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Ms. Dell and Ms. Grice Kindergarten ~ Track 1 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Dell and Ms. Grice Kindergarten ~ Track 1 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Dell and Ms. Grice Kindergarten ~ Track 1 2015-2016

2 20 th year teaching, 8 th year at HGES Taught all grades from K ~ 3rd Lived here since June ‘07 One 12 th grade son, Christopher

3  Student Information Sheet  Emergency Locator Sheet  Parent Information

4  Children will have tags placed on their book bags that state their PM mode of transportation  A note is needed to make changes to how your child goes home. Please do not rely on your child to tell me about transportation information. If a written note is not received, your child will be sent home via his/her usual mode of transportation.  Bus changes are not guaranteed. All changes must be received before 10:00 a.m.

5  “Giving Tree” ~ “extras” for the class (Please and Thank You!)  plastic red & blue folders  CLEAR pencil pouch

6  Lunch: 12:30-1:00  Bring lunch from home or purchase lunch from the cafeteria * Online lunch account (48 hours)  Snack: 2:15-2:30 * Please keep snack separate!  Healthy snacks * Water fountain

7  Students will be resting for about 15 minutes  Recent research suggests that kindergarten students should be given several minutes each day to rest and “recharge” their bodies and brains for the remainder of the day!  Please send in a small pillow for your child (please do not send towels, mats, blankets, stuffed animals, etc.)  Pillows will go home on Friday to be washed and should be returned on Monday.

8  Positive Behavior ~ “Hop to It” frogs  Monthly calendars (in red daily folders)  “Fun Friday” Centers

9  Red Daily Folder ~ return everyday! Return homework on Monday, IN the red daily folder; notes/money in pencil bag.  Orange Tuesday Folder ~ return every Wednesday!

10  Invitations ~ all  Class Directory (see packet)  All birthday treats must be store bought.

11  If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, having lunch bunch, joining us on class trips, etc., you will need to complete a volunteer application on a WCPSS computer and qualify as a volunteer.  Computers are set up in the Media Center for your convenience, please stop by before leaving school today!

12  Please join the PTA! ($6)  This will be the ONLY fundraiser this year.  October 9 th during the school day  The goal? $75 per student ~ extended family can help!

13  Class expectations, routines and procedures  Common Core  Introduce Writer’s Workshop, Math, and Reader’s Workshop  Self-selected developmental centers  Utilize staggered entry assessment data to begin individualized/small group instruction  1 st conference ~ end of 1 st quarter

14  Thursday, July 23 rd  6:00 – 8:00 pm  Kindergarten curriculum  Volunteer opportunities  This is an evening intended for parents only…

15  Instructional day: 9:15 – 3:45 pm  Book bag and supplies (especially red folder)  Lunch/lunch $ and snack * Separate lunch & snack  Label ALL of your child’s items  Mr. P. will be having a “Tissues, Tea & Coffee” @ 9:15, in the cafeteria. Take a tour of the school, ask questions, and get to know some other parents on this milestone day!  Kiss and Goodbye!

16  If you think of a question after leaving tonight, please e-mail me ( or call me at school (919-577-1700).  QR codes on handout  Be sure to check out our class website:

17 Have a great night!

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