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Prepared By: Shakil Raiman.  The Electromagnetic spectrum (EM spectrum) is a continuous spectrum of waves.  There are seven waves in EM spectrum. They.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared By: Shakil Raiman.  The Electromagnetic spectrum (EM spectrum) is a continuous spectrum of waves.  There are seven waves in EM spectrum. They."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared By: Shakil Raiman

2  The Electromagnetic spectrum (EM spectrum) is a continuous spectrum of waves.  There are seven waves in EM spectrum. They are Radio waves, Micro waves, Infra-red, Visible light, Ultra-violet (UV), X-ray and gamma ray.  Radio waves has the longest wavelength and gamma ray has the shortest wavelength.  Radio waves has least frequency and gamma ray has highest frequency.

3  They are all transverse waves.  They travel at the same speed of 3.0×10 8 ms -1 in vacuum.  They do not require any material medium to spread from one place to another.  They all can be reflected, refracted and diffracted.  They transfer energy from one place to another.  They can be emitted and absorbed by matter.  They have oscillating electric field and magnetic fields at right angles to each other.





8 EM WaveHarmful EffectHow to reduce the Risk microwavesheating of tissue / perceived risk of cancer close oven door / hands-free cell phone / monitor infra redrisk of skin burning / cell damage avoid hot places / reflective clothing / avoid exposure visible lighteye damagesun glasses / avoid exposure (to sun) ultravioletrisk of {skin / eye} damage / blindness skin cream / sunglasses / avoid exposure (to sun) x-rays risk of cancer / cell damage(lead) shielding / monitor exposure e.g. film badge / avoid exposure Gamma-rays risk of cancer / cell damage(lead) shielding / monitor exposure e.g. film badge / avoid exposure

9  Wish you all very good luck and excellent result.

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