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Teacher of the Year BEN ADAMS SALEM HIGH SCHOOL. A nomination occurs Each educator in this room: Teaches from the heart !!! Places their students 1 st.

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2 A nomination occurs Each educator in this room: Teaches from the heart !!! Places their students 1 st !!! Strives to be innovative !!!

3 What happens next? Observations Interviews More Essays!!!!!! Anxiety

4 Oral Presentations AUGUST 200815 -20 MINUTES

5 September 11, 2007

6 September 13, 2007

7 Speaking Engagements State Board of Education State Board of Education Local School Board events and initiatives Local School Board events and initiatives Plymouth State College Plymouth State College Rivier College FEA Conference Rivier College FEA Conference UNH at Manchester – Teacher Prep Celebration UNH at Manchester – Teacher Prep Celebration Veteran’s Day ceremonies Veteran’s Day ceremonies Memorial Day Ceremonies Memorial Day Ceremonies Special Education Conferences Special Education Conferences Teacher of The Year 2009 obligations Teacher of The Year 2009 obligations

8 DallasNSTOY Conference A WHOLE NEW WORLD New Friends & Great Ideas

9 SMARTer Kids Foundation!

10 Roosevelt Room – West Wing

11 Washington

12 NASA Space Camp

13 Shuttle Team Zveda – July 2008

14 The “Ed” ies June 2008

15 And in the end…It all comes back to them! Thank Hannaford Supermarkets

16 Hannaford Supermarkets is proud to partner with the Department of Education to sponsor the New Hampshire Teacher of the Year program. Every day a New Hampshire teacher makes a difference in the life of a child. Every year the NH Department of Education honors outstanding educators who make their communities, profession, and the world a better place. NH Teacher of the Year Web site:

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