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Charmonium states in the string breaking region CHARMONIUM STATES IN THE STRING BREAKING REGION Francisco Fernández Nuclear Physics Group and IUFFyM University.

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Presentation on theme: "Charmonium states in the string breaking region CHARMONIUM STATES IN THE STRING BREAKING REGION Francisco Fernández Nuclear Physics Group and IUFFyM University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charmonium states in the string breaking region CHARMONIUM STATES IN THE STRING BREAKING REGION Francisco Fernández Nuclear Physics Group and IUFFyM University of Salamanca XIII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy November 29 - December 4, 2009 Florida State University

2 MOTIVATIONS The breaking of the color electric string between two static sources is a phenomenon predicted by QCD String breaking has been observed in lattice QCD simulation Interesting issues Information about quark confinement Chiral symmetry restoration To study the properties of the very high excited states in charmonium in a model which reproduces the phenomenology Charmonium states in the string breaking region Aim

3 Charmonium states in the string breaking region

4 Confinement A poor´s man model Lattice (K.D. Born PRD40 1653) ‏ Other choices are posible (see last talk of the sesion ) ‏

5 Are there enough experimental data in this region?

6 Excited states in the light sector Cristal Barrel Collaboration

7 XYZ X(3840) ‏ X(3915) ‏ X(3940) ‏ Y(3940) ‏ X(4160) ‏ Y(4208) ‏ Y(4260) ‏ Y(4360) ‏ Y(4660) ‏. Charmonium

8 e + e – → Λ c + Λ c – γ ISR Phys.Rev.Lett.101,172001(2008)‏ Charmonium states in the string breaking region Van Beveren & Rupp

9 Basic ingredients Chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken at some momentum scale provinding a constituent quark mass M(q 2 ) for the ligth quarks The constituent quark model

10 As a consequence light constituent quarks exchange Goldstone bosons Both light and heavy quarks interacts besides by gluon exchange Finally both type of quarks are confined by a two body linear potential screened at large distancies due to pair creation The constituent quark model

11 The quark gluon coupling constant scales with the reduced mass as J. Vijande, F. Fernández, A. Valcarce. J. Phys. G31, (2005) ‏ We can use the same parametrization for the light and heavy sector The constituent quark model

12 N-N interaction –F. Fernández, A. Valcarce, U. Straub, A. Faessler. J. Phys. G19, 2013 (1993)‏ –A. Valcarce, A. Faessler, F. Fernández. Physics Letters B345, 367 (1995)‏ –D.R. Entem, F. Fernández, A. Valcarce. Phys. Rev. C62 034002 (2000)‏ –B. Juliá-Diaz, J. Haidenbauer, A. Valcarce, and F. Fernández. Physical Review C 65, 034001, (2002)‏ Baryon spectrum –H. Garcilazo, A. Valcarce, F. Fernández. Phys. Rev. C 64, 058201, (2001)‏ –H. Garcilazo, A. Valcarce, F. Fernández. Phys. Rev. C 63, 035207 (2001)‏ Meson spectrum. –J. Vijande, F. Fernández, A. Valcarce. J. Phys. G31, (2005)‏ –J. Segovia A.M. Yasser D. R. Entem F. Fernandez PRD 78 114033 The constituent quark model

13 Light I=1 The constituent quark model

14 Bottomonium The constituent quark model


16 The 1 -- sector

17 ► Y(4008 ) and Y(4260) are not 1 - - states ► Y(4360 ) and Y(4660) appears as 1 - - states ► Ψ(4415) → 3D state

18 Leptonic width The 1 -- sector

19 Strong widths ( 3 P 0 model) ‏ The 1 -- sector

20 X(3872) X(3915) X(3940) Z(3930) X(4160)‏

21 X(3872) ‏ DD* molecule coupled to X(3940) ‏ X(3872) X(3915) X(3940) Z(3930) X(4160)‏ See Entem’s talk

22 X(3872) X(3915) X(3940) Z(3930) X(4160)‏



25 e + e −  J/  D * D * M=(4156  15)MeV/c 2  =(139  21)MeV +25 −20 +111 −61 5.5  X(4160)‏ D * reconstructed D * tag X(4160) ‏ M=4166 MeV/c 2  =122.9 MeV Our results (  (D*D*) =52.3 MeV) ‏

26 X(3872) X(3915) X(3940) Z(3930) X(4160)‏

27 Z(3930) ‏ PRL 96 (06) 082003 Observed in 2005 by Belle Collab. produced in Helicity angle distribution favours J=2 Our results M=3968 MeV.  =49.1 MeV.

28 Van Beveren & Rupp analysis Charmonium states in the string breaking region

29 Charmonium states in the string breaking region Leptonic decays Strong decays

30 S-wave D-wave Charmonium states in the string breaking region

31 Charmonium states in the string breaking region


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