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Leicestershire Police Authority (Your Voice. Your Police. Your Money) About us 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Leicestershire Police Authority (Your Voice. Your Police. Your Money) About us 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leicestershire Police Authority (Your Voice. Your Police. Your Money) About us 2010

2 The National Picture

3 Why have a Police Authority? Home Secretary Chief ConstablePolice Authority Policing service delivered through the tripartite arrangement :

4 What is a Police Authority? 43 police forces in England and Wales 43 police authorities – one for each police force. Created by an Act of Parliament – each police force must have one. All have the same responsibilities which are set out in numerous Acts of Parliament

5 What does a Police Authority do? Ensure efficient and effective policing for the area Approve the police budget/precept Monitor police performance Appoint chief officers Consult with the public and set Force level “Local Objectives” Monitor complaints against the police Independent Custody Visiting Scheme

6 The Local picture

7 Who makes up a Police Authority? 17 members 5 appointed from Leicestershire County Council 3 appointed from Leicester City Council 1 appointed from Rutland County Council 8 appointed from the local community All members receive an allowance for undertaking the role

8 How the Authority Works The Police Authority meet 5 times a year. All meetings are public and anyone can attend. The Authority has five main committees dealing with Human Resources, Audit, Finance, Consultation and Complaints Dates of all meetings are advertised on the Authority’s website

9 Members of Leicestershire Police Authority David Bill Sarah Hill Joe Orson Brian Page Janice Richards Shofiqul Chowdhury Iqbal Desai Paul Newcombe Barrie Roper Paul Brown Uday Dholakia Bernard Greaves Wendy Martin Dianne Newton David Prince Tim Render Adrienne Roberts

10 Our Vision To ensure the best and most effective policing for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, meeting the needs of our diverse communities.

11 We will use our independence to ensure that an efficient and effective police service is delivered. work in partnership to prevent crime and disorder. make the best use of our resources and seek continuous improvement. be open, honest, reliable, accountable to the public and do all we can to preserve public confidence. value difference whilst striving to understand and to learn from each other. Our Values

12 Consultation We undertook a variety of steps to seek people’s views about policing last year. We used the consultation responses to set a number of Force level “local objectives” for Leicestershire Constabulary for 2010/11. Here is how the Constabulary is performing against those objectives…

13 Force level “Local Objectives” 2010/11 Improve the satisfaction in service given to people who report Anti- Social Behaviour so that 80% of those people are satisfied in the service we give them. 79.9% (July 2010) Make sure that beat officers and neighbourhood PCSO’s are on their beat as much as possible and that they are not taken away for other duties. If they have to be away from their beat this time should be no more than 5% of their total working time. Performance so far 2.8% (July 2010) Make sure that police officers use Mobile Data Terminals (Mobile Computers) to update crime reports etc, whilst out and about so that they spend less time in police stations and more time in the community. 10% of all crime reports should be completed using the Mobile computers. Performance so far 8.2% (July 2010)

14 Force level “Local Objectives” 2010/11 Develop a system to monitor and report the level of satisfaction in the service we give to victims of Domestic Violence and / or Serious Sexual Offences (Rape), feedback any changes. No Update so far. Monitor what people think of the way we ask for their views. We have to make sure that 60% of people think that we along with the local council are asking people their views on Anti-Social Behaviour and crime that matters to people. Performance so far 51.7% (July 2010) Support businesses by better prevention and resolution of business related crimes. We want to reduce burglaries of businesses where the value of goods stolen in more than £1000 by 5% and consult businesses more about the use of reparation when resolving business crimes. Performance so far -28% (Aug 2010)

15 Your Voice Counts Only through consultation with the local community is the Police Authority able to accurately set the Local Policing Priorities – so, your opinion counts and is taken seriously. As a member of the Consultation Panel you will play a part in assisting the Police Authority, this could be by completing a survey attending an event or meeting in doing so you are making a difference to your local community and helping to shape the future of policing.

16 How to be involved Complete one of our questionnaires. Complete a form to become a member of our Consultation Panel.

17 Contact Us 0116 229 8980 Leicestershire Police Authority Police Headquarters, St Johns, Enderby, Leicester, LE19 2BX

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