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 This vibrant East African nation bordered by Sudan, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic.

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2  This vibrant East African nation bordered by Sudan, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic.

3  66% of Uganda’s population are Christian. They are almost equally divided among Protestants and Roman Catholic.

4  There are many ethnic groups in Uganda and they are Baganda, Banyankole, Bahima, Banyarwanda, Bunyoroi, Batoro, Langi, Acholi and many more.  In Uganda there main foods are sweet potatoes, bananas, plantains, jack fruits, chicken, beef stew, freshwater fish, yams, corn, cabbage, pumpkin, tomatoes, beans, goat meat, oranges, lemons and pineapple.

5  The main language is English, but there is also Ganda and Laganaa.  There population is 26,907,000!!!!

6  There national clothing is called a Busuti which are colorful saris.  There winter clothing is light and casual, maybe jackets or jerseys.  The school clothing includes cotton shirts and shorts and at home the children wear dresses, blouses, skirts, and shorts. The men wear shirts and long pants, and the women wear bright long printed dresses with bloated sleeves and a colorful sash.

7  The president who is both head of state and head of government, is elected by popular vote for a five year term. Uganda’s government is limited.

8  The natural resources are copper, cobalt, hydropower, limestone, salt, arable land, and gold.  One important place is Entebbe which is the major gateway for air travelers. It has beautiful botanical gardens and a lakeside beach. One more is Fort Portal which is a good base exploring the Moon, The Hot Springs, and the Toro Game Reserve.

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