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A Warning & An Invitation September 2 nd, 2012. Two Definitions Fornication – Fornication takes place when a person who is outside of the marriage covenant,

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Presentation on theme: "A Warning & An Invitation September 2 nd, 2012. Two Definitions Fornication – Fornication takes place when a person who is outside of the marriage covenant,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Warning & An Invitation September 2 nd, 2012

2 Two Definitions Fornication – Fornication takes place when a person who is outside of the marriage covenant, as designed by God, engages in any sexual behavior with someone. Adultery - A dultery takes place when a person is in a marriage covenant, as designed by God, and engages in sexual behavior with anyone other than the one they are married to.

3 Warnings Against Sexual Sin 1) The way of sexual sin begins with lust in our heart that goes unchecked.

4 Warnings Against Sexual Sin Lust: Desiring any sexual behavior that is outside of God’s design and placing those desires ahead of God’s desires.

5 Warnings Against Sexual Sin 2) The way of sexual sin is enticing but it leads to death and destruction.

6 The Gospel There is Grace, Forgiveness & Cleansing at the Cross. If we confess our sins [Jesus] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 (ESV)

7 What Does Wisdom Say?  Sex is to be enjoyed within the covenant of marriage – but – it is to be enjoyed.

8 The Invitation of Wisdom 1) Wisdom invites us to be prepared.

9 The Invitation of Wisdom 2) Wisdom invites us to accept and receive rebuke, instruction and teaching.

10 The Invitation of Wisdom 3) Wisdom invites us to the blessing of God.

11 The Invitation of Folly 1) Folly invites us to be loud, undisciplined and ignorant.

12 The Invitation of Folly 2) Folly invites all who are willing to join her.

13 The Invitation of Folly 3) Folly invites us to feast on the bread and to get drunk on the water of injustice.

14 The Invitation of Folly 4) Folly invites us to eat at the table of the dead.

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