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Exposition Writing Aims To understand what it is & what it is used for

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Presentation on theme: "Exposition Writing Aims To understand what it is & what it is used for"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exposition Writing Aims To understand what it is & what it is used for
To understand what the structure of an exposition is.

2 What is an exposition?

3 An Exposition is….. When a writer presents a point of view on a particular topic They can take many forms e.g. advertisement, a debate, a newspaper article, an essay, online forums.

4 What is the exposition?

5 Newspaper article/essay
Do you have a friend who smokes? I do. Her name is Alice. It’s a disgusting habit, which at times makes me question whether I want to be her friend. I know that I am not alone in thinking that it is disgusting – and this is the reason that I think it is wrong for teenagers to smoke. So why is it so bad for us? Firstly, smoking is bad for you because it causes many terrible diseases. For example, smoking can cause many different types of cancer, it can make asthma much worse and even cause parts of your body to rot away. In fact, the chances of getting lung cancer if you smoke is 40% higher than if you do not smoke. Still think smoking is a good idea?

6 What do you notice about the burger?

7 The 5 part ‘burger’ exposition
Sauce-Connectives Bacon-Persuasive devices Top Bun – Introduction/Thesis Pattie 1 – Main Point 1 in support of your thesis Pattie 2 – Main Point 2 in support of your thesis Cheese – Main Point 3 in support of your statement Extra Cheese – Main Point 4 if you need a more convincing argument Salad Examples/facts/statistics Bottom Bun – summary of thesis

8 Find the burger To find out a writer’s opinion, you must look for the topic sentence. This will show you the writer’s argument. TASK Identify the topic sentences/main points in the essay. What do you notice about where the topic sentence is?

9 For and against statements
Saving money is fun In pairs, come up with ideas for and against this statement.

10 What can you remember?

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