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MERCURY By Abigail Hershberger. WHAT IS MERCURY? Mercury- a poisonous heavy silver-white metallic element that is liquid at room temperature.

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Presentation on theme: "MERCURY By Abigail Hershberger. WHAT IS MERCURY? Mercury- a poisonous heavy silver-white metallic element that is liquid at room temperature."— Presentation transcript:

1 MERCURY By Abigail Hershberger

2 WHAT IS MERCURY? Mercury- a poisonous heavy silver-white metallic element that is liquid at room temperature.

3 WHAT IS IT USED FOR? It was used in some teeth powders, it was made in paints, it was used in hat factories to make felt, and used in thermometers.

4 NAMED AFTER? Mercury was named after a roman god. Also the planet Mercury.

5 OTHER NAMES? It is often called Quick Silver.

6 IN THE ATOM! It has 80 protons in the nucleus. It has 80 electrons traveling around on the energy level rings. It has 6 energy level rings. It has 121 neutrons in the nucleus.

7 INFO ON IT? A “Bass” fish has a high mercury level. Melting point- -37.89F It is a liquid. Boiling point- 674.11F Commonly found-in earths crust. State of matter-68F


9 PINKS DISEASE! Pinks Disease-is caused by mercury being exposed to infants its not common anymore because we don’t use mercury very much anymore. It would cause your skin to peel off.

10 MERCURY SWITCHES! It is a switch which opens and closes an electrical circuit through a small amount of liquid mercury.

11 “MAD AS A HATTER” The term “Mad as a Hatter” was originated from the mercury used in hat factories to make felt. They suffered from hair, teeth, and memory loss.

12 THANKS! 5.Under Standing the Elements of the Periodic Table Mercury


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