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From the Final Report of the Commission on Assessment Without Levels Schools should be clear: Why pupils are being.

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Presentation on theme: "From the Final Report of the Commission on Assessment Without Levels Schools should be clear: Why pupils are being."— Presentation transcript:


2 From the Final Report of the Commission on Assessment Without Levels Schools should be clear: Why pupils are being assessed The thing which the assessment is intended to measure What the assessment is intended to achieve How the assessment information will be used. In what ways can our assessment system have a positive impact on teaching and learning, and outcomes for children?

3 How successful is a child at the things you’ve taught so far? How much support do they need to be successful? How on track are they to reach the end-of- year expectations?


5 But how can you show progress if the numbers don’t keep getting higher!

6 And we can still do pretty spreadsheets and graphs … when they’re useful.


8 Who? Non-class based, experienced teachers assigned to a year group for the year. What? Targeting children who are not accessing the curriculum, with or without significant support PITA 3 children prioritised for referrals - Working with teachers on a daily basis, identifying children who need further input. - Small group or 1:1 intervention support - Feeding back to teachers, impacting future planning PITA 2 children -Before new learning, PC assess to inform teacher about where they are working, to help CT plan effectively -Where appropriate, joining intervention support Why? To close the gap, supporting children in making progress towards the end of year expectations.

9 Early stages learning EAL Support and guidance from EAL Lead, where necessary Identified SEN Support and guidance from SENCo and outside agencies, where appropriate None of the above JIGSAW PITA 2 – what next?

10 JIGSAW Joining Information, Gaining Secure Awareness Who? Children who have been assessed as a PITA 2, i.e. not accessing the curriculum, with no known SEN or English language barrier. What? A JIGSAW created, on a case by case basis. Why? To create a ‘whole child’ view, to identify barriers, better inform support and develop appropriate next steps. Attendance Attainment SEN/outside agencies Teacher input Family context Pupil voice Interventions

11 …interpreting word problems... …‘more’ does not always mean he needs to add… … using bar modelling to help him understand… …finds this this strategy helpful… …inconsistent… …needs to draw them for himself… …Vijay does find maths hard… …He’s not great at adding and subtracting… …He can’t remember his times tables… …We do times tables tests… …telling learning stories…


13 Assessment focuses Children’s names Assessment focuses I choose what, when, how often and how to record

14 Purpose? Purpose? PURPOSE? Acting upon it! “ Formative assessment is intended to inform teaching and learning. There is no intrinsic value in recording formative assessment; what matters is that it is acted upon.” So what? What’s the purpose?

15 Acting upon it! Acting upon it? Does this help me tell the learning stories of the children I teach?

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