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© Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Another Presentation © 2002 - All rights Reserved

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2 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved

3 Another Presentation © 2002 - All rights Reserved

4 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

5 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Round 1Round 2 Final Jeopardy

6 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Air Pressure Scientific Method Air Around You Atmosphe re Mystery Category $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Round 2 Final Jeopardy Scores

7 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Question: What is the definition of atmosphere?

8 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 ANSWER: the layer of gases that surrounds the planet Scores

9 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Question: What is ozone?

10 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 ANSWER: a form of oxygen that has three oxygen atoms in each molecule instead of the usual two Scores

11 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 Question: What does water vapor mean?

12 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 ANSWER: water in the form of a gas Scores

13 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 QUESTION: What is Earth’s atmosphere made of?

14 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 ANSWER: Earth’s atmosphere is made up of nitrogen (the most abundant gas 78%), oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and many other gases, as well as particles of liquids and solids. Scores

15 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 QUESTION: Give three ways in which the atmosphere makes life suitable for living things. Scores

16 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 QUESTION: Define inferring.

17 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 ANSWER: explaining or interpreting an observation Scores

18 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 QUESTION: Define hypothesis

19 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 ANSWER: a prediction or a guess about why or how something happens Scores

20 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 QUESTION: a hypothesis is written as an If, ______, because statement. Fill in the blank.

21 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 ANSWER: If, THEN, because statement Scores

22 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved

23 $400 QUESTION: Name the FIVE steps of the scientific method in order.

24 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 ANSWER: 1.Purpose 2.Developing a hypothesis 3.Testing your hypothesis 4.Recording your observations 5.Drawing a conclusion ANSWER: 1.Purpose 2.Developing a hypothesis 3.Testing your hypothesis 4.Recording your observations 5.Drawing a conclusion Scores

25 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 QUESTION: Contrast a Scientific Theory with a Scientific Law.

26 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 ANSWER: Scientific Theory- an idea that has been tested and is proven correct through observations Scientific Law- a theory that has been tested many times and has always been proven true ANSWER: Scientific Theory- an idea that has been tested and is proven correct through observations Scientific Law- a theory that has been tested many times and has always been proven true Scores

27 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 QUESTION: What is air pressure?

28 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 ANSWER: the result of the weight of a column of air pushing down on an area Scores

29 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 QUESTION: What are the two kinds of barometers?

30 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 ANSWER: Aneroid and mercury barometers Scores

31 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 QUESTION: As air pressure decreases, what happens to the altitude? Describe.

32 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 ANSWER: The altitude increases (or goes up), when there is less air above it, there is less mass forcing the particles together. Scores

33 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 QUESTION: Describe the two types of barometers. Tell how they are similar and how they are different.

34 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 ANSWER: Both barometers are instruments used to measure air pressure. Aneroid- means “without liquid” uses a metal box that responds to changes in air pressure by pushing/pulling the outside walls. Mercury- uses a glass bowl that contains an upside-down tube that is partially filled with mercury. As the outside air pressure changes, the mercury will rise up or fall down in the tube, indicating changes in air pressure. Scores

35 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 QUESTION: Describe the three properties of air, and how they can change.

36 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 ANSWER: three properties of air- mass, density and pressure. Each of these properties can change according to altitude and pressure. Scores

37 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 QUESTION: What does the prefix “tropo” mean?

38 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 ANSWER: turning or changing, used to describe the lowest layer of our atmosphere Scores

39 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 QUESTION: What does the prefix “strato” mean?

40 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 ANSWER: means “layer” or “spread out”, used to describe the second layer of our atmosphere Scores

41 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 QUESTION: What are the layers of our atmosphere?

42 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 ANSWER: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere (broken into the Ionosphere and Exosphere) Scores

43 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 QUESTION: Describe two of the layers of our atmosphere in detail.

44 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 ANSWER: Scores

45 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 QUESTION: Explain the Thermosphere, including each of the sub layers.

46 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 ANSWER: Thermosphere is the highest layer of our atmosphere. It is broken into the Ionosphere and the exosphere. The Ionosphere is the first layer and it is where the Nothern Lights occur. The Exosphere is the outer layer of our atmosphere and satellites are found in this layer. Scores

47 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 QUESTION: Define aurora borealis.

48 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 ANSWER: brilliant displays of light found in the Ionosphere (also called Nothern Lights) Scores

49 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 QUESTION: What does the prefix “thermo” mean?

50 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 ANSWER: “thermo” means heat, used to describe the Thermosphere Scores

51 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 QUESTION: The air contains about ______ % oxygen.

52 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 ANSWER: 21 Scores

53 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 QUESTION: The density of the air would be greatest at _____________

54 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 ANSWER: sea level Scores

55 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 QUESTION: Name two common units to measure air pressure

56 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 ANSWER: millibars, used by the National Weather Service and inches of mercury used by local weather reports Scores

57 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 QUESTON:

58 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 ANSWER: Scores

59 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 QUESTION:

60 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 ANSWER: Scores

61 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 QUESTION:

62 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 ANSWER: Scores

63 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 QUESTION:

64 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 ANSWER: Scores

65 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 QUESTION:

66 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 ANSWER: Scores

67 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5 Subject 6 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Round 1 Final Jeopardy Scores

68 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Enter Answer Here for Category 1 - Question 1 Enter Answer Here for Category 1 - Question 1

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