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Other Party Management Team (OPMT) Status Briefing Americas Aerospace Quality Group (AAQG) Registration Management Committee (RMC) Tim Lee – Chair The.

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Presentation on theme: "Other Party Management Team (OPMT) Status Briefing Americas Aerospace Quality Group (AAQG) Registration Management Committee (RMC) Tim Lee – Chair The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Other Party Management Team (OPMT) Status Briefing Americas Aerospace Quality Group (AAQG) Registration Management Committee (RMC) Tim Lee – Chair The Boeing Company March 19, 2013

2 2 Other Party Management Team Mission Management and oversight of the 9100 series Aviation, Space and Defense Quality Management system certification program. Vision Ensure that the certification program is robust, recognized and valued. A measurable IAQG quality management system certification program that is efficient, recognized and brings benefit to all stakeholders

3 RMC presentation to focus on: IAQG Forms Website 9104-001 Audit Calc Program Resolution Log OASIS Feedback Process 2013 Objectives & Actions AAQG Presentation will be status briefing. OPMT Activities 3

4 IAQG Forms Management Available for use Includes.pdf fillable forms Per IAQG Operating Procedure 119A 9101, 9102, more to follow, upon request. OPMT Activities 4

5 Page 5 9104-001 Audit Calc Program 9104-001 WSU audit-calc project Beta testing complete Comments logged and dispositioned Final version ready for deployment - April 1, 2013 OASIS updated to support report upload – Will contain software link Help and Guidance will be available Deployment via OPMT Resolution

6 Page 6 9104-001 Audit Calc Program

7 Page 7 9104-001 Audit Calc Program Proposed Resolution: Reference: 9104-001, Clause 8.2.e e. justification for the determined audit duration shall be documented and a record maintained. NOTE: It should be noted that attempts to reduce the audit duration, below the minimum days defined in Table 2, shall result in certification data being blocked from entry into the OASIS database. The OPMT has established an audit duration calculation and certification structure software program titled “Audit Calc” to support conformance to 9104-001. This software program shall be used to support the OASIS functionality described in 9104-001, Clause 8.2.e. As of 01 July 2013 accredited Certification Bodies shall have a process in place to use the 9104-001 Audit Calc software program to validate Client certification structures and audit duration calculation decisions. The CBs shall generate a record for each audit activity (initial, surveillance, and recertification) and this file shall be uploaded (.pdf format) to the OASIS database as a component of the audit results.

8 Page 8 OPMT Activities OPMT Resolutions New resolution log posted to OASIS Available at: 6 New Resolutions Auditor Authentication (full audit defined) No extension of certificates beyond 3 years Nonconformance for inaccurate information Combined and Integrated audit AB Assessor auditor authentication 9110:2012 Transition 1 Jan 2014 – All audits to the 2012 standard Auditor Training Nd

9 OASIS Feedback Process Significant changes are being made to the feedback functionality in OASIS to enhance stakeholder feedback Feedback to include multiple entities within the IAQG Launch Target – May 2013 OPMT Activities 9 No

10 OPMT Activities 10

11 OPMT Activities 11

12 OPMT Team 2013 Objectives & Actions 9104-001 Transition - Complete transition in accordance with SR-002. Target date for completion is July 1, 2013. Actions: Monitor transition activity in each sector through the publication and reporting of metrics. Take action should metrics indicate targets are not met. Oversight - 100% of all oversight events completed in all three global sectors. Actions: Regular updates from each sector on the status of oversight. 9104-002 and 9104-003 Revision - Revision and publication of these standards to align with 9104-001 criteria. Actions: Monitor and support the writings teams efforts to obtain successful ballots. Develop and launch implementation plans. Page 12

13 OPMT Team 2013 Objectives & Actions OASIS Update – Develop and obtain IAQG Council approval of a comprehensive project plan that will explore a major revision to the OASIS database. The project objective will be to develop a software specification for updating the IAQG database to become a records generation system in lieu of the current retention system. Actions: OPMT sub team has been launched that will manage this project. OPMT approval received to hire project manager. Present software specification and cost analysis to IAQG council for approval. Improve Stakeholder Confidence – Improve stakeholder confidence in the ICOP certification scheme. Actions: Provide communication briefings to regulatory agencies (DCMA, EASA and FAA). Regular communication with all stakeholders on OPMT actions, projects and performance. Page 13

14 OPMT Team 2013 Objectives & Actions Certification Structure Oversight Committee - Meet all established process targets for the review and disposition of complex certification structure applications. Actions: Use of OASIS database to manage application process. Monitor application status and review metrics. Support applicant teleconferences AATT Training - Deployment of the 9110:2012 web based training module. Update AQMS auditor training with the publication of the revised 9101:2013 standard. Actions: OPMT sub team established to monitor training program and report results to OPMT. Identify and plan for training updates based on 9104-003 changes. Evaluate training options and determine if sanctioned training program will continue. Page 14

15 Page 15 Questions….. ICOP Certification Scheme: Efficient - Recognized - Beneficial

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