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University of Wollongong Learning designs: Creating strategies and tools to support university teaching Sue Bennett.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Wollongong Learning designs: Creating strategies and tools to support university teaching Sue Bennett."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Wollongong Learning designs: Creating strategies and tools to support university teaching Sue Bennett

2 University of Wollongong Online learning Driven major change  fully online, multi-campus, off-shore, f2f Dissatisfaction with quality –Good teaching? –Needs of students? How to improve teaching?

3 University of Wollongong Who are our teachers? Researcher Discipline expert Teaching experience No teaching qualifications Many are motivated to improve what they do

4 University of Wollongong Support for teachers large resources Expert advice Too general Descriptions Too specific Prof. Development Not tailored Instr. Designers Too few

5 University of Wollongong Learning designs TasksSupportsResources Learning Outcomes

6 University of Wollongong Representation

7 University of Wollongong Graphical representation TasksResources Supports static dynamic formative summative people documents software

8 University of Wollongong Example predict observe explain video pairs pred. group

9 University of Wollongong The Learning Design Web Site

10 University of Wollongong Research Education Faculty Readily understood Adaptable Assists communication Arts Faculty Readily understood Adaptable Assists communication Further More disciplines School education

11 University of Wollongong Next step Create and investigate tools to support teachers design processes and decision- making Embedded in the environment in which teachers work Investigate standards that can support the tools and process

12 University of Wollongong The Process Teacher’s design process discipline & pedagogical knowledge learning design + unit of learning IMS LD learning management system sharing, publishing, archiving

13 University of Wollongong The Project Phase 1: Investigations –Teachers’ actual practices –Analysis of learning designs available –Analysis of IMS LD Phase 2: Design, Development, Evaluation Phase 3: Final analysis UOW OUNL Janison Solutions

14 University of Wollongong Project outcomes Understand more about how university teachers design learning experiences Advance learning designs as supports for process and decision-making Apply and advance standards to enable software systems to use learning design

15 University of Wollongong Conclusion Learning designs address gap in current support Provide scaffold to help teachers apply their professional and disciplinary knowledge to design high quality learning environments Next step is a support system that maintains these characteristics, and is technically sound

16 University of Wollongong Contact: Dr Sue Bennett Faculty of Education University of Wollongong

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