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Biogas in agriculture. Biogas production Biogas is produced when organic material is degraded in oxygen free environment Microbes utilise material as.

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Presentation on theme: "Biogas in agriculture. Biogas production Biogas is produced when organic material is degraded in oxygen free environment Microbes utilise material as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biogas in agriculture

2 Biogas production Biogas is produced when organic material is degraded in oxygen free environment Microbes utilise material as energy source Organic material is fermented in same manner as in alcohol or other fermented food Key elements in efficient production is heating and mixing of material

3 Biogas production Energy produced in form of biogas, 60 % methane and 40 % carbon dioxide Methane = natural gas Utilisation - Heat production - Electricity production - Vehicle fuel - Natural gas grid

4 Biogas Utilisation Biogas can be transferred via pipeline or as CNG

5 Biogas production Biogas tecnhology is utilised to treat wastes from agriculture, food industry as well as municipal biowastes and -sludges Possibility for income from gate fees (waste treatmen compensation)

6 Bio-Fertilizer All nutrients are preserved in process Nitrogen availibility is increased Odour levels are decreased Homogenization Pathogen reduction

7 Metener Oy Over ten years of experience in biogas production technology and utilisation technology We offer services in process- construction- electrical- automation design Feasibility studies Gas production process optimisation trials In Finland we provide full deliveries, abroad we oparate in co-operation with local partners

8 Equipment 2g CHP-engines, CRI-MAN slurry handling, MAPRO gas handling, Oilon burners, Kaukora boilers, Ventur blowers

9 Juva biogas plant Owner: co-operative of farmers 14 000 tpa cow slurry, 2000 tpa chicken manure, 1000 tpa waste materials Heat and electricity consumed by greenhouse (market vegetables) Generator: electric power 250 kW, thermal power 300 kW Complete delivery by Metener Ltd






15 Biogas refuelling & upgrading station

16 Contact: juha.luostarinen(a)

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