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Chapter 23 Section 4 Minor Members of Our Solar System

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1 Chapter 23 Section 4 Minor Members of Our Solar System
Asteroids Comets Meteoroids/Meteors/Meteorites Kuiper Belt Oort Cloud

2 Asteroids Small rocky bodies; irregular shape
Lie between orbits of Mars & Jupiter (asteroid belt) Orbital period of 3-6 years Some asteroids have very eccentric orbits & travel close to the Sun. Others (larger) regularly pass close to Earth & Moon Largest asteroid: Ceres—1,000 km diameter 3 types of asteroids: --C (carbonaceous) 75% pop….outer belt --S (silicaceous) 17% pop…inner belt…most common --M (metallic) 8% pop…middle belt NASA Capture Pet Asteroid? PHAs (Potentially Hazardous Asteroids) Why track asteroid paths?

3 Location of Asteroids

4 Comets Rocky, metallic material held together by frozen gases (water,
ammonia, methane, CO2, and CO) Elongated orbits (far beyond Pluto) Orbital period of most  hundreds of thousands of years Some less than 200 years and encounter inner solar system Anatomy of a comet: Coma-glowing head produced as frozen gases vaporized Nucleus-located in the coma; icy Tail-typically forms as approach Sun (can extend millions of km); always points AWAY from Sun in curved manner Radiation pressure—forms dust tail Solar wind– forms ionized (gas) tail (mainly CO) Space Debris Song

5 Halley’s Comet Comet Ison -Periodic comet -Passes Earth every 76 years
-Last pass: 1986 -Next pass: 2061 Comet Ison -Originated from Oort Cloud -Most agree it did not survive orbit around Sun

6 Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud
Birthplace of short orbital period comets; nearly circular orbits roughly in same plane of planets Located beyond Neptune Most comets we see are Kuiper Belt comets Oort Cloud Birthplace of long orbital period comets; highly eccentric orbits; not confined to plane of solar system “3-D shell” around solar system Very rarely do we observe an Oort Cloud comet Closer Look at the Kuiper Belt

7 Meteoroids Meteoroid: small solid particle in space; made of iron
Originate from: interplanetary debris, asteroid belt, or remains of a comet Meteor: meteoroids that enter Earth’s atmosphere; burn once in atmos. Where does light originate? Meteor showers  Earth encounters swarm of meteoroids traveling same speed/direction  link to comets…WHY? Meteorite: reaches Earth’s surface Meteor Crater Winslow, Arizona ~50,000 years ago Originated from asteroid belt ~26,000 mph prior to impact; 150 ft across Crater is roughly 1 mile wide 2.4 mile circumference 550 feet deep



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