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Extended School Year Canyons School District Special Education.

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1 Extended School Year Canyons School District Special Education

2 What Extended School year is not… ESY is not summer school. ESY is not a remedial program. ESY is not an enrichment program. ESY is not a respite program. ESY is not provided for the purpose of helping students with disabilities “catch up” to their peers.

3 What Extended School Year is… An opportunity to maintain identified IEP goals and critical skills

4 Eligibility Considerations Eligibility for ESY is determined by the IEP team ESY is an extension of FAPE as provided in the IEP If the IEP team determines that ESY services are needed for the student to receive FAPE, the district must stand ready to provide those services

5 Students to consider for ESY All students receiving special education and related services are to be considered for possible eligibility Eligibility must not be based on the disability category of the student All IEP goals must be considered, not just goals relating to independence

6 Goalview IEP Disclosure to Parents ( ) your child is eligible for ESY services ( ) your child is NOT eligible for ESY services ( ) your child’s eligibility will be determined later

7 Amending the IEP Determine ESY eligibility based on the IEP team decision. During the annual IEP, indicate on the IEP the team decision about ESY. Amend IEP when necessary: Remember, during the IEP, if you select “your child’s eligibility will be determined later,” you need to Reconvene the IEP team which includes the parents Look at your data and the factors for eligibility change the IEP to “is eligible for ESY services” or “is not eligible for ESY services” via an amendment. Determination needs to be done by April 1 st. As much as possible assess for ESY at the time of the IEP meeting and select “does qualify or does not qualify” to avoid having to amend the IEP later

8 Qualifying for ESY ESY is an IEP team decision All students who have an IEP must be considered for ESY services by the IEP team regardless of categorical disability classification The team must base the decision on the basis that the services are necessary for the provision of FAPE.

9 Qualifying for ESY (cont’d.) ESY services are connected to a specific IEP Goal Canyons School District ESY eligibility decisions reflect student need based on multiple factors and must be supported by data.

10 Considering All IEP Goals Add ESY eligibility worksheet With intent that all goals need to be on the form

11 Multiple Eligibility Prongs Retrospective Data Archival Data Predictive Data Real time data Data that can help predict the need

12 Retrospective Data Regression and Recoupment Past regression and Recoupment Significant Loss of Degree and Duration

13 Retrospective Data Regression/Recoupment Regression: inability of a student to maintain acquired skill in an identified goal area of concern Recoupment: capacity to recover those skills that have regressed to a level demonstrated prior to the break in instruction

14 Definition cont. This regression / recoupment concern must be aligned to existing IEP goal content areas. Students who can recoup those skills with re-teaching in a reasonable amount of time, are not eligible for ESY service(s).

15 Recoupment Guideline Consider using ½ the time of the duration of the break For example: If the break is twelve calendar days the recoupment period might be 6 days

16 Data for Regression Data that supports the amount of time it will take to re-learn the lost skill(s).

17 Retrospective Data Regression/Recoupment If you find solid Regression Recoupment Data you may Qualify them with that Goal. Remember to look at all IEP Goals. IF not, You must qualify them with at least 2 other factors in a particular goal.

18 Retrospective Data Impeding Progress Data that shows a significant loss of degree and duration as to impede progress.

19 Emerging Skills Degree and nature of student’s disability Rate of Progress on IEP Goals Any physical or Behavioral concerns Areas needing continuous attention Vocational and transition needs Alternative Resources Anecdotal Reports Data of daily performance Multiple Eligibility Factors: Predictive Data

20 Predictive Data Emerging Skills Trend data: AIMSWeb, CRT, Speech samples, progress monitoring, Critical learning point – may be included in this eligibility factor

21 Emerging Skills Data on Critical Learning Point Data supporting student acquisition of a new skill after an extended time of repeated teaching of that skill

22 A student with a disability who requires a highly structured environment or consistent programming without substantial breaks in service(s) in order to make progress in the identified goal area(s) of concern. Predictive Data Nature and Severity

23 Predictive Data Rate of Progress on IEP goals

24 Predictive Data Physical and Behavioral Students who need on going PT or OT supports. Students who needs on going Guidance and behavioral supports.

25 Predictive Data Areas needing continuous attention

26 Predictive Data Data of Daily Performance Data from measures of daily performance state-wide assessment data norm-referenced test data checklists work samples and others

27 Predictive Data Anecdotal Reports Teachers Parents Caregivers Related service providers

28 Predictive Data Alternative Resource Circumstantial considerations based on information about unique situations in the student’s home, neighborhood, or community, including those such as: The ability of the student to interact with nondisabled students

29 What this could look like: It could be that a Special Ed teacher could send home materials to work on during breaks in school. If a stander is needed to work on PT goals and the parents are unable to provide services, ESY may be appropriate in order to provide FAPE

30 When should ESY data be collected

31 Recommendation of Eligibility Goals & Objectives Form

32 Eligibility Recommendation After completing the Recommendation for Eligibility form(s), send them to Sue Somsen at Jordan Valley with the appropriate data attached by March 20th Data collected over Spring recess CAN NOT be used to qualify a student for ESY for the 2014-2015 school year because there is not time for recoupment. This data may be used for future ESY consideration.

33 Important Dates March 6, 2015- Send Participation in ESY form to parents. March 20, 2015- Recommendation of Eligibility for Extended School Year IEP Goals & Objectives form with supporting data to Sue Somsen at Jordan Valley March 20, 2015- Response from parents is due to Sue Somsen (agreeing/disagreeing to participate in ESY). This form MUST be complete with parent signature.

34 Important Dates Cont. If the student is eligible send the following to Sue Somsen at Jordan Valley by May 15, 2015 ESY Student Information Form (this form will be available at the Special Ed. website) Health Care Plan (when applicable) BIP (when applicable)

35 Important dates cont. May 15, 2015 – Provide updated information necessary for the implementation of the IEP goals (ESY Current Level of Functioning Form) and curriculum necessary for the implementation of goals during ESY. Send to Sue Somsen ESY teachers do not have curriculum materials, and there is not funding for curriculum materials.

36 Transportation Requirement of ESY Falls under the same guidelines that exist during regular school year IEP team must make a determination whether or not transportation is a necessary related service and must look at student needs in respect to: Access Disability

37 REMEMBER::::: Data is 365 days a year. Never ending! DUE DATES: March 6, 2015; - Send Participation in ESY form to parents March 6, 2015: Recommendation of Eligibility for Extended School All Goals being considered. March 20, 2015- Response from parents is due May 15, 2015: Current levels of functioning and curriculum. ESY Student Information form, Health Care Plan (when applicable), BIP (when Applicable) Multiple factors required

38 Summer ESY Location and Dates 2015 Classes will be held To be determined Student hours are 8:30 – 11:30 am

39 For more information contact Derick Menlove Severe Teacher Specialist 801-826-5076 Sue Somsen Jordan Valley Teacher Specialist 801-826-7200

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