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Structure of a typical business plan

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Presentation on theme: "Structure of a typical business plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure of a typical business plan
Production process Human resources Marketing plan Target market Product characteristics Pricing Distribution Promotion Financial plan Funds needed Feasibility Summary Appendices Description and ownership of proposed business Assessment of the business environment (marketing research) Economic environment Industry environment Global environment Management plan Organizational structure

2 Cupcake machine Marketing plan

3 What is cupcake machine?

4 Step one: Select your burdening(配料):
cupcake machine Step one: Select your burdening(配料): peanut, nut, chocolate chips , candy… Step two: Select your cream(奶油): chocolate, vanilla(香草),orange and so on Step three: Select your cake: vanilla, chocolate, milky… cupcake machine

5 Team name:cupcake team
Team Profile Team name:cupcake team Team members: company logo:

6 Assessment of the business environment
www, com Assessment of the business environment 1 Industry environment Guangzhou people’s spending habits 2 The conclusion of business environment 3

7 Industry environment up till now , there haven’t had a service to meet the breakfast needs of the fast-paced-life people especially for the white-collars and students who seldom cook breakfast for themselves but have their own food preferences. And this will be a potential and large market for us!

8 Guangzhou people’s Spending habits
There are about 12million people in Guangzhou 86% people have breakfast everyday , meanwhile 48% always drink milk About50% buy breakfast outside At the same time, 65% people eat bread as their breakfast the reason why they don’t have breakfast is that they don’t have enough time and as the development of society, people think more highly of the convenience and have their own food taste.

9 The conclusion of business environment
The cupcake machine’s target market is the office workers and students ,those who don’t have enough time to prepare their breakfast. The cupcake machine will be placed in the residential subdistricts(居住小区),schools, bus stations ,subway stations and so on, which makes the people buy their breakfast more convenient and collocate what they like

10 Product characteristics
www, com Product characteristics Pricing strategies Marketing plan Distribution Promotion

11 Product characteristics
Selectable collocation : you can create your favorite taste by yourself. You can’t buy a chocolate cupcake with nut in bakeries ,but you can create it by our cupcake machine Convenient to get: the cupcake machine may stands in front of your company’s door. You don’t need to go downstairs just for a bread or cake A B Fresh: we will change the cupcake ingredient timely to make sure the cupcake ingredient are fresh.

12 www, com Pricing strategies Penetration strategy :As a convenient goods ,its price should be familiar and attractive ,about 3 to 10 yuan per cupcake .and such low price strategy can help us to penetrate the market quickly and make it difficult for possible rivals to enter the market. Loss leader pricing strategy: in order to attract customers, we will offer one items which are priced at or under cost every morning psychological pricing strategy: we will make price appear more acceptable or contain positive overtones to consumers.

13 Distribution--Vending machine
www, com Distribution--Vending machine We have our own façade bakeries. And place them around the bakeries. As a result ,We can place the fresh bread, cake into the cupcake machine timely while selling the cakes According to statistics, of every dollar the Chinese spend on consume product,only about 70% goes to the producers. The remaining 30% or so goes to middlemen. As a result, we can save lots of money by using vending machines.

14 Distribution--Vending machine
www, com Distribution--Vending machine At the same time ,we will cooperate with Fengxing milk company which has 45 façade shops in Guangzhou, much more than Yantang. Placing it in the façade shops, it can help people be more convenient to buy milk and cupcake. Beside, we can manage the cupcake machine more convenient.

15 www, com Promotion We will use noticeable posters which are pasted on our cupcake machines Our consumers can register as our members and own a accumulating card ,which help us to increase customer loyalty Bundle sell with milk. As we knew, cake is the best partner of milk. Bundling with milks, we can raise the sales volume both milk and cupcake. Our cupcake machines can also have the function of punching the bank card or canton all-in card (羊城通)

16 Development plan Broaden our market coverage in Guangzhou and spread
www, com Development plan Broaden our market coverage in Guangzhou and spread our cupcake machines to every corner of Guangzhou Enter the nationwide market gradually 2013 2025 2015 2035 Enter the Guangzhou market and have our own fixed consumer group. Develop the nationwide market and become establish firmly in this market

17 Have deep research of eating
www, com summary Team members Sociability(善于交际)、enthusiastic Have deep research of eating Intelligent、creative courageous and resolute We believe our team can smooth away all the difficulities and become successful~

18 Thank You !

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