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Word Roots: Classics 30 Wednesday, September 1, 2010: Unit 9.

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1 Word Roots: Classics 30 Wednesday, September 1, 2010: Unit 9

2 Today’s Goals To go over what’s covered in tomorrow’s quiz. To go over Week 5 Worksheet 1 To go over material from Unit 9 To learn a couple biology terms

3 Tomorrow’s Quiz Know the answers to the questions and exercises from Unit 8 and 9. Know the irregular plurals at the end of Unit 9 Be able to do exercises (including transliteration) like those on Week 5 Worksheet 1. Half the questions will be drawn directly from worksheet. Half will be variants on those questions. Know the Biology terms back through Thursday, August 26.

4 Biology Term I amoeba –{amoeba/amoeb} = changing, alternating –An amoeba is a microrganism whose shape is constantly changing. Compare: –amoeboid –amoebocyte

5 Biology Term II pseudopod –{pseudo} = false, imitation –{pod} = foot –A pseudopod is protusion of cytoplasm that usually serves for locomotion or apprehension. Compare: –pseudopodium (= pseudopod)

6 Unit 9 Word Elements {uni} {du}{bi} {tri} {quadru/quadri/quadr} {quinqu/quinque} {sex} {sept/septem} {octo/octi} {nov/novem} {cent/centi} {mill/milli} {pleg} {digit} {foli} {cycle} {anni/enni} {pare/pari/para} {later} {pede/ped}

7 More Unit 9 Elements {primo} {second} {terti} {quart} {quint} {sext} {sept} {octav} {non} {decim} {centi} {milli} {heno} {duo/dy} {tri} {tetra/tetrad} {pent/penta} {hexa/hex} {hept/hepta} {octo} {ennea/ennead} {deca} {hecto} {kilo}

8 More Unit 9 Elements {agon} (1) {cephal} {multi} {pan} {olig/oligo} {chromat} {orama} {hemi} {prot/proto} {deuter/deutero} {gam} {nom} {agon} (2) {pol} {seque} {lac}

9 Irregular Plurals alumnus alumna colossus persona (agendum) medium psychosis stimulus synopsis (sequela) lacuna gladiolus nucleus focus stratum datum millennium index neurosis memorandum centennium verterbra analysis synthesis

10 One More Clause Pattern English is fond of using a noun or pronoun connected with an infinitive as the object of a sentence. –I want you to go home. –I told Mary to wash the dishes. Note that the noun or pronoun is the doer of the action (you go home; Mary washes). Contrast this: –I learned Latin to read Caesar. Here “Latin” will not do the reading.

11 One More Clause Pattern This use of a noun or pronoun plus an infinitive is common in English, but there is no standard way to refer to it. We’ll call it pattern G: Subject-Transitive Verb-Actor-Infinitive S-TV-A-I

12 What is the pattern of These Clauses? I am sad. Bill will give Mary a hug. Tom, my friend, will prove you wrong. I wanted you to eat the bananas. I wanted bananas to make a smoothie. You’ll get the idea. He got awfully annoying.

13 A Variant on S-TV-A-I Sometimes infinitives in this pattern do not have the word “to.” This happens after verbs of sensation, and the verbs “make,” “have,” “let,” “help” and some others. –He made me go. –I heard him cry. –I felt it move! –John let us come along.

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