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Unit 10 Vocabulary. consequence (n) A result, effect; importance.

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1 Unit 10 Vocabulary

2 consequence (n) A result, effect; importance

3 The consequence of getting bad grades on my report card can result into weeks of being grounded.

4 engulf (v) To swallow up, overwhelm, consume

5 Once the smoke started to engulf the area, everyone immediately started running away.

6 initiative (n) The taking of the first step or move; the ability to act without being directed or urged from the outside

7 This girl took the initiative to help the teacher pass out materials.

8 memento (n) Something that serves as a reminder

9 I will keep this ring as a memento of my grandmother.

10 nonconformist (n) A person who refuses to follow established ideas or ways of doing things; (adj) of or relating to the unconventional

11 Because I chose not to go along with the plan, I am considered a nonconformist.

12 Null and void (adj) without legal force or effect; no longer binding

13 If you do not follow the rules to our agreement, then our contract becomes null and void.

14 panorama (n) A wide, unobstructed view of an area; a complete survey of a subject; a continually passing or changing scene; a range or spectrum

15 My camera allows me to take a panorama of the city.

16 pry (v) To pull loose by force; to look at closely or inquisitively; to be nosy about something

17 I had to implement the hammer when I was trying to pry open the container.

18 resourceful (adj) able to deal promptly and effectively with all sorts of problems; clever in finding ways and means of getting along

19 Suzy was very resourceful when it come to do-it-yourself projects.

20 rigorous (adj) sever, harsh, strict; thoroughly logical

21 The boot camp instructor was very rigorous when it come to following the rules.

22 Unit 11 Vocabulary

23 alias (n) An assumed name, especially as used to hide one’s identity; (adv) otherwise called

24 Superman’s alias name is Clark Kent.

25 amble (v) To walk slowly, stroll; (n) an easy place; a leisurely walk

26 It was a serene evening to amble on the beach.

27 burly (adj) big and strong, muscular

28 If you are going to compete in weight competitions, it is important to be burly.

29 distort (v) To give a false or misleading account of; to twist out of shape

30 The photographer distorted the picture to give it a special effect.

31 dumbfounded (adj) so amazed that one is unable to speak, bewildered

32 The little boy was dumbfounded after reading about what happened in the book.

33 extinct (adj) no longer in existence; no longer active; gone out of use

34 We must take care of our Earth so certain animals do not become extinct.

35 parody (n) A humorous or ridiculous imitation; (v) to make fun of something by imitating it

36 The parody of this painting is copied by many different shows.

37 replenish (v) To fill again, make good, replace

38 It is wise to replenish your car so that you are not stranded on the side of the road.

39 rummage (v) To search through, investigate the contents of; (n) an active search; a collection of odd items

40 The customers had to rummage through the clearance clothes.

41 skimp (v) To save, be thrifty; to be extremely sparing with; to give little attention or effort to

42 I want an ice cream sundae and don’t skimp out on the chocolate.

43 sleuth (n) A detective

44 The sleuth was one the trail of fresh foot prints at the crime scene.

45 Unit 12 Vocabulary

46 abduct (v) To kidnap, carry off by force

47 Many people claim to have been abducted by aliens.

48 compact (adj) closely and firmly packed together; small; (v) to squeeze together; (n) an agreement between two parties; a small case containing a mirror and face powder; a small car

49 This is a very compact car it is not meant to be a family car. This was the Mayflower Compact. These are various compacts a woman might carry in her bag.

50 earmark (v) To set aside for special purpose; to mark an animal’s ear for identification; (n) an identifying mark or feature

51 An earmark on an animal might help the farmer to identify their cattle.

52 frigid (adj) extremely cold; lacking in warmth or feeling

53 The frigid temperatures resulted in a deep layer of ice.

54 implement (n) An instrument, a tool; (v) to put into effect

55 These implements are helpful in mathematics.

56 intensive (adj) thorough, deep; showing great effort; concentrated

57 My poor dog had to be in intensive care after being hit by a car.

58 maneuver (n) A planned movement; a skillful plan; a scheme; (v) to carry out or perform such a movement

59 The ship did an emergency breakaway maneuver by USS Winston Churchill.

60 sabotage (n) An action taken to destroy something or prevent it from working properly; (v) to take such destructive action

61 The soldier is sabotaging the collection of weapons so the enemy won’t be able to use them anymore.

62 thrive (v) To grow vigorously; to grow in wealth and possessions

63 The flower is thriving in the pond.

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