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 IN INTELLIGENT COMPUTER SYSTEMS Presented by Vasilios Gennaris.

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Presentation on theme: " IN INTELLIGENT COMPUTER SYSTEMS Presented by Vasilios Gennaris."— Presentation transcript:

1  IN INTELLIGENT COMPUTER SYSTEMS Presented by Vasilios Gennaris

2  Presentation of the student  Presentation of the laboratory  Reason for choosing SEPICS  Project’s subject  Requirements for project development  EEG Device, Control panel of device  Reading Progress  Development Progress  Questions 2

3  Gennaris Vasilios  Undergraduate student of Applied Informatics and Multimedia Department, TEI of Crete  Program`s supervisor: Claude Frasson, Professor, Director of the HERON laboratory  My Supervisor: Maher Chaouachi, doctorate candidate  EU Supervisor: George Papadourakis, Professor TEI of CRETE 3

4 University of Montreal (Universite de Montreal)  Computer Science Department, HERON lab  Interest in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) o Artificial Intelligence o Human-computer interaction o Emotional intelligence o Education, Pedagogy, Learning techniques, Knowledge Engineering  The goal of the lab: o understand brain functions o produces knowledge and how knowledge is stored, retrieved and deployed 4

5  SEPICS – Student Exchange Program in Intelligent Computer Systems.  This program gave me the change to study abroad in one of the best universities of Canada.  Its an excellent opportunity to further my academic knowledge and work on a research program  Travelling to Canada and experience the way of life and culture of Canadian people. 5

6  Establish an intelligent agent able to capture user`s electrical brain activity  The goal of the agent is to continuously monitor and access the electrical activity by using ElectroEncephaloGraph (EEG) device  The agent`s operation mode includes pre-processing the EEG signal handling different exceptions  The project involves developing a graphical interface  The capture agent will be integrated within an intelligent tutoring system in order to provide valuable information concerning users brain activity 6

7  C++ (DotNet framework)  SDK of the device  MFC library 7

8  Emotiv EEG is a device that you “wear” it on your head and it can capture the Electroencephalography signal that our brain transmit, using 16 sensors 8

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10  We have three suites in the Affectiv Control panel of the device Expressiv Cognitiv 10

11  Understand and analyze the requirements  C++ Documentations and Tutorials  Manual and Software of Emotiv-Device 11

12  SDK  MFC library  Conception the development of project 12

13  Three Steps for developing the project o Connection o Main Loop o Disconnection 13

14  Connection o Connection with the device o Add new or existing user o Handle all the exceptions for the above  Already created the connection and the add_user operations  Here are some function that I use from the SDK o EE_EngineConnect() o EE_EmoEngineEventCreate() o EE_EmoStateCreate() 14

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16  Main loop Capture each event that happens during the connection Creates a file to write the data that we receive from the device Handle exceptions 16

17  Disconnection o Terminate the connection o Release memory that was captured  Already created the Disconnect operation 17

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19  The Goal is to retrieve the signal from the device  Handle all the possible exceptions  Write on a file all the signals, so that can be used from other applications or for research proposes  Also create an interface for controlling the device and monitoring the signal 19

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