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WORD PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS (the K-8 approach) Clarissa Nace Elementary Math Instructional Coach Mechanicsburg Area School District EQ: How does transacting.

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Presentation on theme: "WORD PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS (the K-8 approach) Clarissa Nace Elementary Math Instructional Coach Mechanicsburg Area School District EQ: How does transacting."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORD PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS (the K-8 approach) Clarissa Nace Elementary Math Instructional Coach Mechanicsburg Area School District EQ: How does transacting with text help me make sense of word problems in mathematics?

2 PLEASE DO NOW! How do you currently help students make sense and meaning of word problems? Write 4 lines. EQ: How does transacting with text help me make sense of word problems in mathematics?

3 Ingredients for “Messy”:

4 Open-ended

5 Ingredients for “Messy”: Open-ended Multi-step

6 Ingredients for “Messy”: Open-ended Multi-step Contain Extra Information

7 Ingredients for “Messy”: Open-ended Multi-step Contain Extra Information Not tied to skills just taught

8 Something to Keep in Mind…

9 …it’s OK to get “Messy”!

10 TRANSACTING WITH TEXT: LET’S REVIEW! Transacting with Text- Reading, listening to someone reading aloud, discussing a text being read, raising questions about a text that was read, joining with a partner or a small group to respond to a text. Shared Reading- teacher reads, students follow Mark reading- highlight and select what is important to you (text rendering) Write – what stands out Pair/Share- Read what you wrote; then discuss with partner Share- in large group WHAT COULD THIS LOOK LIKE WITH MATHEMATICAL TEXT IN THE FORM OF WORD PROBLEMS??

11 PROCEDURE FOR WORD PROBLEMS: Transacting with Text #1- Shared reading of problem #2- Text rendering- highlight what is important to you, knowing that you have to respond to the question #3- Turn and Talk- what did we highlight and why? #4- Revisit the text: What is it that I need to find out in this problem? I need to find…. #5- Revisit the text: Plan your strategy for solving the problem #6- Solve it! #7- Turn and Talk- Does it make sense? #8- Write a response. Explain why your answer makes sense using support.

12 How does the PLN process work in math?

13 How does this go along with what we are already doing?


15 “Consistent” K-5 Approach:

16 Habits of Mind:

17 SAMPLE PROBLEM: FARMER BROWN Farmer Brown can’t remember how many pigs and how many chickens he has on his farm. He knows that together the animals have 8 heads and 22 legs. How many pigs and how many chickens does Farmer Brown have?

18 Example at the 3 rd Grade Level:


20 An example at the Kindergarten level:

21 Building a “Toolbox” of Strategies:

22 Share-out your thoughts!

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