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Easy Grade Pro: The Basics Presented By Mr. Paul Salmon.

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2 Easy Grade Pro: The Basics Presented By Mr. Paul Salmon

3 These are the first three dialog boxes you will see when you open EGP. 12 3

4 If your option is to add students, this will be the dialog box. Type in the class name, check terms then click Next Class and add other classes.

5 After entering class names and you click Done, you are now ready to set up Class Options, click on Choose a Class.

6 Grade ScaleRounding CategoryFootnote

7 Score Attendance CalendarSeating

8 To enter students names you have 2 options. 1.Type students info in one at a time OR 2.Import info from another file. (see directions)


10 Select a class, a window will open; click 'import from another file'. Click 'Easy Import' of Students then Next, Click 'Current class', Browse to select the import file name. A window will open with all the student names. Name the format ("import roster"). Use the arrow tabs to name each desired import field to be used for each student.

11 To enter students individually, you would enter students’ names, ID#s, and you can change Custom #s to whatever you want to add ie. Book #s, Text Book #s, Phone #s, etc. Click DONE when finish entering names.

12 When all your students are in the grade book and you clicked DONE this is what the finished product would look like. Click ADD ASSIGNMENT… Add Assignment

13 1. Enter name of assignment. 2. Enter Max Score and Points. 3. Use Drop down menus to decide category, status, etc. 4. Enter the date of the assignment.

14 Assignment Added Gradebook Option (drop down option under the Edit menu) gives you the option to change font & size, highlight.

15 Clicking on the Attendance tab gives you the opportunity to enter daily attendance.

16 Seating Tab Student Tab Assignment Tab

17 To Print: Go to File (drop down menu) and click PRINT. You have 3 options. Type in your name here Once you choose, you will get this screen which allows you to set up what your progress report will look like.

18 Click on Custom Student Title Here you have the options to add items you want to see on the Report. You want to include the Book # which makes it easier for sorting.

19 Just click on the options. When complete click DONE. Next, click on Intro & Postscript Text

20 The Intro Text can be used to write a note to parents/caregiver. The Postscript Text can be used to get parent/caregiver signatures of receipt and up to date phone numbers.

21 By clicking Preview, you can get a preview of what will print when you are done.

22 Grade Summary Chart, will list all assignments based on the criteria you desire to see in the chart. Use at your discretion. Assignment Chart Options give you additional items you may want to add to Grade Summary Chart. Pick & choose, you can always preview if that is what you want.

23 Here is a preview of what has been done so far. You can go back and make changes. When you set up all your print options, you do it once. Every time you print future progress reports they will be the same. Again, you can always change the options, rewrite the intro text, etc.

24 Attendance Summary Options, allows you to choose what attendance information you want printed on the report. Whatever you do not want to print, click on it. Page Setup, allows you change the orientation of the paper and change the scaling. You would use this if you have a lot of “stuff” on the report and want to save paper or want to include everything.

25 A PREVIEW of a Progress Report

26 Print Reports, also give you much more than progress reports. Under CHART, you can print hard copies of all your entries, print seating charts or print blank charts to record daily grades & attendance to be entered in EGP at a later time. Under OTHER, there are more print options at your disposal

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