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PS/2 connector Pin out Female connector from the front Pin 1+DATAData Pin 2Not connectedNot connected* Pin 3GNDGround Pin 4VCC+5 V DC at 100 mA Pin 5+CLKclock.

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Presentation on theme: "PS/2 connector Pin out Female connector from the front Pin 1+DATAData Pin 2Not connectedNot connected* Pin 3GNDGround Pin 4VCC+5 V DC at 100 mA Pin 5+CLKclock."— Presentation transcript:

1 PS/2 connector Pin out Female connector from the front Pin 1+DATAData Pin 2Not connectedNot connected* Pin 3GNDGround Pin 4VCC+5 V DC at 100 mA Pin 5+CLKclock Pin 6Not connectedNot connected**

2 PinNameCable colorDescription 1VCCRed+5V 2D−WhiteData − 3D+GreenData + 4GNDBlackGround USB CONNECTOR

3 AT Keyboard TypeKey board connector Pins5 ConnectorDIN connector Pin out Pin 1CLKClock signal Pin 2DATAData Pin 3N/CNot connected. Reset on older keyboards Pin 4GNDGround Pin 5VCC+5V DC

4 SATA CABLE DESCRIPTION Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA, is a computer BUS primarily designed for transfer of data between the mother board and mass storage devices, such as hard disk drives and optical drives, inside a computer. Pin #Function 1Ground 2A+ (Transmit) 3A− (Transmit) 4Ground 5B− (Receive) 6B+ (Receive) 7Ground

5 AT power connector (Used on older AT style main boards) ColorPinSignal P8.1Power Good P8.2+5 V P8.3+12 V P8.4−12 V P8.5Ground P8.6Ground

6 AT power connector (Used on older AT style main boards) ColorPinSignal P9.1Ground P9.2Ground P9.3−5 V P9.4+5 V P9.5+5 V P9.6+5 V

7 24-pin ATX power supply connector (20-pin omits the last 4: 11, 12, 23 and 24) ColorSignalPin SignalColor +3.3 V113+3.3 V sense +3.3 V214−12 V Ground315Ground +5 V416Power on Ground517Ground +5 V618Ground

8 ColorSignalPin SignalColor Ground719Ground grey Power good 820−5 V (optional) +5 V standby 921+5 V +12 V1022+5 V +12 V1123+5 V +3.3 V1224Ground

9 Pin 1Reset Pin 2Ground Pin 3Data 7 Pin 4Data 8 Pin 5Data 6 Pin 6Data 9 Pin 7Data 5 Pin 8Data 10 Pin 9Data 4 Pin 10Data 11 Pin 11Data 3 Pin 12Data 12 Pin 13Data 2 Pin 14Data 13 Pin 15Data 1 Pin 16Data 14 Pin 17Data 0 Pin 18Data 15 Pin 19Ground Pin 20Key or VCC_in 40 pins IDE connector pin out description

10 Pin 31IRQ Pin 32No connect Pin 33Addr 1 Pin 34GPIO_DMA66_Dete ct Pin 35Addr 0 Pin 36Addr 2 Pin 37Chip select 1P Pin 38Chip select 3P Pin 39Activity Pin 40Ground Pin 21DDRQ Pin 22Ground Pin 23I/O write Pin 24Ground Pin 25I/O read Pin 26Ground Pin 27IOCHRDY Pin 28Cable select Pin 29DDACK Pin 30Ground



13 Pinouts Pinouts for a DB25 connector are: Pin No (DB25) Signal nameDirection 1nStrobeOut 2Data0In/Out 3Data1In/Out 4Data2In/Out 5Data3In/Out 6Data4In/Out 7Data5In/Out 8Data6In/Out LPT port for printer pin out description

14 Pin No (DB25) Signal nameDirection 9Data7In/Out 10nAckIn 11BusyIn 12Paper-OutIn 13SelectIn 14LinefeedOut 15nErrorIn 16nInitializeOut 17nSelect- Printer Out 18-25Ground- -2-

15 IDE Connector Pin out description Signal NamePin Signal Name Reset IDE12Ground Host Data 734Host Data 8 Host Data 656Host Data 9 Host Data 578Host Data 10 Host Data 4910Host Data 11 Host Data 31112Host Data 12 Host Data 21314Host Data 13 Host Data 11516Host Data 14 Host Data 01718Host Data 15 Ground1920Key

16 -2- Signal NamePin Signal Name DDRQ2122Ground I/O Write2324Ground I/O Read2526Ground IOC HRDY2728Cable select pull-up DDACK2930Ground IRQ3132No Connect Addr 13334 GPIO_DMA66_Detec t Addr 03536Addr 2 Chip Select 1P (1S)3738Chip Select 3P (3S) Activity3940Ground

17 Floppy Drive A Pin Out description Pin No.Signal NameDescription 1Ground-- 2/REDWCDensity Select 1=Low/0=High 3Ground-- 4N/CReserved 5Ground-- 6N/CReserved 7Ground-- 8/Index0=Index 9Ground-- 10/MOTEA0=Motor Enable Drive 0 11Ground-- 12/DRVSBDrive Select 1

18 Pin No.Signal NameDescription 13Ground-- 14/DRVSBDrive Select 0 15Ground-- 16/MOTEB0=Motor Enable Drive 1 17Ground-- 18/DIR0=Direction Select 19Ground-- 20/Step0=Head Step 21Ground-- 22/WDATEWrite Data 23Ground-- 24/WGATEFloppy Write Enable, 0=Write Gate

19 Floppy Drive A/B Twist Pinout --ControllerDrive ADrive BDescription Wire 1-91-9 No Change Wire 10101610Motor Enable Drive 0/1 Wire 11111511Ground, No Change Wire 12121412Drive Select 0/1 Wire 1313 Ground, No Change Wire 14141214Drive Select 0/1 Wire 15151115Ground, No Change Wire 16161016Motor Enable Drive 0/1 Wire 17-3417-34 No Change

20 SCSI A Cable PinOut Single-Ended Data Pinout Pin #Pin FunctionPin #Pin Function 1Ground26D0- 2Ground27D1- 3Ground28D2- 4Ground29D3- 5Ground30D4- 6Ground31D5- 7Ground32D6- 8Ground33D7- 9Ground34DPARTY- 10Ground35Ground 11Ground36Ground 12Reserved37Reserved 13Open38TRMPWR 14Reserved39Reserved 15Ground40Ground 16Ground41ATN- 17Ground42Ground 18Ground43BSY- 19Ground44ACK- 20Ground45RST- 21Ground46MSG- 22Ground47SEL- 23Ground48C/D- 24Ground49REG- 25Ground50I/O-


22 AGP Bus Connector Pin Out Accelerated Graphics Port 124 Pin Edge Pin #Pin NamePin #Pin Name A1+12 V dcB1spare A2spareB2+5 V dc A3Reserved* GroundB3+5 V dc A4USB-B4USB+ A5GroundB5Ground A6INTA#B6INTB# A7RST#B7CLK A8GNT#B8REQ# A9VCC 3.3B9VCC 3.3 A10ST1B10ST0 A11ReservedB11ST2 A12PIPE#B12RBF# A13GroundB13Ground A14SpareB14Spare A15SBA1B15SBA0 A16VCC 3.3B16VCC 3.3 A17SBA3B17SBA2 A18ReservedB18SB_STB A19GroundB19Ground A20SBA5B20SBA4 A21SBA7B21SBA6 A22KeyB22Key A23KeyB23Key A24KeyB24Key A25KeyB25Key A26AD30B26AD31 A27AD28B27AD29 A28VCC 3.3B28VCC 3.3 A29AD26B29AD27 A30AD24B30AD25 A31GroundB31Ground A32ReservedB32AD STB1 A33C/BE3#B33AD23 A34Vddq 3.3B34Vddq 3.3 A35AD22B35AD21 A36AD20B36AD19 A37GroundB37Ground A38AD18B38AD17 A39AD16B39C/BE2# A40Vddq 3.3B40Vddq 3.3 A41FRAME#B41IRDY# A42SpareB42Spare A43GroundB43Ground A44SpareB44Spare A45VCC 3.3B45VCC 3.3 A46TRDY#B46DEVSEL# A47STOP#B47Vddq 3.3 A48SpareB48PERR# A49GroundB49Ground A50PARB50SERR# A51AD15B51C/BE1# A52Vddq 3.3B52Vddq 3.3 A53AD13B53AD14 A54AD11B54AD12 A55GroundB55Ground A56AD9B56AD10 A57C/BE0#B57AD8 A58Vddq 3.3B58Vddq 3.3 A59ReservedB59AD STB0 A60AD6B60AD7 A61GroundB61Ground A62AD4B62AD5 A63AD2B63AD3 A64Vddq 3.3B64Vddq 3.3 A65AD0B65AD1 A66SMB1B66SMB0

23 PinNameDirDescription 1+5V +5 VDC 2/B1 Button 1 3X1 Joystick 1 - X 4GND Ground (for switch 1) 5GND Ground (for switch 2) 6Y1 Joystick 1 - Y 7/B2 Button 2 8+5V +5 VDC 9+5V +5 VDC 10/B4 Button 4 11X2 Joystick 2 - X 12GND Ground (for switch 3,4) 13Y2 Joystick 2 - Y 14/B3 Button 3 15+5V GAME PORT

24 PinNameDirDescription 1RED Red Video (75 Ohm, 0.7 V p-p) 2GREEN Green Video (75 Ohm, 0.7 V p-p) 3BLUE Blue Video (75 Ohm, 0.7 V p-p) 4ID2 Monitor ID Bit 2 5GND Ground 6RGND Red Ground 7GGND Green Ground 8BGND Blue Ground 9KEY Key (No pin) 10SGND Sync Ground 11ID0 Monitor ID Bit 0 12ID1 or SDA Monitor ID Bit 1 13HSYNC or CSYNC Horizontal Sync (or Composite Sync) 14VSYNC Vertical Sync 15ID3 or SCL Monitor ID Bit 3 PinNameDirDescription 1 RED Red Video (75 Ohm, 0.7 V p-p) 2 GREEN Green Video (75 Ohm, 0.7 V p-p) 3 BLUE Blue Video (75 Ohm, 0.7 V p-p) 4 ID2 Monitor ID Bit 2 5 GND Ground 6 RGND Red Ground 7 GGND Green Ground 8 BGND Blue Ground 9 KEY Key (No pin) 10 SGND Sync Ground 11 ID0 Monitor ID Bit 0 12 ID1 or SDA Monitor ID Bit 1 13 HSYNC or CSYNC Horizontal Sync (or Composite Sync) 14 VSYNC Vertical Sync 15 ID3 or SCL Monitor ID Bit 3


26 PinNameDirDescription 1CD Carrier Detect 2RXD Receive Data 3TXD Transmit Data 4DTR Data Terminal Ready 5GND System Ground 6DSR Data Set Ready 7RTS Request to Send 8CTS Clear to Send 9RI Ring Indicator 9p D-SUB female at cable / mouse (DCE))


28 Pin NameDescription 1STR Strobe 2D0 Data Bit 0 3D1 Data Bit 1 4D2 Data Bit 2 5D3 Data Bit 3 6D4 Data Bit 4 7D5 Data Bit 5 8D6 Data Bit 6 9D7 Data Bit 7 10ACK Acknowledge 11BUSY Busy 12PE Paper Empty 13SEL Select 14AUTFD?Autofeed 15n/c 160 V 17CHASSIS GND

29 PinNameDirDescription 18+5 V PULL UP +5 V DC (50 mA max) 19GND Signal Ground 20GND Signal Ground 21GND Signal Ground 22GND Signal Ground 23GND Signal Ground 24GND Signal Ground 25GND Signal Ground 26GND Signal Ground 27GND Signal Ground 28GND Signal Ground

30 PinNameDirDescription 29GND Signal Ground 30GNDRESET Reset Ground 31RESET Reset 32ERROR Low when offline 330 V Signal Ground 34n/c 35+5 V +5 V DC 36SEL IN Select In (Taking low or high sets printer on line or off line respectively)

31 Biometric Reader

32 What is a Biometric Reader? “Biometric” comes from the Greek bios (“life”) and metron (“measure”). A biometric reader recognizes humans based on intrinsic physical traits. For example, a biometric reader can read eye retinas or irises, facial patterns, hand measurements or fingerprints. Unlike keys, cards, or number sequences, access through a biometric reader cannot be transferred from person to person unless explicitly authorized.

33 How Does a Biometric Reader Work? A biometric reader can be used as a stand- alone or a networked operation, perfect for home or office. An authorized person has their physical characteristic scanned and turned into a numerical algorithm which is then entered into a database. The authorized person must subsequently provide that same physical characteristic- for example, their hand, to be read and recognized by the biometric reader before access is granted.

34 Why Use a Biometric Reader? A biometric reader is a more reliable security device than your average lock or keypad. Only the person authorized access can successfully pass a biometric reader. A key, card, or number sequence can be passed around or easily stolen. A biometric reader requires that the authorized person be physically present for access to be granted. Thieves and other criminals would have a difficult time getting past a biometric reader.biometric reader

35 Other reasons to use a biometric reader: It is affordable and user friendly, recognizing identity and granting access in less than one second. The HandKey II Recognition System biometric reader can store information from 512 users (standard) up to 35,512 users (networked). A biometric reader drives costs down while raising the level of security.

36 -2- Biometric reader access control can be incorporated into any security system. The maker of the HandKey II Recognition System is Schlage, one of the most respected names in the security industry. Their extensive research, manufacturing, and consulting experience with biometric reader technology makes them ideally qualified to assist in the security of your home or office.

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