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IEEAF and Internet2 Partnership Overview Doug Van Houweling, Internet2 Don Riley, IEEAF.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEAF and Internet2 Partnership Overview Doug Van Houweling, Internet2 Don Riley, IEEAF."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEAF and Internet2 Partnership Overview Doug Van Houweling, Internet2 Don Riley, IEEAF

2 Formalized Partnership IEEAF and Internet2 executed Memorandum of Understanding September 3, 2004 Formalizes work together over last couple of years Basis for collaboration on projects of mutual interest and benefit Framework for coordinating those collaborations We’re working together to define specific collaboritave projects Board resolutions from each organization Affiliate membership in each others’ organizations

3 Internet2 perspective Interest in working with IEEAF in developing regional, national and international infrastructure and reducing global disparities in access to high-performance Internet connectivity and related resources Demonstrate collaborative leadership

4 About the IEEAF - What is it? U.S. 501.c.3 Not-for-profit corporation Formed from original MOU between GEO (private sectore) and CENIC (Corporation for Educational Networking in California) Vision: Accelerate the global growth of Internet2 to achieve "universal educational access” to: Enable and stimulate the rapid expansion of research and educational collaboration in many forms between teaching and learning institutions around the world. Cultivate and promote practical solutions to delivering scalable, universally available and equitable access to suitable bandwidth and necessary network resources in support of these collaborations.

5 IEEAF Organization Honest Broker Group (IEEAF) Accepting assets Matching Corp assets w/Educational needs Advocate for assets on behalf of Education Granting of assets as Free Use licenses

6 New Public-Private Partnership: IEEAF The IEEAF goal is to leverage unique private sector relationships to obtain donations of international bandwidth to enable a global collaboration in research and education. Current donations have already linked US and Europe, US and Asia-Pacific,and produced fiber assets in US and Europe. This bandwidth helps enable global collaborations in research and education, in the true spirit of the “Global Quilt”. This bandwidth helps enable global collaborations in research and education, in the true spirit of the “Global Quilt”.

7 IEEAF Vision: The Global Quilt A Network of Networks, “stitched together” to create a common single fabric, and shared equally by all. This will be achieved through collaboration and community effort, until it covers the globe. The IEEAF has no boundaries of “home” territory….. "Non Nobis Solo" (Not by ourselves alone) (Not by ourselves alone)

8 Internet2 IEEAF Asset Steward IEEAF Trans-Atlantic link With SURFNET, put in place for September 2002 iGRID demos 10G Wavelength – Groningen, NL to NYC 622Mbps (STM4) same path In New York 622Mbps (STM4) connected to Abilene router 10G Wavelength connected to MAN LAN ONS15454 CA*net, Abilene, hopefully others connecting with this circuit

9 Beyond the trans-Atlantic link Internet2 supports IEEAF continued efforts to obtain donations, resources from telecommunications and related providers on behalf of the research and education community Work jointly with IEEAF, other IEEAF Asset Stewards, and the global partners, to make these available to other academic, advanced networking organizations around the world

10 IEEAF perspective Our passion is “pushing back the digital/bandwidth divide” It’s a big job -- too big for any single organization We speak of helping get needles and thread to help stitch together the “Global Quilt” We need partners; we want to be a partner. Our success so far is because of our partners. This agreement to collaborate demonstrates a shared vision and commitment between IEEAF and Internet2.

11 IEEAF Update The next portion of this session will focus on successes with our current partners. The examples are the kinds of activities that we (IEEAF and Internet2) hope to multiply and accelerate through such key collaborations.

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