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Solving the Mapping Problem in UI Design by Seamless Integration in I DEAL XML Francisco Montero LoUISE Research Group University of Castilla-La Mancha.

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1 Solving the Mapping Problem in UI Design by Seamless Integration in I DEAL XML Francisco Montero LoUISE Research Group University of Castilla-La Mancha Belgian Laboratory of Computer-Human Interaction Université catholique de Louvain

2 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Table of contents The problem with mapping models A language: usiXMLusiXML A tool: I DEAL XMLI DEAL XML Solution: experience documented by using patterns –Domain model –Task model –Presentation model –Mapping model Conclusions and future works

3 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Problem MDA is a new way of writing specifications, based on a platform-independent model [OMG]. The mapping problem is the problem of solving the transformations necessary to convert information in abstract models to concrete models close to a concrete user interface [Puerta et al., 1999]. Mapping to the supported MDA platforms will be implemented by tools, easing the task of supporting new or different technologies [OMG]. OMG is in the ideal position to provide the model- based standards that are necessary to extend integration beyond the middleware approach... Now is the time for the MDA [Soley, 2000].

4 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 source:

5 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Tendency In the 1980’s: Everything is an object In the 2000’s: Everything is a model models: explicitly capture knowledge about UI and Interactive Applications with appropriate abstractions

6 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 usiXML USer Interface eXtensible Markup Language usiXML is a XML-compliant markup language that describes the UI for multiple contexts of use such as Character User Interfaces (CUIs), Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), Auditory User Interfaces, and Multimodal User Interfaces. usiXML is defined in a set of XML schemas. Each schema corresponds to one of the models (domain, task, presentation, mapping, etc) in the scope of the language.

7 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Mappings in usiXML Observes:...........(IO x domain (a/m)) Updates:.............(IO x attribute) Triggers:.............(IO x method) isExecutedIn:......(task x IO) isReified:.............(AIO x CIO) IsAbstractedInto:.(CIO x AIO) IsAdapted:..........(IO x IO) Manipulates:.......(task x domain) HasContext:........(ANY x context of use) Captions: IO: Interaction Object AIO: Abstract IO CIO: Concrete IO

8 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 What is I DEAL XML? It is a pattern-oriented tool. By using this environment you can edit, manipulate, view and learn about patterns. It is based on PLML [Fincher et al., 2003], but additional elements are provided. You can create a pattern repository, and then distribute your repository to other people. You can edit textual features associated with a pattern, such as: name, alias, problem, context, solution, synopsis, rationale, etc. You can edit diagrams (models) using meaningful notations from Software Engineering (UML) and Human-Computer Interaction (CTT).

9 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05

10 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05

11 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05

12 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05

13 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05

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16 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 CTT notation (task model) class diagram (domain model) AIO notation (presentation model) container component input output navigation control select abstract task interaction task application task user task cooperation task class attribute method dependency association generalization aggregation composition

17 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 triggers (tg):{, } x updates (up): x observes (ob): x isExecutedIn (ex): x manipulates (ma):{, } x These mappings can be established:

18 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05

19 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 example figures pattern description (xml) diagrams - models (usixml)

20 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Patterns are experience Experience can be modelled (learned, and reused)

21 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Domain model Collaboration patterns [Nicola et al., 2001] ActorRole 1 0..* OuterPlace Place 1 1..* performs ItemSpecificItem 1 0..* has copies AssemblyPart 1 1..* ContainerContent 1 0..* Group Member 0..* RoleTransaction 1 0..* CompositeTr LineItem 1 1..* handles SpecificItTransaction 1 0..* involved in SpecificItLineItem 1 0..* appeared in TransactionFollowupTr 1 0..* related to PlaceTransaction 1 0..* conducts

22 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Task and Presentation models Just-UI [Molina, 2002] patterns are documented using CTT [Paternò, 1999], but these patterns are not used using these models. We have many interaction patterns catalogs –[Tidwell, 1999] –[Welie, 2000] –[van Duyne et al., 2002] –[Graham, 2002] –[Montero et al., 2002] –many other references but, these patterns are only descriptions using natural language These patterns need to be modelled

23 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Presentation model Patterns are solutions recurring solutions to design problems you see over and over [ The Smalltalk Companion ] A pattern addresses a recurring design problem that arises in specific design situations and presents a solution to it. [Buschmann et al. 1996]

24 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Mapping model (i) (an example: narrative pattern [Tidwell, 1999]) Context: There is a need to convey information to the user; the information is closely interrelated, but of diverse kinds, and there may be some subjectivity involved. Problem: In what form should the information be displayed to the user? Solution: Convey the information via natural language. Use all you learned in high-school English class about good writing. If users might be skimming the text to find specific data items, use color, fonts, and white space to set off items of interest; for readability in some situations, try using "senselining."

25 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Mapping model (ii) (an example: narrative pattern [Tidwell, 1999]) Item ItemName : string description : string SpecificItem SpName : string description : string 1 0..* has copies info close showStatus* [collaction] close Task* Root view get create notify/update create/service

26 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Mapping model (iii) (an example: narrative pattern [Tidwell, 1999]) Item ItemName : string description : string SpecificItem SpName : string description : string 1 0..* has copies show* collaction close Task* Root info close link down view[task] link[download] select download [next] [back] [print] [search] [error] showError confirm [home].... notify/update get create service

27 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Mapping model (iv) Swing

28 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Mapping model (v) MIDP

29 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Conclusions MDA is the actual tendency Everithing are models Patterns can be modeled Patterns are design solutions Quality features are related with patterns User interface development can be improved by using interaction patterns Patterns can be used by users and designers, examples and models are useful to them respectively

30 Newcastle, July 13–15, 2005DSV-IS’05 Thank you! Francisco Montero LoUISE Research Group University of Castilla-La Mancha Belgian Laboratory of Computer-Human Interaction Université catholique de Louvain

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