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Published byAusten Davidson Modified over 9 years ago
Presentation Outline 1.Strategic overview 2.Strategic goals and objectives 3. Strategic outcome oriented goals 4. Objective statements 5. Annual Performance Plans 6. Budget 2
Compliance Statement In terms of Section 55(2)(b) and Section 56 of the Constitution, the National Assembly must provide mechanisms to maintain oversight of any organ of state and may summon/require any institution to report to it. In acknowledgement of the responsibility of the Portfolio Committee, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) herewith: Presents its 2015/16-2019/20 Strategic Plan and 2015/16 Annual Performance Plan (APP) to enable the Portfolio Committee to exercise oversight and to recommend the same to Parliament. Reports that the Strategic Plan and APP was tabled in Parliament on 11 March 2015. This Strategic Plan is in line with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Treasury Regulations. 3
Overview The Strategic Plan is premised on key government medium-term priorities that are informed by the National Development Plan (NDP) and the New Growth Path (NGP), which repositions food security and agrarian transformation high on the economic development agenda of the country. Groundbreaking legislative and policy reforms were undertaken, which will take us forward to collectively champion a cause for marginalised and vulnerable people in the sector through: National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security Agriculture Policy Action Plan (APAP) Employment in the sector Improved livelihoods Agricultural Exports and Trade 4
Organisational Environment Agriculture is a concurrent function, while Forestry and Fisheries are national functions. Human resource planning is central to the determination of the departmental capacity requirements to maximise achievement. In response to environmental and policy directives the following five Human Resources priorities are identified: o Repositioning Human Resources as a strategic partner to enable DAFF to achieve its strategic objectives; o Employment of the youth in the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sector; o Transformation of the workforce; o Review of the departmental organisational structure to facilitate integration and eliminate duplication of functions; and o Management of the challenges of an ageing and ailing workforce and employee absenteeism. 5
2015/16 – 2019/20 STRATEGIC PLAN 6
Strategic Overview VISION United and transformed agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector that ensures food security for all and economic prosperity. MISSION Advancing food security, job creation, economic growth and transformation of the sector through innovative, inclusive and relevant policies, legislation and programmes. VALUES »Drive: driven to deliver excellent service through leadership and professionalism »Attitude: being an ambitious, passionate, reliable and dedicated workforce »Fairness: acting with objectivity, empathy, integrity and transparency »Focus: focusing on people, food security, job creation, growth and transformation 7
Constitutional mandate: Derived from sections 24(b)(iii), 27(1)(b) of the Constitution. Legislative mandate: Derived from Acts related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries, which are managed by the DAFF. The policy mandates include: o National Development Plan (NDP) o Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) o Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) o State of the Nation Address (SONA) o Budget Speech o Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Strategic Framework o Agricultural Policy Action Plan (APAP). Legislative and Policy Mandates 8
Situational Analysis – Key Issues Thousands of hectares of underutilised arable land in homelands is a challenge. The arable land in communal areas will be put into production, with focused support for input access, mechanisation services, technical support and linkages to local markets. Increased movement of goods and people which, in turn, has led to increased risk to the country and the necessity for increased measures to anticipate and prevent possible introduction of animal diseases, plant pests and other undesirable articles such as unsafe food and feed, including agricultural remedies. The growing food insecurity not only in South Africa, but in Southern Africa; climate change and inadequate investment in agricultural production. Market access for developing producers has also been identified as one of the key challenges for the Department. The challenge facing the sector is to diversify its export destinations, as well as to broaden the basket of commodities and value-added products that are destined for export markets. The challenge of growing the smallholder sector is closely tied up with the challenge of making smallholder agriculture more remunerative. Currently, more than half of all smallholder households live below the poverty line. 9
Situational Analysis – Key Issues cont… One of the main limitations with fisheries is that catch volumes depend on fish stocks, which vary naturally and/or are subject to depletion owing to over-exploitation. Inshore species, especially, tend to be in a state of stock depletion, increasing illegal fishing and poaching, and increasing demand for access to the finite marine resources. Promote transformation in the sector by modifying its licensing regime as per the Small- scale Fisheries Sector Policy in South Africa. Decline in both softwood and hardwood plantation area planted since the mid-1990s, and secondly, there has been a marked increase in the area for pulpwood purposes as compared to the area for saw logs and mining timber. Shortages of timber products; biased equity distributing in the value chain; slow afforestation uptake owing to cumbersome licensing processes; and the impact of natural hazards, which threaten food security. It is important to note that the competitiveness of agriculture is being eroded by high and rising input costs. Unsustainable land-use practices are intensifying and this has contributed to the deterioration of soils. 10
Strategic Planning Process Strategic Planning, and performance monitoring and reporting, is an institutionalised business process. It is a iterative annual process May: The Department commences with the planning process by conducting an environmental scan. June: Consolidate research, and identify high level priorities. July-August: The Planning Quarterly Review Meeting (PQRM) takes place to prepare the first draft Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan. August: First draft Strategic Plan submitted to Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and National Treasury. October: Develop second draft Strategic Plan, refine the indicators and align to government wide priorities. November - Submit second draft Strategic Plan to DPME and National Treasury. December, January - February: Refine the Strategic Plan, align the budget and all the requirements in preparation for tabling. 11
Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Strategic GoalsStrategic Objectives 1: Effective and efficient strategic leadership, governance and administration 1.1 Ensure compliance with statutory requirements and good governance practices 1.2 Strengthen the support, guidance and interaction with stakeholders 1.3 Strengthen institutional mechanisms for integrated policy, planning, monitoring and evaluation in the sector 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector 2.1 Ensure increased production and productivity in prioritised areas as well as value chains 2.2 Effective management of bio-security and related sector risks 2.3 Ensure support for market access and processing of agriculture, forestry and fisheries products 3: Enabling environment for food security and sector transformation 3.1 Lead and coordinate government food security initiatives 3.2 Enhance capacity for efficient delivery in the sector 3.3 Strengthen planning, implementation and monitoring of comprehensive support programmes 4: Sustainable use of natural resources in the sector 4.1 Ensure the conservation, protection, rehabilitation and recovery of depleted and degraded natural resources 4.2 Ensure adaptation and mitigation to climate change through effective implementation of prescribed frameworks 12
Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals 13 GoalsStatement/Purpose Goal: 1Provide leadership and administrative support to achieve sector and all organisational goals in accordance with prescribed frameworks Goal: 2Ensure profitable and safe production that contributes to increased market access Goal: 3Lead and create an enabling environment for the transformation of the sector and the effective implementation of government’s initiatives directed at food security, job creation and growth Goal: 4Ensure sustainable use of natural resources
Objective Statements – Programme 1 (Five Years) Maintain a sound system of internal controls and risk management through the implementation of: o Risk management plan, development of internal audit plan, the fraud and corruption prevention strategy o Effective oversight of departmental performance management o Strengthen the skills and human resource base through implementation of the HR plan o Reduction in the number of days to finalise misconduct cases o Improvement in financial management to obtain unqualified audit opinion o Development finance policy framework to align and integrate funding facilities in DAFF o Designing of Business Continuity Plan (BCP) o Legislation review programme 14
Objective Statements – Programme 1 Cont… Strengthen relations and communication between national, provincial and international stakeholders through the coordination of institutional structures and development of media plans Institutionalize integrated planning processes and mechanisms to reflect broad strategic outcomes of government by: o Coordination of the policy and research agenda to align with the Department’s mandate and key strategic priorities and protocols o Providing oversight to public entities o Ensuring a common project management approach o Implementing performance measures to improve decision-making o Strengthening the sector information management system o Provision of reports on the implementation of Agricultural Policy Action Plan interventions 15
Objective Statements – Programme 2 (Five Years) Promote animal production and products through monitoring the implementation of animal and plant improvement schemes for prioritised value chain commodities Enforce regulatory frameworks to reduce the level of disease outbreaks in production areas to a minimum by: o Conducting planned animal (Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR), African horse sickness and Avian Influenza) risk surveillance o Conducting planned plant (Exotic fruit fly) disease and pests risk surveillance o Implementing regulatory compliance and monitoring interventions to prevent plant and animal pests and disease outbreaks (Quarantine, inspections, surveillance and testing) o Ensure animal disease management and access to primary health care services through the implementation of the Animal Diseases and Management Plan and implementation of Compulsory Community Services (CCS) by deploying veterinary graduates to rural areas and delivering primary animal health care clinics to provinces Promote conservation by developing and implementing the National Plan for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Farm Animal Genetic Resources 16
Objective Statements – Programme 3 (Five Years) Institutionalise the National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security initiatives by 2019/20 through: o Coordination of the implementation of the National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security o Increasing the number of households benefiting from food and nutrition security initiatives by 200 000 o Supporting 80 000 smallholder producers o Cultivate 600 000 hectares of under-utilised land in communal areas for production Improve delivery capacity in support of sustainable growth in the sector through the implementation of the National Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Training and Education Strategy and National Policy on Extension and Advisory Services, as well as deploying extension support practitioners to target areas Provide strategic leadership to ensure effective and efficient utilisation of all producer development support through the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Producer Support Policy and creation of 110 000 jobs through CASP and Ilima/Letsema by 2019/20 17
Objective Statements – Programme 4 (Five Years) Improve market access through implementation of : o South African –Good Agricultural Practices (SA-GAP), global GAP and SA- Livestock-GAP certification programmes o Citrus Emerging Export Excellence Programme o Fruit and Aquaculture Value Chain Round-Table (AVCRT) / Network o Trade Strategy and International Relations Strategy o Trade Competiveness Development Plan o Establish 78 new cooperatives, support (training) of 595 existing cooperatives o Monitoring the implementation of the AgriBEE Sector Code and Forestry Sector Code 18
Objective Statements – Programme 5 (Five Years) Ensure the conservation, protection, rehabilitation and sustainable forest management by : o Replanting of hectares in Temporary Unplanted Plantation areas o Certification of 3 plantations for the Forestry Stewardship Council o Conducting environmental impact assessments to enable Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) to obtain afforestation licences and the implementation of Agro- forestry Strategy o Create 7 875 jobs through refurbishment of Category B&C plantations o 4 000 Full-Time Equivalent jobs though the LandCare programme o Revitalize hectares on irrigation schemes o Promulgation of the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Framework Bill by Parliament o Restoring 80 000 hectares of agricultural land and 1 500 hectares of state indigenous forests and woodlands through rehabilitation that includes -- area fencing, controlling of weeds and alien invasive species, veld reclamation, clearing of alien invasive plants, tree planting, soil conservation works and natural regeneration Implement climate change mitigation and adaptation plan to improve adaptability and productivity of livestock and plant species 19
Objective Statements – Programme 6 (Five Years) Create an enabling environment for sector growth through: o Implementation of the Aquaculture Bill o Providing support to aquaculture catalyst projects for sustainable development of the aquaculture sector as per Operation Phakisa and supporting research projects o Creation of 2 251 job opportunities through Working for Fisheries Programme Develop and implement the Framework for allocation of fishing rights (access to harvest fish for a specific period of time) and the implementation of Small-scale Fishing Policy to alleviate poverty, promote food security and to ensure sustainable utilisation, as well as equitable and orderly access to the marine living resources Ensure compliance and management of fish stocks through: o Implementation of Integrated Fisheries Security Strategy (IFSS) enforcement mechanisms to combat illegal fishing activities o Updating of recovery plans for Abalone and West Coast Rock Lobster to increase fish stock levels 20
Summary of Jobs to be created Key outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Strategic goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector Indicators2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20Total Number of jobs created through refurbishment of Category B and C plantations 1 575 j obs 7 875 Number of LandCare jobs [full-time equivalents (FTEs)] created 800 FTEs 4 000 Number of FTE jobs ( Working for Fisheries Programme) 535 FTEs600 FTEs558 FTEs -2 251 Number of jobs created through CASP8 000 jobs12 000 jobs15 000 jobs 65 000 Number of jobs created through Ilima/Letsema 7 000 jobs8 000 jobs10 000 jobs 45 000 21
Strategic Goal 1: Effective and efficient strategic leadership, governance and administration Strategic Objective 1.1. Ensure compliance with statutory requirements and key governance prescripts INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Efficient and effective risk management Risk register developed Risk Management Plan implemented Risk Management Plan implemented Risk Management Plan Implemented Risk Management Plan Implemented Risk Management Plan Implemented Fraud Prevention and Anticorruption Strategy developed Review and implement the Fraud Prevention and Anticorruption Strategy Review and implement the Fraud Prevention and Anticorruption Strategy Review and implement the Fraud Prevention and Anticorruption Strategy Review and implement the Fraud Prevention and Anticorruption Strategy Review and implement the Fraud Prevention and Anticorruption Strategy Risk –based Internal Audit Annual Plan implemented - 3-year Risk-based Internal Audit Annual Plan implemented 3-year Risk- based Internal Audit Annual Plan Implemented 3-yearRisk-based Internal Audit Annual Plan implemented 3-year Risk- based Internal Audit Annual Plan implemented - Effective oversight of departmental performance - Analysis of departmental performance reports Analysis of departmental performance reports Analysis of departmental performance reports Analysis of departmental performance reports Analysis of departmental performance reports 23
Strategic Goal 1: Effective and efficient strategic leadership, governance and administration Strategic Objective 1.1. Ensure compliance with statutory requirements and key governance prescripts Cont. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Human Resource Plan implemented IHRMP implementation reports submitted to the DSPA HR Plan developed and implemented HR Plan adjusted and implemented HR Plan adjusted and implemented HR Plan adjusted and implemented HR Plan reviewed, adjusted and implemented Average number of days to finalise cases of misconduct improved - New misconduct cases finalized within an average of 100 days New misconduct cases finalized within an average of 100 days New misconduct cases finalized within an average of 90 days New misconduct cases finalized within an average of 90 days New misconduct cases finalized within an average of 90 days Business Continuity Plan (BCP) designed - BCP (untested) approved by EXCO Testing and implementation of the DAFF BCP and ICT DRP Monitor the business environment And update or adjust the BC P and the DAFF ICT DRP Monitor the business Environment and update or adjust the BC P and the DAFF ICT DRP Review the BCP and the ICT DRP and Submit revised versions to EXCO for Approval 24
Strategic Goal 1: Effective and efficient strategic leadership, governance and administration Strategic Objective 1.1. Ensure compliance with statutory requirements and key governance prescripts INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Unqualified audit report on financial statements Unqualified audit report for 2012/13 was achieved Unqualified audit report on financial statements Unqualified audit report on financial statements Unqualified audit report on financial statements Unqualified audit report on financial statements Unqualified audit report on financial statements Integrated Development Finance Framework implemented - Integrated Development Finance Framework implemented Integrated Development Finance Framework implemented Implementation and review of the Integrated Development Finance Framework Implementation and review of the Integrated Development Finance Framework Implementation and review of the Integrated Development Finance Framework Number of bills tabled in Cabinet The Marine Living Resources Amendment Bill was passed by the National Council of Provinces 33332 25
Strategic Goal 1: Effective and efficient strategic leadership, governance and administration Strategic Objective 1.2. Strengthen the support, guidance and interaction with stakeholders INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Number of stakeholder engagements coordinated Stakeholder Engagement Implementation Plan developed 11 functional institutional structures coordinated 11 functional institutional structures coordinated 11 functional institutional structures coordinated 11 functional institutional structures coordinated 11 functional institutional structures coordinated Intergovernmen tal Strategy implemented Development of IGR Strategy plan Intergovernment al Strategy Plan implemented Intergovernment al Strategy Plan implemented Intergovernment al Strategy Plan implemented Intergovernment al Strategy Plan approved and implemented Intergovernment al Strategy Plan approved and implemented Communication Strategy implemented A total of 9 media plans were developed and approved 6 Communication and media plans implemented 6 Communication and media plans implemented 6 Communication and media plans implemented 6 Communication and media plans implemented 6 Communication and media plans implemented 26
Strategic Goal 1: Effective and efficient strategic leadership, governance and administration Strategic Objective 1.3. Strengthen institutional mechanisms for integrated policy, planning, monitoring and evaluation in the Sector INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Integrated planning framework institutionaliz ed The departmental Strategic Plan for 2013/14– 2017/18 was tabled in Parliament Departmental Strategic Plan (APPs) approved Departmental APPs approved Annual APPs approved Annual APPs approved Annual APPs approved 2013/14 annual non-financial performance report approved Departmental non-financial performance reports approved Departmental non-financial performance reports approved Departmental non-financial performance reports approved Departmental non-financial performance reports approved Departmental non-financial performance reports approved APAP sector and cross cutting interventions implemented - Annual report on implementation of APAP Interventions. Framework Implemented as part of APAP review, with report to Cabinet Annual report on implementation of APAP interventions Annual report on implementation of APAP interventions Annual report on implementation of APAP interventions Annual report on all APAP sector and crosscutting interventions being Implemented 27
Strategic Goal 1: Effective and efficient strategic leadership, governance and administration Strategic Objective 1.3. Strengthen institutional mechanisms for integrated policy, planning, monitoring and evaluation in the Sector Cont. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Governance oversight of public entities - Public entities Governance protocols approved Facilitate the implementation of Public entities Governance Protocols Facilitate the implementation of Public entities Governance Protocols Facilitate the implementation of Public entities Governance Protocols Facilitate the implementation of Public entities Governance Protocols Sector information management system strengthened - Update economical and statistical baseline data for the sector Update economical and statistical baseline data for the sector Update economical and statistical baseline data for the sector Update economical and statistical baseline data for the sector Update economical and statistical baseline data for the sector Policy and research reviewed for alignment to key strategic priorities and protocols The targeted R&D Programme developed Sector research agenda implemented and monitored Sector research agenda reviewed for alignment to key strategic priorities Sector research agenda implemented and monitored Sector research agenda implemented and monitored Sector research agenda implemented and monitored 28
Strategic Goal 1: Effective and efficient strategic leadership, governance and administration Strategic Objective 1.3. Strengthen institutional mechanisms for integrated policy, planning, monitoring and evaluation in the Sector Cont. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Policy and research reviewed for alignment to key strategic priorities and Protocols. Cont. Status of internal policies and procedures has been completed Sectoral policies reviewed Sectoral policies reviewed Sectoral policies reviewed Sectoral policies reviewed Sectoral policies reviewed Project management approach for the department institutionalized Front-end of the programme/ projects management system designed Project assessment report approved Project assessment report approved Project assessment report approved Project assessment report approved Project assessment report approved 29
Strategic Goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector Strategic Objective 2.1: Ensure increased production and productivity in prioritised areas as well as value chains INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Number of Animal improvement schemes for prioritized value chain commodities monitored - 2 animal improvement schemes monitored (Kaonafatso ya dikgomo and poultry) 2 animal improvement schemes monitored 2 animal improvement schemes monitored 2 animal improvement schemes monitored 2 animal improvement schemes monitored Number of plant improvement schemes for prioritised value chain commodities monitored - 2 plant improvement schemes monitored (seed and fruit) 2 plant improvement schemes monitored 2 plant improvement schemes monitored 2 plant improvement schemes monitored 2 plant improvement schemes monitored Number of aquaculture catalyst projects identified and listed under Operation Phakisa supported 10 fish farms supported 4 Operation Phakisa projects for phase 1 supported 5 Operation Phakisa projects for phase 1 supported. 3 operation phakisa projects for phase 2 supported 4 Operation Phakisa projects for phase 3 supported 4 Operation Phakisa projects for phase 3 supported 3 Operation Phakisa projects for phase 3 supported 30
Strategic Goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector cont 31 Strategic Objective 2.1: Ensure increased production and productivity in prioritised areas as well as value chains cont. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Number of aquaculture research projects conducted Research projects on inter actions between aquaculture operations and the environment 2 new research studies on genetics and nutrition for aquaculture species conducted 2 new research studies on new candidate Species for aquaculture conducted 2 new research studies on production systems for new candidate species for aquaculture conducted 2 new research studies on economics of new Candidate species for aquaculture conducted 2 new research studies on food safety for new aquaculture species conducted
Strategic Goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector Strategic Objective 2.2. Effective management of bio-security and related sector risks INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Number of Planned animal disease risk surveillance conducted 2 planned animal disease surveillances were conducted (National pig survey and avian influenza) 2 animal disease surveillance surveys conducted (avian influenza and PPR) 2 animal disease surveillance surveys conducted (African horse sickness and avian influenza) 2 animal disease surveillance surveys conducted (African horse sickness and avian influenza) 1 animal surveillance surveys conducted 1 animal surveillance surveys conducted Number of Planned plant disease risk surveillance conducted A final report on the National Exotic Fruit Fly Surveillance Programme of South Africa was concluded 1 plant disease and pest risk surveillance conducted (exotic fruit fly) 1 plant disease and pest risk surveillance conducted (exotic fruit fly) 1 plant pest surveillance conducted (exotic fruit fly) 1 plant pest surveillance conducted (exotic fruit fly) 1 plant pest surveillance conducted (exotic fruit fly) 32
Strategic Goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector cont. Strategic Objective 2.2. Effective management of bio-security and related sector risks cont INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Number of regulatory compliance and monitoring interventions implemented An annual report on the regulatory compliance and monitoring interventions concluded 4 regulatory interventions implemented (quarantine inspections, surveillance and testing) 4 regulatory interventions implemented (quarantine inspections, surveillance and testing) 4 regulatory interventions implemented (quarantine inspections, surveillance and testing) 4 regulatory interventions Implemented (quarantine inspections, surveillance and Testing) 4 regulatory interventions Implemented (quarantine inspections, surveillance and testing) Number of veterinary graduates deployed to rural communities - 140 veterinary graduates deployed to rural communities 140 veterinary graduates deployed to rural communities 150 veterinary graduates deployed to rural communities 150 veterinary graduates deployed to rural communities 160 veterinary graduates deployed to rural communities Number of primary animal health care Clinics delivered to provinces - 18 primary animal health care clinics delivered to provinces -- - - 33
Strategic Goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector cont. 34 Strategic Objective 2.2. Effective management of bio-security and related sector risks cont INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Animal Disease Management Plan implemented - Developed a Veterinary Strategy Develop enabling Legislation for the implementation of the strategy Develop finance plans for the strategy Animal Disease Management Plan developed Implement strategy
Strategic Goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector cont. 35 2.3. Ensure support for market access and processing of agriculture, forestry and Fisheries Products INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Enabling environment for smallholder access to markets 9 smallholder and commercial producers In rural areas linked to mainstream markets And downstream Agro-processing enterprises 183264128256 Value Chain Round tables/ networks implemented A comprehensive progress report on the Activities and the work of the AVCRT and its Working groups sent to the Minister and the DG Aquaculture Value Chain Round-Table (AVCRT)/ network implemented Aquaculture Value Chain Round- Table (AVCRT)/ network implemented Aquaculture Value Chain Round- Table (AVCRT)/ network implemented Aquaculture Value Chain Round- Table (AVCRT)/ network implemented Aquaculture Value Chain Round- Table (AVCRT)/ network implemented Fruit Industry Value Chain Round Table (FIVCRT)/ network implemented FIVCRT/ network implemented FIVCRT/ network implemented FIVCRT/ network implemented FIVCRT/ network implemented
Strategic Goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector cont. 36 2.3. Ensure support for market access and processing of agriculture, forestry and Fisheries Products Cont. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Trade Competitiveness Development Plan implemented - Market opportunity Profile report Market opportunity Profile plan Market Opportunity Profile Plan implemented Market Opportunity Profile Plan implemented Market Opportunity Profile Plan implemented - Implement trade agreements and participate in trade negotiations - Implement Capacity Building Programme On market research And market intelligence Implement Capacity Building Programme On market research And market intelligence Implement Capacity Building Programme On market research And market intelligence Implement Capacity Building Programme On market research And market intelligence Implement Capacity Building Programme On market research And market intelligence
Strategic Goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector cont. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 37 2.3. Ensure support for market access and processing of agriculture, forestry and Fisheries Products Cont. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 International Relations Strategy implemented Implementation Of bilateral Engagements and new agreements facilitated Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within South-South, North-South and multilateral agencies/ forums Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within South-South, North-South and multilateral Agencies/forums Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within South-South, North-South and multilateral agencies/ forums Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within South-South, North-South and multilateral Agencies/forums Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within South-South, North-South and multilateral Agencies/forums - Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within Africa and Africa Multilateral agencies for Implementation of the joint projects and action plans Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within Africa and Africa Multilateral agencies for Implementation of the joint projects And action plans Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within Africa and Africa Multilateral agencies for Implementation of the joint projects And action plans Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within Africa and Africa Multilateral agencies for Implementation of the joint projects And action plans Report on strategic Engagement of Partners within Africa and Africa Multilateral agencies for Implementation of the joint projects And action plans CAADP provincial Consultations held in all 9 provinces in preparation of the signing of CAADP compact DAFF nation CAADP investment plan approved and lounged Review and monitor The national AFF Investment Plan Adapt the CAADP Results. Framework Developed by NPCA to determine impact of the national AFF Investment Plan Report to AU on the implementation of National AFF Investment Plan Report to AU on the implementation of National AFF Investment Plan
Strategic Goal 2: Enhance production, employment and economic growth in the sector cont. 38 2.3. Ensure support for market access and processing of agriculture, forestry and Fisheries Products Cont. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Number of commodity-based cooperatives established 11 commodity- based cooperatives established 18 16 1412 Number of cooperatives supported with training A total of 175 cooperatives were supported with training 90108118126144 Report on implementation of the AgriBEE Sector Code - Annual report on status of transformation in agricultural sector Report on implementation of the Forestry Sector Code - Annual report on status of transformation in the forestry sector
Strategic Goal 3: Enabling environment for food security and sector transformation. 39 Strategic Objective 3.1. Lead and coordinate government food security Initiatives INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security implemented National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security approved Coordinate implementation Of National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security Coordinate Establishment of National Food and Nutrition Security Advisory Committee Coordinate Implementation of National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security Coordinate Implementation of National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security. Review Policy on National Food and Nutrition Security Review National Policy on Food And Nutrition Security Number of hectares of underutilized land in communal areas cultivated for production - 120 000 ha Number of households benefiting from food and nutrition Security initiatives - 40 000 Smallholder Producers established and supported 15 000 16 000
Strategic Goal 3: Enabling environment for food security and sector transformation. 40 Strategic Objective 3.1. Lead and coordinate government food security Initiatives INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Small-scale Fisheries Policy implemented Interim relief Measures on Providing access to marine resources Rights allocated to registered Smallscale fisheries cooperatives Support programmes Facilitated to smallscale fisheries cooperatives Management and monitoring Of the smallscale Fisheries sector Management And monitoring of the smallscale Fisheries sector Management and Monitoring of the Smallscale fisheries sector Rights allocated to 9 fishing sectors FRAP 2013 policies Develop sector specific Policies and allocate rights to 9 fishing sectors Maintain and manage fishing sectors Maintain and manage Fishing sectors Policy review of fishing Sectors which rights expire by 2020 -
Strategic Goal 3: Enabling environment for food security and sector transformation. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 41 3.2. Enhance capacity for efficient delivery in the sector INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 National Agriculture. Forestry and Fisheries Education and Training NAFFET) Strategy implemented - National AFF Education and Training implementation Forum established Implement National AFF Education and Training Strategy Implementation Of National AFF Education and Training Strategy Review and implement AFF Education And Training Strategy Implement National AFF Education And Training Strategy National Policy on Extension and Advisory Services approved and implemented - Facilitate the approval of the National Policy on Extension and Advisory Services Through the intergovernmental Approval processes Facilitate the approval of the National Policy on Extension and Advisory Services Through the Cabinet processes Implement National Policy on Extension and Advisory Services Implement National Policy on Extension and Advisory Services Implement National Policy on Extension and Advisory Services Number of Extension support practitioners deployed to commodity organisations - 20
Strategic Goal 3: Enabling environment for food security and sector transformation. INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 42 3.3 Strengthen comprehensive support systems and programmes INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Policy on comprehensive producer development support developed and implemented - Policy on comprehensive producer development support developed Policy on comprehensive producer development support approved by Cabinet Coordinate the implementation Of policy on comprehensive producer development support Coordinate the implementation Of policy on comprehensive Producer development support Coordinate the implementation Of policy on comprehensive producer development support
Strategic Goal 4. Sustainable use of natural resources in the sector INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 43 4.1 Ensure the conservation, protection, rehabilitation and recovery of depleted and degraded natural Resources INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Number of ha planted in temporary Unplanted areas (TUPs) TUPs 2 005,41 1 725 ha Number of plantations Certified for Forestry Stewardship Council - 111-- Environmental impact Assessments conducted - Environmental Impact assessments Conducted in KZN Environmental impact assessments Conducted in EC Environmental Impact assessments Conducted in EC Environmental impact assessments Conducted in EC Environmental impact assessments Conducted in EC Agroforestry strategy Developed and implemented - Agro forestry Strategy developed Agro forestry Strategy approved by EXCO Agro forestry Strategy implemented Agro forestry Strategy implemented Agro forestry Strategy implemented Number of ha in Irrigation schemes revitalised 265 ha were revitalized at Vaalharts irrigation scheme 250 ha National plan to conserve diversity of animal genetic resources for food and agriculture implemented - - National Plan for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources developed National plans for Conservation and Sustainable use of farm animal Genetic resources implemented National plans for Conservation and Sustainable use of farm animal Genetic resources implemented National plans for Conservation and Sustainable use of farm animal Genetic resources implemented
Strategic Goal 4. Sustainable use of natural resources in the sector cont INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 44 Strategic Objective 4.1 Ensure the conservation, protection, rehabilitation and recovery of depleted and degraded natural Resources cont INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Promulgation of the Preservation and development of Agricultural Land Framework Bill by cabinet - Draft PDALF Bill Certification of the draft Bill by office of the State law advisor Submit certified draft Bill to Cabinet Submit the draft Bill to the President for assent Promulgation of the draft Bill Number of ha of Agricultural land rehabilitated Total ha rehabilitated of Agricultural land 43 983,01 16000 ha Number of ha of Woodlands and indigenous forests rehabilitated Total ha rehabilitated: Woodland: 612,31 300 ha of Woodlands and indigenous forests 300 ha of woodlands and indigenous forests 300 ha of Woodlands and indigenous forests 300 ha of woodlands and indigenous forests 300 ha of Woodlands and indigenous forests National plan to conserve diversity of plant genetic Resources for food and agriculture implemented - National Plan for Conservation and Sustainable use of farm Animal Genetic resources Resources developed -National Plans for Conservation and sustainable use of Plant genetic resources Implemented National Plans for Conservation and Sustainable use of plant genetic resources implemented National plans for Conservation and Sustainable use of plant genetic Resources implemented
Strategic Goal 4. Sustainable use of natural resources in the sector cont INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 45 4.1 Ensure the conservation, protection, rehabilitation and recovery of depleted and degraded natural Resources cont INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Plan to recover and maintain prioritized fish stock Annual TACs/ TAEs in abalone, hake, WCRL and linefish set in line with the Agreed Operational Management Procedure (OMP) Recovery plans for the 3 sectors: Abalone, WCRL and deep water hake updated Recovery plans for the 3 sectors: Abalone, hake updated Recovery plans for the 3 sectors: Abalone, WCRL and deep water hake updated Recovery plans for the 3 sectors: Abalone, hake updated Recovery plans for the 3 sectors: Abalone, WCRL and deep water hake updated - Research report to Indicate fish stock Levels compiled Research report to Indicate fish stock Levels compiled Research Reports Compiled for 2 sectors Research Reports Compiled for 2 sectors Research Reports Compiled for 2 sectors IFSS implemented through inspections. investigations and joint operations with partners - 26 operations Comp = 12; M&S = 6 FPV = 8 30 operations Comp = 14 M&S = 8 FPV = 8 33 operations Comp = 16; M&S = 9 FPV = 8 35 operations Comp = 16 M&S = 10 FPV = 9 35 operations Comp = 16 M&S = 10 FPV = 9 IFSS implemented By conducting 679 sea-based inspection, 1 557 land-based vessels Inspection and 292 Investigations of Rights holders 4 548 compliance And enforcement Measures the 4 Prioritized fisheries sectors: Hake, abalone, rock lobster and linefish implemented 4 548 compliance and enforcement Measures in the 4 Prioritized fisheries sectors: Hake, abalone, rock lobster and linefish implemented 4 548compliance And enforcement Measures in the 4 Prioritized fisheries sectors: Hake, abalone, rock lobster and linefish implemented 4 548 compliance And enforcement Measures in the 4 Prioritized fisheries sectors: Hake, abalone, rock lobster and linefish implemented 4 548 compliance and enforcement Measures in the 4 Prioritized fisheries sectors: Hake, abalone, rock lobster and linefish implemented
Strategic Goal 4. Sustainable use of natural resources in the sector cont INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 46 4.2. Ensure adaptation and mitigation to climate change through effective implementation of prescribed frameworks INDICATORAUDITED BASELINE 2015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan for agriculture, Forestry, and fisheries implemented Climate change Adaptation and mitigation Programmes developed Implement Climate Change Plan through the biogas Production integrated Crop- livestock system Implement Climate Change Plan through Vulnerability mapping for farming systems Evaluate the implementation of the climate change plan CC Mitigation and Adaptation Plan approved by EXCO CC Mitigation and Adaptation Plan implemented Aquaculture Act implemented as per Operation Phakisa - Bill submitted to Parliament for approval Bill approved and implemented Aquaculture Act implemented
Staff Establishment Personnel post status as at 1 January 2014 LevelsNumber of posts on approved Establishment Number of funded posts Number of posts Additional to the establishment Department6 965 63 Salary levels 1-6 4 135 40 Salary levels 7-10 2 237 4 Salary levels 11-12 465 11 Salary levels 13-16 128 8 47
Staff Establishment Personnel post status as at 1 January 2014 LevelsNumber of posts on approved Establishment Number of funded posts Number of posts Additional to the establishment Department6 965 63 Salary levels 1-6 4 135 40 Salary levels 7-10 2 237 4 Salary levels 11-12 465 11 Salary levels 13-16 128 8 48
Per Programme Programme2014/15 2015/16 2016/172017/18 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Administration 694 570 729 947 765 329 802 265 Agricultural production, health & food safety 2 199 796 2 134 7701 921 827 2 153 776 Food security & agrarian reform 1 711 095 1 930 297 1 942 841 2 081 535 Trade promotion and market access 294 223 238 162 295 629 263 893 Forestry & natural resources management 1 364 923 906 564 954 042 987 449 Fisheries 427 776 443 267 462 871 488 542 TOTAL 6 692 383 6 383 007 6 342 539 6 777 460 50
Per Economic Classification 51 2014/15 2015/16 2016/172017/18 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Compensation of employees 1 697 911 1 737 802 1 837 243 1 959 497 Goods and services 856 230 846 963 836 514 859 469 Interest and rent on land 1 169 1 532 1 683 1 803 Payments for financial assets - - - - Transfers and subsidies4 035 434 3 700 507 3 572 184 3 854 051 Payments for capital assets 101 639 96 203 94 915 102 640 TOTAL 6 692 383 6 383 007 6 342 539 6 777 460
Detail per programme 1 - Administration 52 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Ministry 31 887 33 798 35 382 37 329 Department Management 23 851 23 443 24 642 25 982 Financial Administration 150 341 170 668 177 920 188 247 Internal Audit 8 515 8 011 8 150 8 554 Corporate Services 159 000 163 811 170 197 180 631 Stakeholder Relations, Communication & Legal Services 74 77972 750 75 585 79 858 Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 79 50378 460 86 689 87 349 Office Accommodation 166 694 179 006 186 764 194 315 Total 694 570 729 947 765 329 802 265
Programme 1 – Per economic classification 53 2014/152015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Compensation of employees 369 727391 806 411 219 437 994 Goods and services 300 646 309 897 326 040 332 178 Interest and rent on land - - - - Transfers & subsidies 16 795 17 281 18 219 19 094 Payment for capital assets 7 402 10 963 9 851 12 999 Payment for financial assets - - - - Total 694 570 729 947 765 329 802 265
Detail per programme 2 – Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety 54 2014/152015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Management 2 866 2 756 2 824 2 632 Inspection & Laboratory Services 315 530 321 630 336 884 360 472 Plant Production & Health 541 047 549 578 575 027 611 151 Animal Production and Health 311 202 456 873 194 103 204 938 Agricultural Research 1 029 151 803 933 812 989 974 583 Total 2 199 796 2 134 770 1 921 827 2 153 776
Programme 2 – Per economic classification 55 2014/152015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Compensation of employees 409 126 423 781 2 824 487 817 Goods and services 154 987155 819 336 884 156 093 Interest and rent on land - - 575 027 - Transfers & subsidies 1 627 286 1 553 127 194 103 1 507 734 Payment for capital assets 8 397 2 043 812 989 2 132 Payment for financial assets - - - - Total 2 199 796 2 134 770 1 921 827 2 153 776
Detail per programme 3 – Food Security and Agrarian Reform 56 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Management 2 796 2 781 2 876 3 021 Food Security 1 067 524 1 298 028 1 322 573 1 426 039 Sector Capacity Development 251 485255 708 232 148 248 157 National Extension Support Services 389 290 373 780 385 244 404 318 Total 1 711 095 1 930 297 1 942 841 2 081 535
Programme 3 – Per economic classification 57 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Compensation of employees 125 078 134 296 141 640 150 299 Goods and services 149 257 136 497 106 170 109 409 Interest and rent on land - - - - Transfers & subsidies 1 396 241 1 620 392 1 655 320 1 780 332 Payment for capital assets 40 519 39 112 39 711 41 495 Payment for financial assets - - - - Total 1 711 095 1 930 297 1 942 841 2 081 535
Detail per programme 4 – Trade Promotion and Market Access 58 2014/152015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 Management 2 792 2 732 2 809 2 963 International Relations & Trade 117 156112 385 115 838 122 114 Cooperatives & Rural Business Development 118 014 68 240 120 962 74 676 Agro-Processing & Marketing 56 261 54 805 56 020 64 140 Total 294 223 238 162 295 629 263 893
Programme 4 – Per economic classification 59 2014/152015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000R’000 R’000 R’000 Compensation of employees 88 50791 186 95 576 99 279 Goods and services 43 72840 559 41 588 45 516 Interest and rent on land - - - - Transfers & subsidies 161 606 105 968 158 112 118 741 Payment for capital assets 382 449 353 357 Payment for financial assets - - - - Total 294 223 238 162 295 629 263 893
Detail per programme 5 – Forestry and Natural Resources Management 60 2014/152015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000R’000 R’000 R’000 Management 6 580 6 516 3 939 3 759 Forestry Operations 485 182 469 531 487 978 516 102 Forestry Regulations & Oversight 58 995 55 092 57 992 61 107 Natural Resources Management 814 166 375 425 404 133 406 481 Total 1 364 923 906 564 954 042 987 449
Programme 5 – Per economic classification 61 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000R’000 R’000 R’000 Compensation of employees 529 028 512 089 541 414 577 430 Goods and services 207 612 204 191 210 308 216 273 Interest and rent on land 1 169 1 532 1 683 1 803 Transfers & subsidies 582 175 145 116 157 728 146 286 Payment for capital assets 44 939 43 636 42 909 45 657 Payment for financial assets - - - - Total 1 364 923 906 564 954 042 987 449
Detail per programme 6 – Fisheries 62 2014/152015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000R’000 R’000 R’000 Management 2 065 2 168 2 283 2 427 Aquaculture 32 373 32 298 34 010 36 152 Monitoring Control and Surveillance 69 772 72 950 76 818 81 656 Marine Resources Management 18 648 19 653 20 694 21 998 Fisheries Research & Development 53 587 57 575 60 625 64 445 Marine Living Resources Fund 251 331 258 623 268 441 281 864 Total 427 776 443 267 462 871 488 542
Programme 6 – Per economic classification 63 2014/152015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000R’000 R’000 R’000 Compensation of employees 176 445184 644 194 430 206 678 Transfers & subsidies 251 331258 623 268 441 281 864 Total 427 776443 267 462 871 488 542
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