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Upd8 (May 2006) P olicy S upport and R esearch U nit upd8 – May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Upd8 (May 2006) P olicy S upport and R esearch U nit upd8 – May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 upd8 (May 2006) P olicy S upport and R esearch U nit upd8 – May 2006

2 upd8 (May 2006) Policy Support and Research Unit Current thinking on the future shape of the Connexional Team News of the projects: 7: Relationship between mph and the Connexional Team 11b: Reviewing principles underpinning the formation of the Connexional Team budget 12: Putting all grant making in one ‘place’ The twelve projects (a reminder) A prayer Contact details To return to this menu press the PSRU logo in the bottom right hand corner. This upd8 features the current thinking of the future shape of the Connexional Team. There is also the latest information on some of the projects. Decision-making framework

3 upd8 (May 2006) Here are slides from May’s Team Training Session for the Connexional Team. The presentation was also made at the Connexional Leadership Team and the Strategies and Resources Committee. The suggested shape includes: Leadership and Management Operational Areas Specialist Areas Project Work Some indication of the wider Church context A more detailed version and glossary is in the handout, which was given out at the presentations. If you haven’t received a copy, then click here. click here Current thinking on the future shape of the Connexional Team Click here to view the slides now.

4 Strategic Leadership Strategic Leadership Strategic Leadership Strategic Leadership Leadership Support & Research Communication Advocacy Financial & Human Resources Operations & Support Senior Manager (Specialism) Senior Manager (Projects) upd8 (May 2006) Click here to see the next stage

5 Communication Advocacy Help Desk Human Resources Finance IT Office Support upd8 (May 2006) Click here to see the next stage

6 Leadership Support People Project/Specialism Resource People upd8 (May 2006) Click here to see the next stage

7 Scrutiny Groups ConferenceCouncilSRC CLT Scrutiny Groups Reference Groups Click here to see the next stage

8 Networks Click here to see the next stage This is the end of this section – click here to return to the main menu

9 NetworksAgencies Connected Bodies Click here to see the next stage This is the end of this section – click here to return to the main menu

10 upd8 (May 2006) The Team Framework diagram expresses the spirit of Team Focus. At the present stage the titles in the boxes are deliberately imprecise, but by Conference 2007 the Church will need to be clear what they will contain. We need a tool that allows for clear decision-making about that on the basis of criteria that the Church at large can own. Using the commitment in Team Focus that the Team will ‘focus on what is best done or can only be done by the Team in pursuit of Priorities’ JSG has worked on a tool that converts that principle into an aid for deciding which bids for Team resources should succeed. This is only a tool to help prepare for decisions; difficult judgements still need to be made. The diagrams that follow show the key stages in using the tool. More detail is provided in the presentation handout available by clicking here.clicking here Decision-making framework Click here to view the slides now.

11 Methodist Church Test Required by Statute or explicit Methodist decision? No Yes Test degree of Import Refer back to proposer >10 <10 God’s Mission Expressed in Priorities or other Conference Policy? Yes No Stop Click here to see the next stage

12 Example Filter Questions Max score Is the proposed work........ requested by an ecumenical partner on behalf of the wider Church? 3.... helping to bind the Connexion together? 2 Click here to see the next stage

13 Consider wider Connexional resources Test: Is there a team role? <10 >10 Should Connexional Team resources be used? Click here to see the next stage

14 Example Filter Questions Max score Would the Team contribution to the proposed work........ promote a required consistency of practice across the Connexion? 4.... bring its own funding? 2 Click here to see the next stage

15 Special creative risk-taking? Yes No E³E³ Consider wider Connexional resources Test: Is there a team role? <10 >10 Should Connexional Team resources be used? Click here to see the next stage

16 Exciting Experimental Enterprises Click here to see the next stage

17 E E E

18 Should Connexional Team Resources be used? DecisionsDecisions Costs Partners Scale of Team resources required? Risks Time Consider wider Connexional resources Test: Is there a team role? <10 >10 Special creative risk-taking? Yes No E³E³ Click here to see the next stage This is the end of this section – click here to return to the main menu

19 upd8 (May 2006) The twelve projects cover: Evangelism and speaking of God and faith in ways that make sense to all involved Re-visiting Team support for local church, circuit and district ministries Re-visioning work with children and young people The work of public issues staff, MRDF, World Action and Mission Education, with a view to improving advocacy and communication Improving communication between the whole Team and the whole Church A re-configuration of World Church partnerships The relationship between mph and the Team The working arrangements between TMCP and the Team Conversations with ecumenical partners Developing a twenty-first century approach to education issues Improving the budget-making process, including a fresh look at accountability Putting all grant-making in one ‘place’

20 upd8 (May 2006) Project 7: The relationship between mph and the Connexional Team A report went to April’s meeting of Methodist Council. In terms of the Connexional Team it recommended that: To find out more information, e-mail Ken Kingston.Ken Kingston A clear and simple agreement (along the lines of a service level agreement) be produced in regard to the inter-relationship of mph and the Team, within a shared accountability to Methodist Conference. The Communication Office’s Design and Production remain London-based but linked and integrated with the Design and Production staff of mph in Peterborough to make a single Design and Production Unit, with a single line of accountability. A single commissioning/permission-giving/editorial/overseeing group be established for the ‘Methodist Publishing House’ imprint which would deal with all Conference and Team publications. New arrangements are also being made so it remains possible to publish worthwhile material from the Team, which may not necessarily be commercially viable. The Methodist Council received the report and sent it to Conference.

21 upd8 (May 2006) Project 11b Reviewing principles underpinning the formation of the Connexional Team budget The PMG is Deacon Myrtle Poxon (Chair), Revds David Deeks and Ken Howcroft, Revd Anne Brown (District Chair ), Bob Lolley, (ex District Treasurer), Revd Linda Barriball (Superintendent) and Peter Cotgrove (ex Connexional Treasurer). This first meeting considered the work to be done and it was readily agreed that finance within the Methodist Church is very complex and if it can be simplified through this Project, that would benefit everyone. It is important to consider the Connexional Team Budget in the context of the finances of the whole Church and work was identified to be done before the next meeting on 16th June. Two sub-groups considering some non-team items in the Connexional Team Budget and the timetable and process for future budgets, are also getting underway. To find out more information, e-mail John Nelson.John Nelson

22 upd8 (March 2006) Project 12: Putting all grant making in one ‘place’ The detailed objectives and critical path can now be viewed by clicking here.clicking here This project relates to grants made from within the Connexional Team’s budget and also makes some suggestions for grants that are made by the districts. To find out more information, e-mail Luke Curran.Luke Curran

23 upd8 (May 2006) God of my life, create in me the heart of a pilgrim. There is a part of me that fights letting go. Do not allow me to become so rooted or so accustomed to my daily tasks and inner securities, that I miss your voice calling me to greater growth and deeper maturity in faith. I want to hoard my blessings, to hang on to my gifts, to hide my talents and the blessings of my life. I want to take them out one by one, only when I know that it is safe and I wont get hurt or emptied. Stir in me a fire of such a great love for you and your people that I will constantly celebrate life and appreciate its beauty, even when it is painful. Allow me to ‘see visions and dream dreams’ so that I can live with your vision and not be overwhelmed by the struggles of the journey. God of Exodus, I know you are near. Grant me the courage to change, whether that change is an inner or an outer one. Deepen my awareness of your faithful presence and bless my pilgrim heart. Amen (Joyce Rupp. Praying Our Goodbyes )

24 upd8 (May 2006) Policy Support and Research Unit 7th floor, Methodist Church House 25 Marylebone Road London NW1 5JR To e-mail a particular member of the PRSU click on their name. John EllisJohn Ellis Luke Curran Ken Kingston John NelsonLuke CurranKen KingstonJohn Nelson Peter RelfPeter Relf William Swires Anne ToppingWilliam SwiresAnne Topping Tel: 020 7467 5149 E-mail:

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