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Scaling the Hazard Potential of Lunar Electrification Presented by: Mr. Dwayne Free Space Coast Intelligence Solutions (SCIS), Melbourne, FL

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Presentation on theme: "Scaling the Hazard Potential of Lunar Electrification Presented by: Mr. Dwayne Free Space Coast Intelligence Solutions (SCIS), Melbourne, FL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaling the Hazard Potential of Lunar Electrification Presented by: Mr. Dwayne Free Space Coast Intelligence Solutions (SCIS), Melbourne, FL 321 622-6858


3 Current Science: “Lunar meteors don't require oxygen or combustion to make themselves visible. They hit the ground with so much kinetic energy that even a pebble can make a crater several feet wide. The flash of light comes not from combustion but rather from the thermal glow of molten rock and hot vapors at the impact site”. Problems: Amount of optical energy from an impact can’t be explained by the KE More UV than Visible and short lived. May 17 th event lasted 1s Impacts should be random Solution: The “illumination” is more likely an “electrical” effect from some sort of discharge mechanism.

4 What is the discharge mechanism?


6 'Theory and Experiments of Hypervelocity Impact Plasmas‘: Sigrid Close EMP and plasma production that occurs when a particle strikes a spacecraft. This plasma, with a charge separation commensurate with different species mobilities, can produce a strong EMP with a broad frequency spectrum, potentially causing catastrophic damage if the impact is near an area with vulnerable shielding or an open umbilical. Anomalies such as gyro-stability loss can be caused by an EMP without any detectable momentum transfer due to small ( 20 km/s) impacts.

7 Manmade Satellite Surface Charging 4 AM 2 AM

8 Lunar Surface Charging Observations from Explorer 35 (placed around the Moon in 1967) helped define the lunar magnetic field; the Moon behaves like a poorly conducting, nonmagnetic body However, Apollo instruments later discovered localized, permanent magnetized patches exist on the lunar surface with the magnetic field exceeding that of the interplanetary magnetic field at 1 AU Magnetic patches (known as Magneons) are rather frequent (hundreds) and are rather large (from tens to hundreds of kilometers in extent RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE FOR DYNAMICS OF GEOSPHERES Conducted a study (1999) of anomalous lunar “flashes” for Sandia National Labs Included modeling of Lunar Surface Charging potential Modeling suggests that the lunar surface carries a negative charge and subsurface is positive within the magneon extent, and also soil composition dependent Apollo 11 discovered high-energy electrons at their landing site


10 Ion Tubes on IO (Threads) Prior to the Galileo probe's 1996 arrival in the Jovian system, electrical theorist Wallace Thornhill registered these advance claims: the vents of the "volcanic" plumes will be much hotter than lava; the plumes are the jets of cathode arcs, and they do not explode from a volcanic vent but move around and erode the periphery of dark areas (called "lava lakes" by planetary geologists); the "lava lakes" themselves are merely the solid surface of Io etched electrically by cathode arcs and exposed from beneath the "snow" deposited by continuous discharge activity. Therefore, they will not reveal the expected heat of a recent lava flow. The observations of Io’s volcanoes more closely match these predictions Peratt and Dessler say, "The apparent filamentary penumbra on Io may be the first direct verification of the plasma gun (Thread) mechanism at work in the solar system."


12 Active Volcanoes on Mars? ery_plume_on_mars/15258048-1-eng- GB/Mystery_plume_on_Mars_node_full_image_2.gif

13 Active Volcanoes on Mars?

14 Glass Apollo Surface Photo

15 Lunar Discharge from Apollo Photos?


17 Apollo Astronauts did report “flashes” from the lunar surface


19 Design Challenge

20 Thermal ImageRadar Image (with VHF LOB) Ion Tube (thread)



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