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Andrew Jackson The modern Democratic Party Andrew Jackson and Presidency The Tragic Love Story.

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2 Andrew Jackson The modern Democratic Party


4 Andrew Jackson and Presidency The Tragic Love Story

5 The love of his wife Rachel She was part of a frontier family in Tennessee

6 Rachel’s past Husband abusive- Beat her and left her. Woman’s rights- not many. Only man could file for divorce. Assumed Rachel's husband divorced her because it had been years and he never returned to her.

7 Met Andrew Jackson- perfect Gentleman Married Andrew Jackson in 1791. Jackson Had many enemies…. One enemy bribed Rachel’s first husband to come forth and claim he never divorced her. Huge Scandal - had to sue for divorce and remarried in 1794

8 Rachel had a weak heart. Very sensitive- Andrew wanted to protect her. Rachel stayed at their family farm during the campaign election.

9 Election- nasty Newspapers printed horrible things about Rachel. Bigamist, Adultery, slut, prostitute.


11 Jackson wins the election 1828 Called for his wife to join him for inauguration. Rachel wanted her husband to be proud of her. Wanted to look nice. Went to a dress shop and trying on a new dress in dressing room. Two ladies came in discussing the election results.

12 Talking about Jacksons “Unfit man- savage and his wife…that whore!” “What will happen to our country now?”

13 Rachel realized – in shock, had a heart attack. Dies. Jackson held her body all night.

14 Jackson refused to believe she died. “Who does Jackson blame for her death?”

15 Hates wealthy Establishes The Spoils System As President, Jackson assiduously sought to purge any federal workers who were known to have helped circulate the attacks on his late wife, including the Librarian of Congress. Jackson fired anyone he felt was an enemy. Hired his friends even if unqualified- “To the Victor Go the Spoils”



18 Administrative Problems Big White house Parties where all cabinet members and wives attended. Jackson a widow- takes pity on Cabinet member Sec. of War John Henry Eaton. Peggy O’Neale Eaton -Tavern Keepers daughter - married once before -Fell in love with Eaton and became mistress While Eaton was out to sea, Peggy’s husband found out about the affair and killed himself. - She then married Eaton.


20 Cabinet wives social snobs towards Peggy Jackson reminded of his wife Rachel. Places Peggy in charge of dinner parties at white house. All cabinet wives ignored Peggy- rude. At the white house, one wife was seated next to Peggy, refused to sit next to her. Got up and walked out.

21 Jackson reacts… Furious!!! Ordered Cabinet members to control wives or resign. All resign. Jackson knows it would have been the same for Rachel.

22 Kitchen Cabinet Had a group of close friends he discussed political affairs with. jackson/videos/scandal-disrupts-jackson-cabinet jackson/videos/scandal-disrupts-jackson-cabinet

23 National Bank (first and second lease) Up for a Third lease… said it was a monster. Vetoed- considered his greatest feat. Treasury Department begins to do the duties that the National Bank did.

24 Became known as “King Andrew” by enemies

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