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Announcement You will have a test on Friday, October 25 th. It is NOT an open note test Make sure that you understand and know the following information.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcement You will have a test on Friday, October 25 th. It is NOT an open note test Make sure that you understand and know the following information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcement You will have a test on Friday, October 25 th. It is NOT an open note test Make sure that you understand and know the following information 1.The four regions of Texas 2.How to read a map using TODALSIGS 3.How to analyze pictures using OPTICS 4.The four different Native American groups in Texas

2 Pueblo Culture Tiguas and Jumanos

3 Announcements Classroom Jobs New Rule: no standing or getting out of seat without teacher permission. Put four fingers in the air if you want permission to get out of seat You will have a test on Friday, October 25 th. It is NOT an open note test. You will receive a study guide next time I see you.

4 Do First: In your interactive notebook, answer the following questions: Would you ever want to get a tattoo? Why or why not? If you did, what would you get a tattoo of? Explain

5 Guiding Question(s) In your interactive notebook, write down the following two questions Who are the Tiguas and Jumanos? How do we compare and contrast the four Texas Native Americans groups?

6 Why In your interactive notebook, copy down the following: Your ability to compare and contrast will be tested on the Stanford test

7 Jumanos Tiguas

8 Key Term In your interactive notebook, copy down the definition of Sedentary: Sedentary: remaining or living in one area (opposite of a nomad) Band: made up of several groups that stay together under one leader. The leader is called a chief. Tribe: made up of several bands that stay together under one leader. The leader is usually a chief, but in some tribes a council would lead.

9 Fill out your Graphic Organizer Look at the photos and fill out your graphic organizer 7 minutes


11 Group Pueblo


13 What tribes were in the Pueblo group of Native Americans? The Pueblo Native Americans included the tribes of the Jumano and the Tigua.


15 Where did the pueblo group of Native Americans live? The Pueblo people lived in west Texas (the Mountains and Basins), northern Mexico and New Mexico.

16 What is the land like there? The land is mostly dry in the western part of Texas.


18 What did they eat? Most Jumano hunted and farmed in addition to trading, but they were not nomads. In this area of Texas they stayed where they could water their crops of corn, beans, and squash. In the areas with water, there were also often deer and buffalo to eat.


20 What was the Pueblo culture (way of life) like? The Pueblo people did two things: they farmed in west Texas or traded products between other Native American tribes. Some Jumano traded turquoise feathers, and arrows.



23 What was the Pueblo culture (way of life) like? To Identify themselves as peaceful traders, Pueblo Native Americans tattooed their faces in stripes.


25 What was the Pueblo culture (way of life) like? The Pueblo Native Americans made houses of adobe. These houses were made of dried mud and straw. The houses survived for many years because it was so dry in this area of Texas.



28 If the houses survived for many years… Does this mean that they were nomads? Why or why not?

29 How did the land influence this culture? The pueblo group had to deal with the dry weather in west Texas. They had to farm near water, hunt, and have a plan for times when there was no rain. They also built adobe houses that could survive because it was dry and because they had the materials to build them. Some also traded between tribes to their East and to their West.


31 Interesting or Unusual Facts What do you think makes the Pueblo group different from the Southeastern, Coastal, or Plains group?

32 Guided Practice Your table will be assigned one group of Native Americans (Coastal, Southeastern, Plains, or Pueblos). You will have to create an ESPN chart for your specific group E= economics: how did they make money, what did they grow? S= social: how did people interact with one another? P= political: who was the leader? Were they a band or a tribe? eN= environment. What kind of land did they live on? Transfer your information onto chart paper. Your poster will be graded on three criteria: 1.Correct Information 2.Color 3.Visibility (is it clear and are the letters large enough to see?) 15 minutes. Use your time wisely! Level 1 activity (whisper)

33 Gallery Walk Fill out your graphic organizers using the information that your classmates have provided You will rotate clockwise (to the right) You have 3 minutes at each station You will visit 3 stations Do not move from your station until Ms. Chang says “SWITCH.” Level 1 activity (whisper)

34 Independent Practice Venn Diagram. Compare and contrast the lifestyle of a nomad to a person living a sedentary lifestyle. Recall: Coastal, Southeastern, and Plains Native American tribes are nomads. The Pueblo group live a sedentary lifestyle. Finished early? Glue your handout into your interactive notebook and turn it in. Get started on the homework.

35 Homework Pretend that you are a sedentary Native American. Write a letter to a nomadic Native American describing why the sedentary lifestyle is much better. Minimum 2 paragraphs Must use the following vocabulary words: –Adapt - Nomad –Modify - Sedentary

36 Exit Ticket Silent and individual work Turn in your exit ticket to your turn-in tray when you are finished Start working on your homework

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