 MeV) ~ 1nA beams deuteron or 3 He target. 7 Li(d,p) 8 Li and 6 Li( 3 He,n) 8 B 7 Li(10-25 MeV) and 6 Li(4-15 MeV) ~ 1nA beams deuteron or 3 He target.
2010-06-04 14 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 14 The collection device Temperature optimization ! Diffusion time: =0.75 (0.8)
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 15 Decay Ring Intensities 15 A first study of the dynamic aperture has shown that it was large enough to accept the beam. Due to the blowing up in the longitudinal phase space, it was shown that a dedicated collimation section was needed in the DR. The peak beam intensities are unprecedented (several Amps in average, hundreds of Amps peak). The beam loading in the cavities are studied (Cockroft/Lancaster Universit) To gain 10% of neutrinos, we increased the field from 6 to 8 T in the arc magnets and shorten the arcs from 970 to 675 m
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 16 Phase slip factor changed Recent Encouraging results, redesigned decay ring CERN, CEA Only Transverse Mode Coupling Instabilities Collective Effects limits, Decay Ring
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 17 Phase slip factor changed Recent Encouraging results, redesigned decay ring CERN, CEA Only Transverse Mode Coupling Instabilities Collective Effects limits, Decay Ring
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 18 Decay Ring Redesign Lattices for low-Q and high-Q options (2009) Optimization (stronger magnets) to gain 10 % intensities done However, as shown, collective effects are a problem New lattice with lower phase slip (2011)
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 19 Gamma 100 Gamma 350 Courtesy: M. Mezetto EUROnu physics, WP6 wish-list
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 20 Decay ring the same size as the gamma 100 decay ring Flux after straight section the same as for the gamma 100 ring Duty factors can be reduced We need an accelerator to give gamma 350 (SPS upgrade!?) Superconducting magnets of 26 T not realistic for 20 years, means larger arcs 20 T magnets may be envisaged, short models in 20 years… Price related to superconductor and iron volume (aperture) in addition to a necessary bulk cost for development and tooling Collective effects improved Detailed studies needed (septa, RF, Radiation…) In theEUROnu proposal but for us necessarily low priority L. Bottura, A. Chance, C. Hansen, M. Martini, G. de Rijk, E. Wildner IAP: “Tension WP6-WP4” Gamma 350
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 21 Max ion intensities in DR, =350 1.Relaxed DF 2.Intensity limit goes down with energy 3.Higher intensity needed (slower decay) C. Hansen
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 22 Duty factor and RF Cavities 22.... 20 bunches, 5.2 ns long, distance 23*4 nanosseconds filling 1/11 of the Decay Ring, repeated every 23 microseconds 10 14 ions circulating, ~0.5% duty (supression) factor for atmospheric neutrino background suppression !!!
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 23 Magnets Open midplane magnets ok Magnet protection possible Vacuum ? Safety Work on collimation system to be continued (crystals? ) SPS is still to be studied Other machines ok for baseline using CERN rules (S. Trovati) Have to be checked for 8B and 8Li with high intensities Radiation issues
Production of 18 Ne for Beta Beams 24 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 2010-06-04 Measure production and release from a sodium target at ISOLDE Proposal sent to INTC ( ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-flight Committee) Accepted !! Molten salt loop to produce 18Ne ! Experimental setup and measurements, from May 2011 2 years of project associate The e beam needs production of 2.0 10 13 18 Ne/s Theoretically possible with 10 mA 70 MeV protons on NaF We need measurements of the crossection 19 F(p, 2n) 18 Ne ! The e beam needs production of 2.0 10 13 18 Ne/s Theoretically possible with 10 mA 70 MeV protons on NaF We need measurements of the crossection 19 F(p, 2n) 18 Ne !
25 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 2010-06-04 Experiments in the TSR Experiments for beam-cooling in beta beam production ring Ionization cooling, isotope production/collection with internal targets Radiation aspects Physics issues might be covered by measurements of the neutrino magnetic moment, neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering, neutrino-nucleus cross sections ( C. Volpe, J. Phys. G30 (2004), L1, hep-ph/0303222; J.Phys. G 34 (2007) R1, hep-ph/0605033), constraints on sterile neutrinos, ( Agarvalla et. al. arXiv:0907.3145v2) Beta Beam experiments have been proposed at this facility: T. Stora, E. Wildner, C. Volpe, E. Fernandez-Martinez
2010-06-0426 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 60 GHz Source news 28 GHz waveguide High voltage ring Plasma chamber Plasma electrode Extraction insulator Puller electrode Conceptual design of the internal parts of the ECRIS prototype o Parts drawings soon performed o Then parts fabrication Delivery of the GANIL 28 GHz gyrotron to LPSC o LPSC 28 GHz available (pulsed and cw) for installation @ LNCMI LPSC-LNCMI discussions for the future experiments o Magnet time will be asked at EUROMAGNETII for Ion beam studies at 28 GHz with SEISM prototype (fall 2011- beginning 2012) Magnetic field measurements @ 30000 A for 60 GHz Design of the High intensity beam line o Vacuum components (turbo pumps, chambers, tubes...) ordered o Dipôle power supply under tests o LNCMI installation in M3 room under evaluation Concrete foundation slab resistance Layout Follow-up the 60 GHz gyrotron building o Gyrotron tube environement M5 magnetic fringing field measurements in the M3 room SEISM prototype magnetic fringing field calculations Layout 400 A Power supply and magnet LPSC Euronu contract status o LPSC has spent about 54 % of the 4 years funding o We plan to hire a one year post-doc to go on with ECR studies T. Lamy
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 27 Parameter list and new Data Base
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 28 Parameter list As document in the EUROnu web (date of report)
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 29 Parameter list
2010-06-04 30 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner Costing and Safety 30 WBS presented at Costing meeting at CERN Safety requirements for beta beam are listed Difficult to cost when development only half way. Baseline needs technical refinements PS is going to be upgraded for example Input for how to do costing and evaluate safety We need guidelines: workshops planned Expertise for costing and safety needed How to proceed?
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 31 Implementation and Costing Synergy B/SB Place B on site * 2 Place SB (SPL ?) Try to use RCS (LHC upgrade) Avoid multi-megawattt Radiation Integration (CLIC, other?) Necessary for Costing Specification for layout ready, meeting with civil engineers planned
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 32 Modifications, additions Partners continue according to plans CERN: Very work-intense study on collective effects, FP6 not working Results affect machines: we have already a new DR design Technical help with impedance estimations The old machines need to be equipped ECR source efficiencies Beta Beams are integrated in the LHC upgrade studies PS ongoing, SC influenced tunes, injection energy compatibilities Production ring: direct kinematics and effects for collection device SC-Magnet shielding not complete/radiation for high-Q needs more work New RFQ
2010-06-04 Review EUROnu, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 33 Future (2011- Experiments on 18Ne Direct kinematics for 8B and 8Li production: targets Cooling and production simulations/experiments for Production Ring Cross-section measurements of 8B 8B collection setup ECR fields for plasma -> 30 000A (structures supra…), Gyrotron tests, beam extraction, low cost solutions, Proto -> ECR Source Finalizing collective effects studies, all ions, all machines CERN complex: RFQ and PS/SPS-upgrade interactions with bbeams Decay Ring updates for collective effects (phase slip factor/RF) Decay Ring RF, technical feasibility study Parameter lists update for all ions Costing (if peoplepower available gamma 350 will be costed) Safety
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